Commit 4ec717f7 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Add documentation

Mainly software
Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 6c5030b2
\ No newline at end of file
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 CERN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The Gateware
About Source Code
Build from Sources
The fmc-tdc hdl design make use of the ``hdlmake`` tool. It
automatically fetches the required hdl cores and libraries. It also
generates Makefiles for synthesis/par and simulation.
Here is the procedure to build the FPGA binary image from the hdl
# Install ``hdlmake`` (version 3.4).
# Get fmc-adc hdl sources.
git clone git:// <src_dir>
# Goto the synthesis directory.
cd <src_dir>/hdl/<carrier>/syn/
# Fetch the dependencies and generate a synthesis Makefile.
# Perform synthesis, place, route and generate FPGA bitstream.
Source Code Organisation
ADC specific hdl sources.
ADC specific ``cheby`` sources, html documentation and C header
Location of fetched hdl cores and libraries.
Platform related hdl sources.
Top-level hdl module for selected design.
Synthesis directory for selected design. This is where the
synthesis top manifest, the design constraints and the ISE project
are stored. For each release, the synthesis, place&route and timing
reports are also saved here.
Simulation files and testbenches.
The fmc-adc gateware depends on the following hdl cores and libraries:
`General Cores`_, `DDR3 SP6 core`_, `GN4124 core`_ (SPEC only),
`SPEC`_ (SPEC only) `VME64x Slave`_ (SVEC only), `SVEC`_ (SVEC only),
`WR Cores`_.
These dependencies are managed with GIT submodules. Whenever you checkout
a different branch remember to update the submodules as well.::
git submodule sync
git submodule update
.. _`General Cores`:
.. _`DDR3 SP6 core`:
.. _`GN4124 core`:
.. _`VME64x Slave`:
.. _`SPEC`:
.. _`SVEC`:
.. _`Wr cores`:
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The Memory Map
Following the memory map for the part of the ADC design that drives
the FMC-TDC-1NS-5CH modules.
.. only:: latex
.. warning::
Unfortunatelly we are not able to include the memory map in PDF format.
Please for the memory map refer to the online documentation,
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/fmc_tdc_mezzanine_mmap.htm
Supported Designs
Here you can find the complete memory MAP for the supported
designs. This will include the TDC register as well as the carrier
registers and any other component used in an FMC-TDC-1NS-5CH design.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Table of Contents
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 CERN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
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@rm -f *.md *.rst *.htm
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The memory map is divided in two parts: the `Carrier`_ part common to
all SPEC designs, and the `FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA`_ part specific to the
FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA mezzanine.
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/spec_base_regs.htm
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/spec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.htm
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The memory map is divided in two parts: the `Carrier`_ part common to
all SPEC designs, and the `FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA`_ part specific to the
FMC-TDC-1NS-5CHA mezzanine.
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/svec_base_regs.htm
.. raw:: html
:file: regs/svec_ref_fmc_tdc_mmap.htm
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
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.. Copyright (c) 2022 CERN (
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
.. FMC-TDC-1NS-5CH documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Thu Aug 6 14:57:13 2020.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
FMC-TDC 1ns 5 Channel Documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Table of Contents
.. Copyright (c) 2022 CERN (
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
.. _introduction:
This document describes the gateware developed to support the
FmcTDC 1n 5channel (later refered to as fmc-tdc) mezzanine card on the
`SPEC`_ and `SVEC`_ carrier cards. The gateware is the HDL code used
to generate the bitstream that configures the FPGA on the carrier
(sometimes also called firmware). The gateware architecture is
described in detail. The configuration and operation of the fmc-tdc
is also explained. The Linux driver and basic tools are explained as
well. On the other hand, this manual is not intended to provide
information about the hardware design.
Repositories and Releases
The `FMC TDC 1ns 5 Channels`_ is hosted on
the `Open HardWare Repository`_. The main development happens
here. You can clone the GIT project with the following command::
git clone
Within the GIT respository, releases are marked with a TAG named
using the `Semantic Versioning`_. For example the latest release is
``v8.0.0``. You can also find older releases with a different versioning
For each release we will publish the FPGA bitstream for all supported
carrier cards (`FPGA Bitstream Page`_). For the Linux driver we can't
release the binary because it depends on the Linux version on which it
will run. For details about how to build the Linux driver for your
kernel please have a look at :ref:`Compile And Install
<drv_build_install>` section in :doc:`Driver's Documentation
Documentation License
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of
this license, visit
.. _SPEC:
.. _SVEC:
.. _`FMC TDC 1ns 5 Channels`:
.. _`Open HardWare Repository`:
.. _`Semantic Versioning`:
.. _`FPGA Bitstream Page`:
This diff is collapsed.
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The Software
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents
.. Copyright (c) 2022 CERN (
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
The Library API
.. autodoxygenfile:: fmctdc-lib.h
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The Library
Here you can find all the information about the *fmc-tdc* API and the
main library behaviour that you need to be aware of to write
This document introduces the developers to the development with the ADC library.
Here you can find an overview about the API, the rational behind it and
examples of its usage. It is not the purpose of the document to describe
the API details. The complete API is available in the Library API document.
.. note::
The TDC hardware design diverged into different buffering
structures. One based on FIFOs for `SVEC`_, and one based on
double-buffering in DDR for `SPEC`_. The API tries to provide the same
user-experience, however this is not always possible. Functions having
different behaviour are properly declaring it in their documentation.
