Commit bf1d3a92 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

doc: add memory maps to the PDF

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent bb31901e
......@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ latex_documents = [
latex_elements = {
'passoptionstopackages': r'\PassOptionsToPackage{table}{xcolor}',
'preamble' : r'\definecolor{RoyalPurple}{cmyk}{1, 0.50, 0, 0}',
breathe_projects = {
......@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ the FMC-TDC-1NS-5CH modules.
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. include:: regs/fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.htm
......@@ -40,11 +38,9 @@ the FMC-TDC-1NS-5CH modules.
One wire
.. only:: latex
.. raw:: latex
:file: regs/tdc_onewire_wb.tex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/tdc_onewire_wb.html
......@@ -58,11 +54,8 @@ EIC
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: latex
:file: regs/tdc_eic.tex
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/tdc_eic.html
......@@ -75,11 +68,8 @@ Not used.
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: latex
:file: regs/timestamp_fifo_wb.tex
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/timestamp_fifo_wb.html
......@@ -87,11 +77,8 @@ Mem
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: latex
:file: regs/tdc_buffer_control_regs.tex
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/tdc_buffer_control_regs.html
......@@ -99,11 +86,9 @@ Mem DMA
.. only:: latex
.. raw:: latex
:file: regs/dma_eic.tex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/dma_eic.html
......@@ -17,12 +17,33 @@ HTML += tdc_eic.html
HTML += tdc_onewire_wb.html
HTML += timestamp_fifo_wb.html
all: $(HTML)
REST := spec_base_regs.rst
REST += svec_base_regs.rst
REST += svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst
REST += spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst
REST += fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.rst
LATEX += dma_eic.tex
LATEX += fmc_tdc_direct_readout_slave.tex
LATEX += tdc_buffer_control_regs.tex
LATEX += tdc_eic.tex
LATEX += tdc_onewire_wb.tex
LATEX += timestamp_fifo_wb.tex
all: html latex rest
latex: $(LATEX)
html: $(HTML)
rest: $(REST)
.PHONY: clean
CHEBY_BUILD=(cd $(dir $<); ~/.local/bin/cheby -i $(notdir $<) --gen-doc --doc html) > $@
WBGEN2_BUILD=(wbgen2 -D $@ $<)
CHEBY_BUILD_REST=(cd $(dir $<); ~/.local/bin/cheby -i $(notdir $<) --gen-doc --doc rest) > $@
WBGEN2_BUILD=(~/wr/tdc/wishbone-gen/wbgen2 -D $@ $<)
WBGEN2_BUILD_TEX=(~/wr/tdc/wishbone-gen/wbgen2 -f latex -D $@ $<)
fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.htm: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/cheby/fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.cheby
......@@ -57,8 +78,41 @@ tdc_eic.html: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/tdc_eic.wb
tdc_onewire_wb.html: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/tdc_onewire_wb.wb
timestamp_fifo_wb.html: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/timestamp_fifo_wb.wb
fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.rst: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/cheby/fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.cheby
spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/cheby/spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.cheby
svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/cheby/svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.cheby
svec_base_regs.rst: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/ip_cores/svec/hdl/rtl/svec_base_regs.cheby
spec_base_regs.rst: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/ip_cores/spec/hdl/rtl/spec_base_regs.cheby
timestamp_fifo_wb.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/timestamp_fifo_wb.wb
dma_eic.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/dma_eic.wb
fmc_tdc_direct_readout_slave.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/fmc_tdc_direct_readout_slave.wb
tdc_buffer_control_regs.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/tdc_buffer_control_regs.wb
tdc_eic.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/tdc_eic.wb
tdc_onewire_wb.tex: $(TOP_DIR)/hdl/rtl/wbgen/tdc_onewire_wb.wb
@rm -f *.md *.rst *.htm *.html
@rm -f *.rst *.htm *.html *.tex
......@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ The memory map is divided in two parts: the :ref:`Carrier (SPEC) <SPEC base regs
all SPEC designs, and the :ref:`TDC <TDC base regs>` part specific to the
FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA mezzanine.
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. include:: regs/spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.htm
......@@ -26,9 +25,8 @@ SPEC base registers
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. include:: regs/spec_base_regs.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/spec_base_regs.htm
......@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA mezzanine.
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. include:: regs/svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.htm
......@@ -28,9 +26,7 @@ SVEC base registers
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunately we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. include:: regs/svec_base_regs.rst
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/svec_base_regs.htm
Subproject commit c3ffa27d348645cad57d09af56cf0001be9e5077
Subproject commit a7d98f10b9f696ad8b7d852ac7ebf94b28398d8e
Subproject commit c0d76b045da18a333b11c35f3f0ed5c270790fa6
Subproject commit 1be4f060e9ba5cb2e99ce47da64df1a9a968afc7
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