Commit ac43a1db authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Add file.

parent cd3445d2
# Script to generate the buildinfo_pkg.vhd file
with open("buildinfo_pkg.vhd", "w") as f:
import subprocess
import time
commitid = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "log", "-1", "--format=%H"]).decode().strip()
userid = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "config", "--get", ""]).decode().strip()
f.write("-- Buildinfo for project {}\n".format(syn_top))
f.write("-- This file was automatically generated; do not edit\n")
f.write("package buildinfo_pkg is\n")
f.write(" constant buildinfo : string :=\n")
f.write(' "buildinfo:1" & LF\n')
f.write(' & "module:{}" & LF\n'.format(syn_top))
f.write(' & "commit:{}" & LF\n'.format(commitid))
f.write(' & "syntool:{}" & LF\n'.format(syn_tool))
f.write(' & "syndate:{}" & LF\n'.format(
time.strftime("%A, %B %d %Y", time.localtime())))
f.write(' & "synauth:{}" & LF;\n'.format(userid))
f.write('end buildinfo_pkg;\n')
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