Commit a0aeffbb authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

gc_pulse_syncrhonizer2: use reset for the internal state

Needed to fix fmc-adc channel always 0 issue
parent 7d76d2b6
......@@ -89,31 +89,38 @@ begin -- rtl
p_input_ack : process(clk_in_i)
if rising_edge(clk_in_i) then
d_p_d0 <= d_p_i;
d_ack_d0 <= d_ack;
if ready = '1' and d_p_i = '1' and d_p_d0 = '0'then
-- Incoming pulse detected and the system is ready.
-- Transfer it.
in_ext <= '1';
-- Clear ack and ready!
d_ack <= '0';
ready <= '0';
elsif in_ext = '1' and out_feedback = '1' then
-- Pulse has been transfered, clear the input.
in_ext <= '0';
elsif in_ext = '0' and out_feedback = '0' then
-- Clear transfered. Done.
-- This is also the steady state.
d_ack <= '1';
if rst_in_n_i = '0' then
d_p_d0 <= '0';
d_ack <= '0';
d_ack_d0 <= '0';
ready <= '1';
end if;
if ready = '0' then
assert d_p_i = '0' or (d_p_i = '1' and d_p_d0 = '1')
report "request while previous one not completed"
severity ERROR;
in_ext <= '0';
d_p_d0 <= d_p_i;
d_ack_d0 <= d_ack;
if ready = '1' and d_p_i = '1' and d_p_d0 = '0'then
-- Incoming pulse detected and the system is ready.
-- Transfer it.
in_ext <= '1';
-- Clear ack and ready!
d_ack <= '0';
ready <= '0';
elsif in_ext = '1' and out_feedback = '1' then
-- Pulse has been transfered, clear the input.
in_ext <= '0';
elsif in_ext = '0' and out_feedback = '0' then
-- Clear transfered. Done.
-- This is also the steady state.
d_ack <= '1';
ready <= '1';
end if;
if ready = '0' then
assert d_p_i = '0' or (d_p_i = '1' and d_p_d0 = '1')
report "request while previous one not completed"
severity ERROR;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_input_ack;
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