Commit e858f3ba authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

doc: add performance report

Add performance report for release v8.0.0

Also added sources of plots in gnuplot.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent c75acd99
all : tdc_performance_report.pdf
.PHONY : all clean
tdc_performance_report.pdf: tdc_performance_report.pdf
pdflatex -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 $^
pdflatex -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 $^
clean :
rm -f *.eps *.pdf *.dat *.log *.out *.aux *.dvi *.ps *.toc
# Data dependencies are not perfect, they don't trigger regeneration of files.
# But better this than nothing
test1=test1_samples_absolute.png test1_samples_absolute_zoom.png test1_samples_relative.png test1_samples_relative_zoomxy.png test1_histogram.pdf test1_histogram_zoomy.pdf test1_histogram_zoomx.pdf
test2=test2_samples_absolute.png test2_samples_relative.png test2_samples_relative_zoomxy.png test2_histogram.pdf test2_histogram_zoomy.pdf test2_histogram_zoomx.pdf
test3_1MHz=test3_samples_absolute_1MHz.png test3_samples_relative_1MHz.png test3_histogram_1MHz.pdf test3_histogram_zoomy_1MHz.pdf test3_histogram_zoomx_1MHz.pdf
test3_2MHz=test3_samples_absolute_2MHz.png test3_samples_relative_2MHz.png test3_histogram_2MHz.pdf test3_histogram_zoomy_2MHz.pdf test3_histogram_zoomx_2MHz.pdf
test4=test4_histogram_15ch.pdf test4_histogram_15ch_zoomxy.pdf test4_histogram_15ch_zoomy.pdf test4_histogram_5ch.pdf test4_histogram_5ch_zoomxy.pdf test4_histogram_5ch_zoomy.pdf test4_stats.tex
test5=test5_samples_absolute.png test5_samples_absolute_zoom.png test5_samples_relative.png test5_samples_relative_zoomxy.png test5_histogram.pdf test5_histogram_zoomy.pdf test5_histogram_zoomx.pdf
test6=test6_samples_absolute.png test6_samples_relative.png test6_samples_relative_zoomxy.png test6_histogram.pdf test6_histogram_zoomy.pdf test6_histogram_zoomx.pdf
all: test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6
test1: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test1))
test2: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test2))
test3: test3_1MHz test3_2MHz
test3_1MHz: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test3_1MHz))
test3_2MHz: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test3_2MHz))
test4: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test4))
test5: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test5))
test6: $(addprefix $(IMG_DIR)/,$(test6))
test1: DATA_DIR=../data_report/test1_run1
test2: DATA_DIR=../data_report/test2_run3
test3_1MHz: DATA_DIR=../data_report/test3_run3
test3_2MHz: DATA_DIR=../data_report/test3_run4
test4: DATA_DIR=../data_report/test4_run2
test5: DATA_DIR=../data_report/vme_test1_run1
test6: DATA_DIR=../data_report/vme_test2_run4
vpath %.png ../img
vpath %.pdf ../img
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_histogram.pdf: DATA_FILE=test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_histogram_zoomx.pdf: DATA_FILE=test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_histogram_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
# $(IMG_DIR)/test1_histogram_all.pdf: DATA_FILE=test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_samples_absolute.png: DATA_FILE=test1_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_samples_absolute_zoom.png: DATA_FILE=test1_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_samples_relative.png: DATA_FILE=test1_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test1_samples_relative_zoomxy.png: DATA_FILE=test1_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_histogram.pdf: DATA_FILE=test2_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_histogram_zoomx.pdf: DATA_FILE=test2_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_histogram_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test2_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_samples_absolute.png: DATA_FILE=test2_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_samples_relative.png: DATA_FILE=test2_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test2_samples_relative_zoomxy.png: DATA_FILE=test2_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_samples_absolute_1MHz.png: DATA_FILE=test3_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_samples_relative_1MHz.png: DATA_FILE=test3_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_1MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_zoomx_1MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_zoomy_1MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_samples_absolute_2MHz.png: DATA_FILE=test3_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_samples_relative_2MHz.png: DATA_FILE=test3_sample_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_2MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_zoomx_2MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test3_histogram_zoomy_2MHz.pdf: DATA_FILE=test3_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_0.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_5ch.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_5ch_zoomxy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_5ch_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_15ch.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_15ch_zoomxy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_histogram_15ch_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=test4_hist_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test4_stats.tex: DATA_FILE=test4_sample_tdc_
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_histogram.