Commit a461491a authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Merge branch 'fix-generate-cdc' into 'master'

generate_cdc_constraints: handle gc_sync_word_*

See merge request !41
parents a67a0f49 c3844bc6
......@@ -28,15 +28,21 @@
## obtain one at
# Note: you can make sure all warnings for unmatched pins are displayed using:
# set_msg_config -id "Vivado 12-508" -limit 999999
proc generate_gc_sync_constraints { f_out } {
set the_cells [ get_cells -hier -filter { REF_NAME=~gc_sync* } ]
set count 0
foreach cell $the_cells {
#skip gc_sync_ffs instances (as they contain a gc_sync inside)
if {[string first "gc_sync_ffs" [get_property REF_NAME [get_cells $cell]]] != -1} {
puts $f_out "#WARNING: skip gc_sync_ffs cell '$cell'"
#skip non gc_sync instances (as they contain a gc_sync inside)
set name [get_property REF_NAME $cell]
if {[string first "gc_sync_ffs" "$name"] != -1
|| [string first "gc_sync_word_" "$name"] != -1
|| [string first "gc_sync_register" "$name"] != -1} {
puts $f_out "#NOTE: skip '$name' cell '$cell'"
......@@ -51,7 +57,7 @@ proc generate_gc_sync_constraints { f_out } {
if { "$dst_ff" == "" } {
puts $f_out "#WARNING: can't find destination FF for cell '$cell'"
puts $f_out "#WARNING: can't find destination FF for sync cell '$cell'"
......@@ -88,10 +94,8 @@ proc generate_gc_sync_register_constraints { f_out } {
set dst_ff_clr [get_pins -hier -filter "name=~$cell/sync*_*[*]/CLR" ]
puts $dst_ff
if { "$dst_ff" == "" } {
puts $f_out "#WARNING: can't find destination FF for cell '$cell'"
puts $f_out "#WARNING: can't find destination FF for sync reg cell '$cell'"
......@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ proc generate_gc_sync_register_constraints { f_out } {
set src_ff [get_cells -of_objects [get_pins -filter {IS_LEAF && DIRECTION == OUT} -of_objects [get_nets -segments -of_objects $dst_ff]]]
set clk_period [get_property PERIOD [ lindex $clk 0 ] ]
puts "Cell: $cell, src $src_ff, dst $dst_ff, clock $clk, period $clk_period"
puts $f_out "#Cell: $cell, src $src_ff, dst $dst_ff, clock $clk, period $clk_period"
puts $f_out "set_max_delay $clk_period -quiet -datapath_only -from { $src_ff } -to { $dst_ff }"
puts $f_out "set_bus_skew $clk_period -quiet -from { $src_ff } -to { $dst_ff }"
......@@ -112,6 +116,37 @@ proc generate_gc_sync_register_constraints { f_out } {
return $count
proc generate_gc_sync_word_constraints { f_out } {
set the_cells [ get_cells -hier -filter { REF_NAME=~gc_sync_word_* } ]
set count 0
foreach cell $the_cells {
set src_ffs [get_pins "$cell/gc_sync_word_data_reg[*]/Q" ]
if { "$src_ffs" == "" } {
puts $f_out "#WARNING: can't find source FF for cell '$cell'"
puts $f_out "#Cell: $cell"
foreach src_ff $src_ffs {
set src_nets [get_nets -segments -of_objects $src_ff]
set dst_pins [get_pins -filter {DIRECTION==IN} -of_objects $src_nets]
set dst_ff [get_cells -of_objects $dst_pins]
set clk [ get_clocks -of_objects [ get_pins -filter {REF_PIN_NAME=~C} -of $dst_ff ] ]
set clk_period [get_property PERIOD [ lindex $clk 0 ] ]
puts $f_out "set_max_delay $clk_period -datapath_only -from { $src_ff } -to { $dst_ff }"
incr count
return $count
proc generate_gc_reset_multi_aasd_constraints { f_out } {
set the_cells [ get_cells -hier -filter { REF_NAME=~gc_reset_multi_aasd* } ]
set count 0
......@@ -167,10 +202,12 @@ set f_out [open "gencores_constraints.xdc" w]
set n_gc_sync_cells [ generate_gc_sync_constraints $f_out ]
set n_gc_sync_register_cells [ generate_gc_sync_register_constraints $f_out ]
set n_gc_reset_multi_aasd_cells [ generate_gc_reset_multi_aasd_constraints $f_out ]
set n_gc_sync_word_cells [ generate_gc_sync_word_constraints $f_out ]
#set n_gc_falsepath_waiver_cells [ generate_gc_falsepath_waiver_constraints $f_out ]
puts "gencores CDC statistics: "
puts " - gc_sync: $n_gc_sync_cells instances"
puts " - gc_sync_register: $n_gc_sync_register_cells instances"
puts " - gc_sync_word: $n_gc_sync_word_cells instances"
puts " - gc_reset_multi_aasd: $n_gc_reset_multi_aasd_cells instances"
#puts " - gc_falsepath_waiver: $n_gc_falsepath_waiver_cells instances"
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