diff --git a/modules/wishbone/Manifest.py b/modules/wishbone/Manifest.py
index 105ac6dcabb36c13a39b3598a647f02e314e87da..aba0f8e7f1e3cd1825fd78f8fba8f31197d82212 100644
--- a/modules/wishbone/Manifest.py
+++ b/modules/wishbone/Manifest.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ modules =  { "local" : [
+  "wb_spi_flash",
diff --git a/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/Manifest.py b/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/Manifest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80910ec6280c92c001daa9541e1778d64fc8122c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/Manifest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+files = [
+  "wb_spi_flash.vhd"
+  ]
diff --git a/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/wb_spi_flash.vhd b/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/wb_spi_flash.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4259fa551fc5c4c33d2e43bff350e6a49cd87f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wishbone/wb_spi_flash/wb_spi_flash.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
+use work.genram_pkg.all;
+use work.gencores_pkg.all;
+-- Memory mapped flash controller
+entity wb_spi_flash is
+  generic(
+    g_port_width : natural := 1;   --  1 for EPCS,  4 for EPCQ
+    g_addr_width : natural := 24); -- 24 for EPCS, 32 for EPCQ
+  port(
+    clk_i   : in  std_logic;
+    rstn_i  : in  std_logic;
+    slave_i : in  t_wishbone_slave_in;
+    slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
+    dclk_i  : in  std_logic; -- <=20 MHz for EPCS, <=100 MHz for EPCQ
+    ncs_o   : out std_logic;
+    asdi_o  : out std_logic_vector(g_port_width-1 downto 0);
+    data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(g_port_width-1 downto 0);
+    jreq_i  : in  std_logic; -- JTAG wants to use SPI?
+    jrdy_o  : out std_logic);
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of wb_spi_flash is
+  subtype t_word    is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+  subtype t_byte    is std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
+  subtype t_address is unsigned(g_addr_width-1 downto 0);
+  subtype t_count   is unsigned(f_ceil_log2(t_word'length)-1 downto 0);
+  -- !!! these differ for EPCQ; modify when we have a chip to try
+  constant c_read_status  : t_byte := "00000101"; -- datain
+  constant c_write_enable : t_byte := "00000110"; -- 
+  constant c_read_bytes   : t_byte := "00000011"; -- address, datain
+  constant c_write_bytes  : t_byte := "00000010"; -- address, dataout
+  constant c_erase_sector : t_byte := "11011000"; -- address
+  constant c_low_time  : t_count := to_unsigned(2-1, t_count'length);
+  constant c_whatever  : std_logic_vector(g_port_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '-');
+  constant c_magic_reg : t_address := (others => '1');
+  type t_state is (
+  -- Format a command for output
+  constant c_cmd_time : t_count := to_unsigned(t_byte'length-1, t_count'length);
+  function f_stripe(cmd : t_byte) return t_word is
+    variable result : t_word := (others => '-');
+  begin
+    for i in t_byte'range loop
+      result(i*g_port_width + t_word'length-g_port_width*8) := cmd(i);
+    end loop;
+    return result;
+  end f_stripe;
+  -- Format data for output
+  constant c_data_time : t_count := to_unsigned((t_wishbone_data'length/g_port_width)-1, t_count'length);
+  function f_data(data : t_wishbone_data; sel : t_wishbone_byte_select) return t_wishbone_data is
+    variable result : t_wishbone_data := (others => '1');
+  begin
+    for i in t_wishbone_byte_select'range loop
+      if sel(i) = '1' then -- leave unselected bytes high
+        result(8*i+7 downto 8*i) := data(8*i+7 downto 8*i);
+      end if;
+    end loop;
+    return result;
+  end f_data;
+  -- Format an address for output
+  constant c_addr_time : t_count := to_unsigned((t_address'length/g_port_width)-1, t_count'length);
+  function f_address(address : t_address) return t_word is
+    variable result : t_word := (others => '-');
+  begin
+    result(t_word'left downto t_word'length-t_address'length) := 
+      std_logic_vector(address);
+    return result;
