From e4f3f8c874cfec8f162bfc0da9794e66e39b911b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dimitris Lampridis <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 16:24:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] hdl: minor cleanup of async fifos sources

 .../genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo.vhd    | 112 +++++++++---------
 .../common/inferred_async_fifo_dual_rst.vhd   |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo.vhd b/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo.vhd
index 8cd8f658..6e746139 100644
--- a/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo.vhd
+++ b/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo.vhd
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ entity inferred_async_fifo is
   generic (
     g_data_width : natural;
     g_size       : natural;
-    g_show_ahead : boolean := false;
+    g_show_ahead : boolean := FALSE;
     -- Read-side flag selection
-    g_with_rd_empty        : boolean := true;   -- with empty flag
-    g_with_rd_full         : boolean := false;  -- with full flag
-    g_with_rd_almost_empty : boolean := false;
-    g_with_rd_almost_full  : boolean := false;
-    g_with_rd_count        : boolean := false;  -- with words counter
-    g_with_wr_empty        : boolean := false;
-    g_with_wr_full         : boolean := true;
-    g_with_wr_almost_empty : boolean := false;
-    g_with_wr_almost_full  : boolean := false;
-    g_with_wr_count        : boolean := false;
+    g_with_rd_empty        : boolean := TRUE;   -- with empty flag
+    g_with_rd_full         : boolean := FALSE;  -- with full flag
+    g_with_rd_almost_empty : boolean := FALSE;
+    g_with_rd_almost_full  : boolean := FALSE;
+    g_with_rd_count        : boolean := FALSE;  -- with words counter
+    g_with_wr_empty        : boolean := FALSE;
+    g_with_wr_full         : boolean := TRUE;
+    g_with_wr_almost_empty : boolean := FALSE;
+    g_with_wr_almost_full  : boolean := FALSE;
+    g_with_wr_count        : boolean := FALSE;
     g_almost_empty_threshold : integer;  -- threshold for almost empty flag
     g_almost_full_threshold  : integer   -- threshold for almost full flag
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ entity inferred_async_fifo is
     wr_empty_o        : out std_logic;
     wr_full_o         : out std_logic;
-    wr_almost_empty_o : out std_logic; -- TODO: assign
+    wr_almost_empty_o : out std_logic;  -- TODO: assign
     wr_almost_full_o  : out std_logic;
     wr_count_o        : out std_logic_vector(f_log2_size(g_size)-1 downto 0);
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ entity inferred_async_fifo is
     rd_empty_o        : out std_logic;
     rd_full_o         : out std_logic;
     rd_almost_empty_o : out std_logic;
-    rd_almost_full_o  : out std_logic; -- TODO: assign
+    rd_almost_full_o  : out std_logic;  -- TODO: assign
     rd_count_o        : out std_logic_vector(f_log2_size(g_size)-1 downto 0)
@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ architecture syn of inferred_async_fifo is
   function f_bin2gray(bin : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
-    return bin(bin'left) & (bin(bin'left-1 downto 0) xor bin(bin'left downto 1));
+    return bin(bin'LEFT) & (bin(bin'LEFT-1 downto 0) xor bin(bin'LEFT downto 1));
   end f_bin2gray;
   function f_gray2bin(gray : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
-    variable bin : std_logic_vector(gray'left downto 0);
+    variable bin : std_logic_vector(gray'LEFT downto 0);
     -- gray to binary
-    for i in 0 to gray'left loop
+    for i in 0 to gray'LEFT loop
       bin(i) := '0';
-      for j in i to gray'left loop
+      for j in i to gray'LEFT loop
         bin(i) := bin(i) xor gray(j);
       end loop;  -- j
     end loop;  -- i
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ architecture syn of inferred_async_fifo is
     bin_x, gray_x, gray_xm         : t_counter;
   end record;
-  type   t_mem_type is array (0 to g_size-1) of std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
+  type t_mem_type is array (0 to g_size-1) of std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
   signal mem : t_mem_type := (others => (others => '0'));
-  signal rcb, wcb                          : t_counter_block;
+  signal rcb, wcb : t_counter_block;
   signal rd_ptr_muxed : t_counter;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ architecture syn of inferred_async_fifo is
   signal going_full                        : std_logic;
   signal wr_count, rd_count : t_counter;
-  signal rd_int, we_int : std_logic;
+  signal rd_int, we_int     : std_logic;
   signal wr_empty_xm, wr_empty_x : std_logic;
   signal rd_full_xm, rd_full_x   : std_logic;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ begin  -- syn
   rd_int <= rd_i and not empty_int;
   we_int <= we_i and not full_int;
-  p_rd_ptr_mux: process(rcb, rd_int)
+  p_rd_ptr_mux : process(rcb, rd_int)
     if(rd_int = '1' and g_show_ahead) then
       rd_ptr_muxed <= rcb.bin_next;
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ begin  -- syn
     if rising_edge(clk_wr_i) then
       if(we_int = '1') then
-        mem(to_integer(unsigned(wcb.bin(wcb.bin'left-1 downto 0)))) <= d_i;
+        mem(to_integer(unsigned(wcb.bin(wcb.bin'LEFT-1 downto 0)))) <= d_i;
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_mem_write;
   p_mem_read : process(clk_rd_i)
     if rising_edge(clk_rd_i) then
       if(rd_int = '1' or g_show_ahead) then
-        q_int <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(rd_ptr_muxed(rd_ptr_muxed'left-1 downto 0))));
+        q_int <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(rd_ptr_muxed(rd_ptr_muxed'LEFT-1 downto 0))));
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_mem_read;
