Commit 17445a28 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

sdbfs/userspace: hack around sscanf limitations

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent f6051369
......@@ -166,11 +166,21 @@ static int parse_config_line(struct sdbf *tree, struct sdbf *current, int line,
fprintf(stderr, "parse line %i for %s: %s\n", line,
current->fullname, t);
if (sscanf(t, "vendor = %lli", &int64) == 1) {
* Unfortunately, scanning as %i refuses "negative" hex values,
* saturating at 0x7fffffff. But %u refuses the leading 0x.
* In order to accept both positive decimal and hex, use %u first,
* and if it returns 0 use %x. I still think hex saturation is a bug.
if (sscanf(t, "vendor = %llu", &int64) == 1) {
if (int64 == 0)
sscanf(t, "vendor = %llx", &int64);
p->vendor_id = htonll(int64);
return 0;
if (sscanf(t, "device = %li", &int32) == 1) {
if (sscanf(t, "device = %lu", &int32) == 1) {
if (int32 == 0)
sscanf(t, "device = %lx", &int32);
p->device_id = htonl(int32);
return 0;
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