Commit 8a82e727 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: eliminate WB int, bring all submodules up-to-date

parent b10c63a4
etherbone-core @ f19220ff
Subproject commit 8489445985ff2afe6c72712014a92a271869f20a
Subproject commit f19220ffa3c5e526f66ebbded5e0e1e789e7255d
general-cores @ 0545c25b
Subproject commit 5205d9754b1e0887df5914a47f8aa745e4f3c2fe
Subproject commit 0545c25b9b89db17db6f6a2c59752418056715bc
gn4124-core @ 5ffe9f53
Subproject commit 9b9625bb4270114266cd357f199d649f3d799f04
Subproject commit 5ffe9f5344e22262d1badeef21b8426d20948368
vme64x-core @ 633d3174
Subproject commit fa34d06e35ca0bfad8eac24aa51713e81639da64
Subproject commit 633d31749b104d4ca04c569cf3e30c5a6c9902b5
wr-cores @ c466a66b
Subproject commit 69cc4cc3132530c836cd57ce1b282e8377fe7a07
Subproject commit c466a66b4d17173d3ee5e18af26a2d263a760aa0
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all; -- conversion functions
-- Specific library
library work;
use work.tdc_core_pkg.all; -- definitions of types, constants, entities
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
......@@ -534,7 +534,6 @@ begin
-- Unused wishbone signals
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_TDC_EIC).err <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_TDC_EIC).rty <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_TDC_EIC).int <= '0';
......@@ -937,29 +937,8 @@ package tdc_core_pkg is
clk_125m_tdc_o : out std_logic);
end component fmc_tdc_wrapper;
function f_pick(cond:boolean; if_true: std_logic_vector; if_false: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
end tdc_core_pkg;
-- package body
package body tdc_core_pkg is
function f_pick(cond:boolean; if_true: std_logic_vector; if_false: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
if(cond) then
return if_true;
return if_false;
end if;
end f_pick;
end tdc_core_pkg;
-- package end
-- E N D O F F I L E
......@@ -525,7 +525,6 @@ begin
csr_stall_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).stall,
csr_err_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).err,
csr_rty_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).rty,
csr_int_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).int,
-- DMA: not used
dma_clk_i => clk_sys_62m5,
dma_ack_i => '1',
......@@ -533,7 +532,6 @@ begin
dma_stall_i => '0',
dma_err_i => '0',
dma_rty_i => '0',
dma_int_i => '0',
dma_reg_clk_i => clk_sys_62m5,
dma_reg_adr_i => (others => '0'),
dma_reg_dat_i => (others => '0'),
......@@ -676,7 +674,6 @@ begin
-- Unused wishbone signals
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_INFO).err <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_INFO).rty <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_INFO).int <= '0';
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Tristates for TDC mezzanine EEPROM
......@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ NET "vme_iack_n_i" LOC = N1;
NET "vme_ga_i[5]" LOC = M6;
NET "vme_dtack_oe_o" LOC = T1;
NET "vme_dtack_n_o" LOC = R5;
NET "vme_ds_n_i[1]" LOC = Y7;
NET "vme_ds_n_i[0]" LOC = Y6;
NET "vme_ds_n_i[1]" LOC = Y6;
NET "vme_ds_n_i[0]" LOC = Y7;
NET "vme_data_oe_n_o" LOC = P1;
NET "vme_data_dir_o" LOC = P2;
NET "vme_berr_o" LOC = R3;
......@@ -615,7 +615,8 @@ begin
vme_o.addr_dir => vme_addr_dir_int,
vme_o.addr_oe_n => vme_addr_oe_n_o,
wb_o => cnx_slave_in(c_MASTER_VME),
wb_i => vme_wb_in);
wb_i => vme_wb_in,
int_i => irq_to_vmecore);
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
vme_berr_o <= not vme_berr_n;
vme_irq_o <= not vme_irq_n;
......@@ -626,7 +627,6 @@ begin
vme_wb_in.rty <= cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_VME).rty;
vme_wb_in.stall <= cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_VME).stall;
vme_wb_in.dat <= cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_VME).dat; <= irq_to_vmecore;
-- VME tri-state bufferes
vme_data_b <= vme_data_b_out when vme_data_dir_int = '1' else (others => 'Z');
......@@ -857,7 +857,6 @@ begin
-- Unused wishbone signals
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_SVEC_INFO).err <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_SVEC_INFO).rty <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_SVEC_INFO).int <= '0';
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