   q_o <= q_int;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ begin  -- syn
         wcb.gray <= wcb.gray_next;
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_write_ptr;
   rcb.bin_next  <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(rcb.bin) + 1);
   rcb.gray_next <= f_bin2gray(rcb.bin_next);
@@ -200,25 +200,25 @@ begin  -- syn
         rcb.gray <= rcb.gray_next;
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_read_ptr;
-    U_Sync1: gc_sync_register
+  U_Sync1 : gc_sync_register
     generic map (
       g_width => c_counter_bits)
     port map (
-      clk_i    => clk_wr_i,
-      rst_n_a_i  => rst_n_i,
-      d_i  => rcb.gray,
-      q_o => rcb.gray_x);
+      clk_i     => clk_wr_i,
+      rst_n_a_i => rst_n_i,
+      d_i       => rcb.gray,
+      q_o       => rcb.gray_x);
-    U_Sync2: gc_sync_register
+  U_Sync2 : gc_sync_register
     generic map (
       g_width => c_counter_bits)
     port map (
-      clk_i    => clk_rd_i,
-      rst_n_a_i  => rst_n_i,
-      d_i   => wcb.gray,
-      q_o => wcb.gray_x);
+      clk_i     => clk_rd_i,
+      rst_n_a_i => rst_n_i,
+      d_i       => wcb.gray,
+      q_o       => wcb.gray_x);
   wcb.bin_x <= f_gray2bin(wcb.gray_x);
   rcb.bin_x <= f_gray2bin(rcb.gray_x);
@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ begin  -- syn
         empty_int <= '0';
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_gen_empty;
-  U_Sync_Empty: gc_sync_ffs
+  U_Sync_Empty : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
       g_sync_edge => "positive")
     port map (
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ begin  -- syn
       data_i   => empty_int,
       synced_o => wr_empty_x);
-  U_Sync_Full: gc_sync_ffs
+  U_Sync_Full : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
       g_sync_edge => "positive")
     port map (
@@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ begin  -- syn
       rst_n_i  => rst_n_i,
       data_i   => full_int,
       synced_o => rd_full_x);
   rd_empty_o <= empty_int;
   wr_empty_o <= wr_empty_x;
   p_gen_going_full : process(we_int, wcb, rcb)
-    if ((wcb.bin (wcb.bin'left-1 downto 0) = rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'left-1 downto 0))
-        and (wcb.bin(wcb.bin'left) /= rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'left))) then
+    if ((wcb.bin (wcb.bin'LEFT-1 downto 0) = rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'LEFT-1 downto 0))
+        and (wcb.bin(wcb.bin'LEFT) /= rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'LEFT))) then
       going_full <= '1';
     elsif (we_int = '1'
-           and (wcb.bin_next(wcb.bin'left-1 downto 0) = rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'left-1 downto 0))
-           and (wcb.bin_next(wcb.bin'left) /= rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'left))) then
+           and (wcb.bin_next(wcb.bin'LEFT-1 downto 0) = rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'LEFT-1 downto 0))
+           and (wcb.bin_next(wcb.bin'LEFT) /= rcb.bin_x(rcb.bin_x'LEFT))) then
       going_full <= '1';
       going_full <= '0';
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_gen_going_full;
   p_register_full : process(clk_wr_i, rst_n_i)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ begin  -- syn
     elsif rising_edge (clk_wr_i) then
       full_int <= going_full;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_register_full;
   wr_full_o <= full_int;
   rd_full_o <= rd_full_x;
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ begin  -- syn
         almost_full_int <= '0';
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_reg_almost_full;
-  U_Sync_AlmostFull: gc_sync_ffs
+  U_Sync_AlmostFull : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
       g_sync_edge => "positive")
     port map (
@@ -308,24 +308,24 @@ begin  -- syn
       data_i   => almost_full_int,
       synced_o => almost_full_x);
-  wr_almost_full_o  <= almost_full_int;
-  rd_almost_full_o  <= almost_full_x;
+  wr_almost_full_o <= almost_full_int;
+  rd_almost_full_o <= almost_full_x;
   p_reg_almost_empty : process(clk_rd_i, rst_n_i)
     if rst_n_i = '0' then
       almost_empty_int <= '1';
     elsif rising_edge(clk_rd_i) then
-      rd_count     <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(wcb.bin_x) - unsigned(rcb.bin));
+      rd_count               <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(wcb.bin_x) - unsigned(rcb.bin));
       if (unsigned(rd_count) <= g_almost_empty_threshold) then
         almost_empty_int <= '1';
         almost_empty_int <= '0';
       end if;
     end if;
-  end process;
+  end process p_reg_almost_empty;
-  U_Sync_AlmostEmpty: gc_sync_ffs
+  U_Sync_AlmostEmpty : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
       g_sync_edge => "positive")
     port map (
diff --git a/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo_dual_rst.vhd b/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo_dual_rst.vhd
index 6cfa9032..45cddbcc 100644
--- a/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo_dual_rst.vhd
+++ b/modules/genrams/common/inferred_async_fifo_dual_rst.vhd
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ begin  -- syn
   rd_int <= rd_i and not empty_int;
   we_int <= we_i and not full_int;
-  p_rd_ptr_mux: process(rcb, rd_int)
+  p_rd_ptr_mux : process(rcb, rd_int)
     if(rd_int = '1' and g_show_ahead) then
       rd_ptr_muxed <= rcb.bin_next;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ begin  -- syn
     if rising_edge(clk_rd_i) then
       if(rd_int = '1' or g_show_ahead) then
-        q_int <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(rd_ptr_muxed(rd_ptr_muxed'left-1 downto 0))));
+        q_int <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(rd_ptr_muxed(rd_ptr_muxed'LEFT-1 downto 0))));
       end if;
     end if;
   end process p_mem_read;