Commit 6df8f915 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

radtol/secded: add a testbench for secded_32b_pkg

parent 4f4faa78
......@@ -30,14 +30,21 @@ package secded_32b_pkg is
subtype ecc_word_t is std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
-- Compute the ECC bits for DATA.
-- The ECC is a xor of some DATA bits.
function f_calc_ecc (data : data_word_t) return ecc_word_t;
-- SYNDROME is the xor of read ECC and recomputed ECC.
-- The xor should be 0, except in case of errors.
-- Return '1' if there is a difference (so if SYNDROME is not 0)
function f_ecc_errors (syndrome : ecc_word_t) return std_logic;
-- Return '1' if only one bit of SYNDROME is 1, ie if there is only one error.
-- (in that case it could be fixed).
function f_ecc_one_error (syndrome : ecc_word_t) return std_logic;
function f_fix_error (syndrome : ecc_word_t;
data : std_logic_vector (38 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector;
ecc : ecc_word_t;
data : data_word_t) return std_logic_vector;
end secded_32b_pkg;
package body secded_32b_pkg is
......@@ -98,12 +105,15 @@ package body secded_32b_pkg is
end f_ecc_one_error;
function f_fix_error (syndrome : ecc_word_t;
data : std_logic_vector (38 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector
ecc : ecc_word_t;
data : data_word_t) return std_logic_vector
variable result : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '1');
variable corrected_word : std_logic_vector (38 downto 0);
variable result : data_word_t := (others => '1');
-- The data bits
-- Compute which data bits have been altered.
-- If a data bit is altered, its corresponding ECC bits are altered too.
-- So, conversely (and because there is only one error), the altered ECC bits
-- designate the altered data bit.
for i in 0 to 31 loop
for k in 0 to 6 loop
if syndrome_masks(k)(i) = '1' then
......@@ -112,14 +122,7 @@ package body secded_32b_pkg is
end loop;
end loop;
if f_or (result) = '1' then
corrected_word := data (38 downto 32) & (result xor data(31 downto 0));
elsif f_or (syndrome) = '1' then
corrected_word := (syndrome & result) xor data;
corrected_word := "0000000" & x"00000000";
end if;
return corrected_word;
-- Return the fixed ecc+data.
return (syndrome xor ecc) & (result xor data);
end f_fix_error;
end secded_32b_pkg;
\ No newline at end of file
end secded_32b_pkg;
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ begin
ack_correction <= '0';
done_w <= '0';
if req_correction = '1' and ack_correction = '0' then
q_ram <= f_fix_error (syndrome, d_ram_i);
q_ram <= f_fix_error (syndrome, d_ram_i(38 downto 32), d_ram_i (31 downto 0));
we_ram_o <= '1';
fsm_write <= check_write;
elsif we = '1' then
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.secded_32b_pkg.all;
entity tb_secded_32b_pkg is
end tb_secded_32b_pkg;
architecture behav of tb_secded_32b_pkg is
function image(v : std_logic_vector) return string
alias va : std_logic_vector(1 to v'length) is v;
variable res : string (va'range);
for i in va'range loop
if va (i) = '1' then
res (i) := '1';
res (i) := '0';
end if;
end loop;
return res;
end image;
signal data, err, data2 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal ecc, ecc2, syndrome : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal cor : std_logic_vector(38 downto 0);
data <= x"789a_d3f5";
wait for 1 ns;
ecc <= f_calc_ecc (data);
for i in 0 to 38 loop
err <= (others => '0');
if i < 32 then
err (i) <= '1';
wait for 1 ns;
data2 <= data xor err;
wait for 1 ns;
ecc2 <= f_calc_ecc (data2);
err (i - 32) <= '1';
wait for 1 ns;
ecc2 <= ecc xor err(6 downto 0);
data2 <= data;
end if;
wait for 1 ns;
syndrome <= ecc2 xor ecc;
wait for 1 ns;
cor <= f_fix_error(syndrome, ecc2, data2);
wait for 1 ns;
report "data: " & image (data) & ", ecc: " & image (ecc) & ", err: " & image (err) & ", ecc/err: " & image(ecc2);
report "cdata: " & image (cor(31 downto 0)) & ", cecc: " & image(cor(38 downto 32)) & " syndrome: " & image(syndrome);
assert cor(31 downto 0) = data severity failure;
assert cor(38 downto 32) = ecc severity failure;
end loop;
report "end of test";
end process;
end behav;
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