+  end f_address;
+  -- Addresses wrap within a page
+  constant c_page_size  : natural := 256;
+  constant c_page_width : natural := f_ceil_log2(c_page_size);
+  function f_increment(address : t_address) return t_address is
+    variable result : t_address := address;
+  begin
+    result(c_page_width-1 downto 0) := result(c_page_width-1 downto 0) + 4;
+    return result;
+  end f_increment;
+  signal r_state   : t_state         := S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+  signal r_state_n : t_state         := S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+  signal r_count   : t_count         := (others => '-');
+  signal r_stall   : std_logic       := '0';
+  signal r_stall_n : std_logic       := '0';
+  signal r_ack     : std_logic       := '0';
+  signal r_ack_n   : std_logic       := '0';
+  signal r_dat     : t_wishbone_data := (others => '-');
+  signal r_adr     : t_address       := (others => '-');
+  signal r_ncs     : std_logic       := '1';
+  signal r_shift_o : t_word          := (others => '-');
+  signal r_shift_i : t_word          := (others => '-');
+  -- Clock crossing signals
+  signal master_i  : t_wishbone_master_in;
+  signal master_o  : t_wishbone_master_out;
+  signal dclk_rstn : std_logic;
+  crossing : xwb_clock_crossing
+    port map(
+      slave_clk_i    => clk_i,
+      slave_rst_n_i  => rstn_i,
+      slave_i        => slave_i,
+      slave_o        => slave_o,
+      master_clk_i   => dclk_i,
+      master_rst_n_i => dclk_rstn,
+      master_i       => master_i,
+      master_o       => master_o);
+  sync_reset : gc_sync_ffs
+    generic map(
+      g_sync_edge => "positive")
+    port map(
+      clk_i    => dclk_i,
+      rst_n_i  => '1',
+      data_i   => rstn_i,
+      synced_o => dclk_rstn,
+      npulse_o => open,
+      ppulse_o => open);
+  master_i.ack <= r_ack;
+  master_i.rty <= '0';
+  master_i.err <= '0';
+  master_i.int <= '0';
+  master_i.dat <= r_shift_i;
+  master_i.stall <= r_stall;
+  -- nCS and asdi should be latched on falling edge
+  -- data_i should be latched on rising edge
+  asdi_o <= r_shift_o(31 downto 32-g_port_width);
+  ncs_o  <= r_ncs;
+  output : process(dclk_i, dclk_rstn) is
+  begin
+    if dclk_rstn = '0' then
+      r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+      r_ncs     <= '1';
+    elsif falling_edge(dclk_i) then
+      case r_state is
+        when S_ERROR =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1';
+        when S_WAIT =>
+          r_shift_o <= r_shift_o(31-g_port_width downto 0) & c_whatever;
+          r_ncs     <= r_ncs;
+        when S_DISPATCH =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1';
+        when S_JTAG =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1';
+        when S_READ =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_read_bytes);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_READ_ADDR =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_address(r_adr);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_READ_DATA =>
+          r_shift_o  <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_LOWER_CS_IDLE =>
+          r_shift_o  <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1'; 
+        when S_ENABLE_WRITE =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_write_enable);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_LOWER_CS_WRITE =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1';
+        when S_WRITE =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_write_bytes);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_WRITE_ADDR =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_address(r_adr);
+        when S_WRITE_DATA =>
+          r_shift_o <= r_dat;
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_ENABLE_ERASE =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_write_enable);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_LOWER_CS_ERASE =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1';
+        when S_ERASE =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_erase_sector);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_ERASE_ADDR =>
