Commit 9d62248e authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

radtol: improve secded_32b testbench

parent aae6f6df
......@@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ begin
data <= x"789a_d3f5";
syndrome <= "0000000";
wait for 1 ns;
assert f_ecc_errors (syndrome) = '0' severity failure;
assert f_ecc_one_error (syndrome) = '0' severity failure;
ecc <= f_calc_ecc (data);
-- Single error (detection and correction)
for i in 0 to 38 loop
err <= (others => '0');
if i < 32 then
......@@ -48,6 +52,8 @@ begin
wait for 1 ns;
syndrome <= ecc2 xor ecc;
wait for 1 ns;
assert f_ecc_errors (syndrome) = '1' severity failure;
assert f_ecc_one_error (syndrome) = '1' severity failure;
cor <= f_fix_error(syndrome, ecc2, data2);
wait for 1 ns;
report "data: " & image (data) & ", ecc: " & image (ecc) & ", err: " & image (err) & ", ecc/err: " & image(ecc2);
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