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_histogram_zoomx.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_histogram_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_samples_absolute.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_samples_absolute_zoom.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_samples_relative.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test5_samples_relative_zoomxy.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test1_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_histogram.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_histogram_zoomx.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_histogram_zoomy.pdf: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_hist_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_samples_absolute.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_samples_relative.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/test6_samples_relative_zoomxy.png: DATA_FILE=vme_test2_sample_tdc_0x5_ch_2.txt
$(IMG_DIR)/%.png: %.gnuplot $(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)
gnuplot -e "data_file='$(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)'" -e "output_file='$@'" -c $< -s -d -p
$(IMG_DIR)/%.pdf: %.gnuplot $(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)
gnuplot -e "data_file='$(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)'" -e "output_file='$@'" -c $< -s -d -p
$(IMG_DIR)/%.tex: %.gnuplot $(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)
gnuplot -e "data_file='$(DATA_DIR)/$(DATA_FILE)'" -e "output_file='$@'" -c $< -s -d -p
if (!exists("scale_x")) scale_x=5
if (!exists("scale_y")) scale_y=3
if (!exists("output_scale")) output_scale=1
set terminal pdfcairo fontscale 0.3 size scale_x*output_scale in,scale_y*output_scale in # size in inches
set style fill solid 1.00 #border lt -1
set style data histograms # set as histogram
set xrange [ -10 : 1010 ] noreverse writeback
set ylabel "samples"
set xlabel "bin"
set key
set grid
set xtics rotate # obrucić labele na x o 90 stopni
#xtic - skąd brać label X
plot \
data_file."0x17_ch_0.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 0 channel 1" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 0 channel 2" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x17_ch_2.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 0 channel 3" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x17_ch_3.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 0 channel 4" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x17_ch_4.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 0 channel 5" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x18_ch_0.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 1 channel 1" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x18_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 1 channel 2" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x18_ch_2.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 1 channel 3" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x18_ch_3.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 1 channel 4" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x18_ch_4.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 1 channel 5" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x19_ch_0.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 1" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
data_file."0x19_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 2" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
data_file."0x19_ch_2.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 3" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
data_file."0x19_ch_3.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 4" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
data_file."0x19_ch_4.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 5" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
data_file."0x0_ch_0.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin board 2 channel 5" lc 4, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 4, \
plot \
data_file."0x17_ch_0.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin channel 1" lc 1, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 1, \
data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin channel 2" lc 2, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 2, \
data_file."0x17_ch_2.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin channel 3" lc 5, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 5, \
data_file."0x17_ch_3.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin channel 4" lc 7, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 7, \
data_file."0x17_ch_4.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin channel 5" lc 8, "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lc 8, \
if (!exists("scale_x")) scale_x=640
if (!exists("scale_y")) scale_y=480
set terminal pngcairo size scale_x*output_scale,scale_y*output_scale enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale output_scale linewidth output_scale
set style fill solid 1.00 #border lt -1
set xrange [* : *]
set ylabel "ns"
set xlabel "sample (M)"
unset key
set xtics rotate
set output output_file
stats data_file u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
plot data_file u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
plot \