+          r_shift_o  <= f_address(r_adr);
+        when S_LOWER_CS_WAIT =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '1'; 
+        when S_READ_STATUS =>
+          r_shift_o <= f_stripe(c_read_status);
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_LOAD_STATUS =>
+          r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+          r_ncs     <= '0';
+        when S_WAIT_READY =>
+          if r_shift_i(0) = '0' then -- not busy
+            r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+            r_ncs     <= '1';
+          else
+            r_shift_o <= (others => '-');
+            r_ncs     <= '0';
+          end if;
+      end case;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  input : process(dclk_i, dclk_rstn) is
+  begin
+    if dclk_rstn = '0' then
+      r_state   <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+      r_state_n <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+      r_count   <= (others => '-');
+      r_stall   <= '0';
+      r_stall_n <= '0';
+      r_ack     <= '0';
+      r_ack_n   <= '0';
+      r_dat     <= (others => '-');
+      r_adr     <= (others => '-');
+      r_shift_i <= (others => '-');
+      jrdy_o    <= '0';
+    elsif rising_edge(dclk_i) then
+      r_shift_i <= r_shift_i(31-g_port_width downto 0) & data_i;
+      -- Default transition rules
+      r_state <= S_WAIT;
+      r_stall <= '1';
+      r_ack   <= '0';
+      case r_state is
+        when S_ERROR =>
+          -- trap bad state machine behaviour
+          r_count   <= (others => '-');
+          r_state   <= S_ERROR;
+          r_state_n <= S_ERROR;
+        when S_WAIT =>
+          r_count   <= r_count - 1;
+          if r_count = 1 then -- is set to 0?
+            r_state   <= r_state_n;
+            r_stall   <= r_stall_n;
+            r_ack     <= r_ack_n;
+            r_state_n <= S_ERROR;
+            r_stall_n <= '1';
+            r_ack_n   <= '0';
+          end if;
+        when S_DISPATCH =>
+          r_count   <= (others => '-');
+          r_state_n <= S_ERROR;
+          r_dat     <= f_data(master_o.dat, master_o.sel);
+          r_adr     <= unsigned(master_o.adr(t_address'range));
+          r_stall   <= master_o.cyc and master_o.stb;
+          r_state   <= S_DISPATCH;
+          if master_o.cyc = '1' and master_o.stb = '1' then
+            if unsigned(master_o.adr(t_address'range)) = c_magic_reg then
+              if master_o.we = '0' then
+                -- !!! read chip type
+                r_state <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+              else
+                r_adr   <= unsigned(master_o.dat(t_address'range));
+                r_state <= S_ENABLE_ERASE;
+              end if;
+            else
+              if master_o.we = '0' then
+                r_state <= S_READ;
+              else
+                r_state <= S_ENABLE_WRITE;
+              end if;
+            end if;
+          elsif jreq_i = '1' then
+            jrdy_o <= '1';
+            r_state <= S_JTAG;
+          end if;
+        when S_JTAG =>
+          r_count   <= (others => '-');
+          r_state_n <= S_ERROR;
+          if jreq_i = '1' then
+            r_state <= S_JTAG;
+          else
+            r_state <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+            jrdy_o <= '0';
+          end if;
+        when S_READ =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_READ_ADDR;
+        when S_READ_ADDR =>
+          r_count   <= c_addr_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_READ_DATA;
+          r_adr     <= f_increment(r_adr);
+        when S_READ_DATA =>
+          r_count    <= c_data_time;
+          r_ack_n    <= '1';
+          r_adr      <= f_increment(r_adr);
+          -- exploit the fact that clock_crossing doesn't change a stalled strobe
+          if master_o.cyc = '1' and master_o.stb = '1' and master_o.we = '0' and
+             master_o.adr(t_address'range) = std_logic_vector(r_adr) then
+            r_state_n <= S_READ_DATA;
+            r_stall   <= '0';
+          else
+            r_state_n <= S_LOWER_CS_IDLE;
+          end if;
+        when S_LOWER_CS_IDLE =>
