Commit e57a80e9 authored by Mamta Shukla's avatar Mamta Shukla

sw: spi: Add check for Divider value

Adding condition to warn about 0 divider value.
It was observed while accessing svec-flash, if frequency for flash is not defined correctly i.e
in operation range of chip and host(i.e vme or pci), divider value 0 doesn't allow flash transfers.

Signed-off-by Mamta Shukla <>
Suggested-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 347e0de1
......@@ -481,6 +481,12 @@ static int spi_ocores_sw_xfer_next_init(struct spi_ocores *sp)
hz = sp->master->cur_msg->spi->max_speed_hz;
divider = (sp->clock_hz / (hz * 2)) - 1;
if (WARN_ON(divider == 0)) {
dev_warn(&sp->master->dev, "divider value is 0\n");
divider =1;
spi_ocores_hw_xfer_config(sp, ctrl, divider);
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