"../data_report/test1_run1/test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2, \
"../data_report/test1_run2/test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2, \
"../data_report/test1_run3/test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_1.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2, \
"../data_report/test1_run4/test1_hist_tdc_0x18_ch_2.txt" u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2, \
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 20. ] noreverse writeback
set xrange [ STATS_records/2 - 150 -1 : STATS_records/2 +150-1 ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
plot data_file u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 20. ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
plot data_file u 2 ti "Samples in a bin", "" u 0:2 smooth bezier t "Bezier approximation" lw 2
# stats data_file nooutput
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in us
set ylabel "us"
set ytics format "%.0f"
plot data_file u ($0/1000000):($3*1000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
# stats data_file nooutput
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in ns
#set xrange [ * : 1000 ] noreverse writeback
set ytics format "%.0f"
set xlabel "sample (k)"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($3*1000000000) every ::0::10000 w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
# stats data_file nooutput
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in ns
plot data_file u ($0/1000000):($5*1000000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
stats data_file u 5 every ::0::10000 nooutput
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in ns
set yrange [ STATS_min*200000000 : STATS_max*200000000 ]
set xlabel "sample (k)"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($5*1000000000) every ::0::10000 w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
# stats data_file nooutput
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in ns
set ytics format "%.3f"
plot data_file u ($0/1000000):($3*1000000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in us
set xlabel "sample (K)"
set ylabel "ps"
set ytics format "%.0f"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($3*1000000000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
# y axis in us
set xlabel "sample (K)"
set ylabel "us"
set ytics format "%.0f"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($3*1000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
set xlabel "sample (K)"
# y axis in us
set ylabel "us"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($5*1000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
# scale for png output
output_scale = 4
set output output_file
load "samples_common.gnuplot"
set xlabel "sample (K)"
# y axis in us
set ylabel "us"
plot data_file u ($0/1000):($5*1000000) w points pointtype 7 ps 0.1
\ No newline at end of file
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_15ch.gnuplot"
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xrange [ STATS_records/2 - 150 -1 : STATS_records/2 +150-1 ] noreverse writeback
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 300. ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_15ch.gnuplot"
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 10. ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_15ch.gnuplot"
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_5ch.gnuplot"
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set xrange [ STATS_records/2 - 150 -1 : STATS_records/2 +150-1 ] noreverse writeback
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 300. ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_5ch.gnuplot"
# data_file
set output output_file
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 2 nooutput
load "histogram_common.gnuplot"
set yrange [ 0.00000 : 10. ] noreverse writeback
set xtics 0,50,999
set xtics add ("<-5000" 0)
set xtics add (">5000" STATS_records-1)
set for [i=1:STATS_records/50-1] xtics add (sprintf("%d", i*500-5000) i*50)
load "histogram_plot_5ch.gnuplot"
stats data_file."0x17_ch_1.txt" u 5 nooutput
set print output_file
do for [board=17:19] {
do for [ch=0:4] {
stats data_file."0x".board."_ch_".ch.".txt" u 5 nooutput
print sprintf("%d & %d & %.3f & %.3f & %.3f & %.3f & %.3f \\\\", board - 16, ch + 1, STATS_mean*1e12, STATS_stddev*1e12, STATS_min*1e12, STATS_max*1e12, (-STATS_min+STATS_max)*1e12)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
1 & 1 & 0.000 & 190.677 & -851.562 & 931.641 & 1783.203 \\
1 & 2 & 0.000 & 193.169 & -851.562 & 931.641 & 1783.203 \\
1 & 3 & 0.000 & 192.445 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
1 & 4 & 0.000 & 190.439 & -4414.062 & 4496.094 & 8910.156 \\
1 & 5 & 0.000 & 189.851 & -4496.094 & 4496.094 & 8992.188 \\
2 & 1 & 0.000 & 183.220 & -771.484 & 771.484 & 1542.969 \\
2 & 2 & 0.000 & 184.114 & -853.516 & 771.484 & 1625.000 \\
2 & 3 & 0.000 & 183.969 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
2 & 4 & 0.000 & 182.936 & -851.562 & 771.484 & 1623.047 \\
2 & 5 & 0.000 & 182.632 & -771.484 & 771.484 & 1542.969 \\
3 & 1 & 0.000 & 193.824 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
3 & 2 & 0.000 & 197.143 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
3 & 3 & 0.000 & 196.128 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
3 & 4 & 0.000 & 196.127 & -931.641 & 851.562 & 1783.203 \\
3 & 5 & 0.000 & 193.763 & -851.562 & 851.562 & 1703.125 \\
This diff is collapsed.
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