+          r_count   <= c_low_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_DISPATCH;
+          r_stall_n <= '0';
+        when S_ENABLE_WRITE =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_LOWER_CS_WRITE;
+        when S_LOWER_CS_WRITE =>
+          r_count   <= c_low_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_WRITE;
+        when S_WRITE =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_WRITE_ADDR;
+        when S_WRITE_ADDR =>
+          r_count   <= c_addr_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_WRITE_DATA;
+          r_adr     <= f_increment(r_adr);
+        when S_WRITE_DATA =>
+          r_count    <= c_data_time;
+          r_ack_n    <= '1';
+          r_adr      <= f_increment(r_adr);
+          -- exploit the fact that clock_crossing doesn't change a stalled strobe
+          if master_o.cyc = '1' and master_o.stb = '1' and master_o.we = '1' and
+             master_o.adr(t_address'range) = std_logic_vector(r_adr) then
+            r_state_n  <= S_WRITE_DATA;
+            r_stall    <= '0';
+          else
+            r_state_n  <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+          end if;
+        when S_ENABLE_ERASE =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_LOWER_CS_ERASE;
+        when S_LOWER_CS_ERASE =>
+          r_count   <= c_low_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_ERASE;
+        when S_ERASE =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_ERASE_ADDR;
+        when S_ERASE_ADDR =>
+          r_count    <= c_addr_time;
+          r_state_n  <= S_LOWER_CS_WAIT;
+        when S_LOWER_CS_WAIT =>
+          r_count   <= c_low_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_READ_STATUS;
+        when S_READ_STATUS =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_LOAD_STATUS;
+        when S_LOAD_STATUS =>
+          r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+          r_state_n <= S_WAIT_READY;
+        when S_WAIT_READY =>
+          if r_shift_i(0) = '0' then -- not busy
+            r_count   <= c_low_time;
+            r_state_n <= S_DISPATCH;
+            r_stall_n <= '0';
+          else
+            r_count   <= c_cmd_time;
+            r_state_n <= S_WAIT_READY;
+          end if;
+      end case;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+end rtl;
diff --git a/modules/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd b/modules/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd
index 35fd0b42c27995999f9ee3bed782ca6a30ff55d8..ba86714535ee0bcc8cfa00b94eefe0abfd29c423 100644
--- a/modules/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd
+++ b/modules/wishbone/wishbone_pkg.vhd
@@ -711,6 +711,40 @@ package wishbone_pkg is
       di_dat_o     : out std_logic);
   end component;
+  constant c_wb_spi_flash_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
+    abi_class     => x"0000", -- undocumented device
+    abi_ver_major => x"01",
+    abi_ver_minor => x"00",
+    wbd_endian    => c_sdb_endian_big,
+    wbd_width     => x"7", -- 8/16/32-bit port granularity
+    sdb_component => (
+    addr_first    => x"0000000000000000",
+    addr_last     => x"0000000000ffffff",
+    product => (
+    vendor_id     => x"0000000000000651", -- GSI
+    device_id     => x"5cf12a1c",
+    version       => x"00000001",
+    date          => x"20130415",
+    name          => "SPI-FLASH-16M-MMAP ")));
+  component wb_spi_flash is
+    generic(
+      g_port_width : natural := 1;   --  1 for EPCS,  4 for EPCQ
+      g_addr_width : natural := 24); -- 24 for EPCS, 32 for EPCQ
+    port(
+      clk_i   : in  std_logic;
+      rstn_i  : in  std_logic;
+      slave_i : in  t_wishbone_slave_in;
+      slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
+      dclk_i  : in  std_logic; -- <=20 MHz for EPCS, <=100 MHz for EPCQ
+      ncs_o   : out std_logic;
+      asdi_o  : out std_logic_vector(g_port_width-1 downto 0);
+      data_i  : in  std_logic_vector(g_port_width-1 downto 0);
+      jreq_i  : in  std_logic; -- JTAG wants to use SPI?
+      jrdy_o  : out std_logic);
+  end component;
 end wishbone_pkg;
 package body wishbone_pkg is