.. note::
This document provides also snippet of code from `example.c`. This
is only to show you an example, please avoid to blindly copy and
Initialization and Cleanup
The library may keep internal information, so the application should
call its initialization function :cpp:func:`fmctdc_init()`. After use,
it should call the exit function :cpp:func:`fmctdc_exit()` to release
any internal data.
.. note::
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_exit()` is not mandatory, the operating system
releases anything in any case -- the library doesn't leave unexpected
files in persistent storage.
These functions don't do anything at this point, but they may be
implemented in later releases. For example, the library may scan the
system and cache the list of peripheral cards found, to make
later *open* calls faster. For this reason it is **recommended**
to, at least, initialize and release the library before starting.
Following an example from the ``example.c`` code available under ``tools``
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 54-62
Error Reporting
Each library function returns values according to standard *libc*
conventions: -1 or NULL (for functions returning ``int`` or pointers,
resp.) is an error indication. When error happens, the :manpage:`errno`
variable is set appropriately.
The :manpage:`errno` values can be standard Posix items like
``EINVAL``, or library-specific values, for example
``ADC_ERR_VMALLOC`` (*driver vmalloc allocator not available*). All
library-specific error values have a value greater than 4096, to
prevent collision with standard values. To convert such values to a
string please use :cpp:func:`fmctdc_strerror()`
Following an example from the ``example.c`` code available under ``tools``
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 74-75
Opening and closing
Each device must be opened before use by calling :cpp:func:`fmctdc_open()`,
and it should be closed after use by calling :cpp:func:`fmctdc_close()`.
.. note ::
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_close()` is not mandatory, but it is recommended, to
close if the process is going to terminate, as the library has no
persistent storage to clean up -- but there may be persistent buffer
storage allocated, and :cpp:func:`fmctdc_close()` may release it in
future versions.
The data structure returned by :cpp:func:`fmctdc_open()` is an opaque pointer
used as token to access the API functions. The user is not supposed to use
or modify this pointer.
Another kind of open function has been provided to satisfy CERN's developers
needs. Function :cpp:func:`fmctdc_open_by_lun()` is the open by LUN
(*Logic Unit Number*); here the LUN concept reflects the *CERN* one.
The usage is exactly the same as :cpp:func:`fmctdc_open()` only that it uses
the LUN instead of the device ID.
No automatic action is take by :cpp:func:`fmctdc_open()`. Hence, you
may want to flush the buffers before starting a new acquisition
session. You can do this with :cpp:func:`fmctdc_flush()`
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 72-90
Configuration And Status
The TDC configuration API is based on a number of getter and setter
function for each option. These include: *termination*, *IRQ
coalescing timeout*, *board time*, *white-rabbit*, *timestamp mode*.
The *termination* options allows you to set the 50 Ohm channel
termination. You can use the following getter and setter:
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 123-128
The *IRQ coalescing timeout* option allows to force an IRQ when the
timeout expire to inform the driver that there is at least one pending
timestamp to be transfered. You can use the following getter and setter:
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 131-136
The TDC main functionality is to timestap incoming pulses. To assign a
timestamp the board needs a time reference. This can be provided by
the on-board clock, or by the more accurate white-rabbit network. You
can enable or disable white-rabbit using
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_wr_mode()`. You can check the white-rabbit status
with :cpp:func:`fmctdc_check_wr_mode()`. When working with
white-rabbit the time reference is handled by the white-rabbit
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 139-144
If you do not have white-rabbit connected to the TDC, or simply this
is not what you want, then be sure to disable. When white-rabbit is
disabled the TDC will use the on-board clock to keep a time
reference. However, in this scenario the user is asked to set first
the time using :cpp:func:`fmctdc_set_time()` or
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 147-149
Whater you are using white-rabbit or not, you can get the current
board time with :cpp:func:`fmctdc_get_time()`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 150-152
Still about time, the user can add it's own offset without changing
the timebase using :cpp:func:`fmctdc_get_offset_user()` and
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 155-160
Finally, you can monitor the board temperature using
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_read_temperature()`, and pulse and timestamps
statistics with :cpp:func:`fmctdc_stats_recv_get()` and
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 226-231
.. note::
If it can be useful there is one last status function in the API
used to detect the transfer mode between the driver and the
board. This function is :cpp:func:`fmctdc_transfer_mode()`
Timestamp buffering has its own set of options. Buffering in hardware
is fixed, it can't be configured, so what we are going to describe
here is the Linux device driver buffering configuration. Because the
TDC driver is based on `ZIO`_, then you can choose the buffer
allocator type. You can handle this option with the pair:
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_get_buffer_type()` and
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 163-168
You can configure - and get - the buffer size (number of
timestamps) with: :cpp:func:`fmctdc_get_buffer_len()` and
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_set_buffer_len()`. Beware, that this function works
only when using :cpp:any:`FMCTDC_BUFFER_VMALLOC`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 171-176
Finally, you can select between to modes to handle buffer's overflows:
:cpp:any:`FMCTDC_BUFFER_CIRC` and :cpp:any:`FMCTDC_BUFFER_FIFO`. The
first will discard old timestamps to make space for the new ones, the
latter will discard any new timestamp until the buffer get
consumed. To configure this option you can use:
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_get_buffer_mode()` and
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 179-184
Before actually being able to get timestamps, the TDC acquisition must
be enabled. The acquisition can be *enabled* or *disabled* through its
gateware using, respectivily, :cpp:func:`fmctdc_channel_enable()` and
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 194-204
You have to may functions to read timestamp :cpp:func:`fmctdc_read()`
and :cpp:func:`fmctdc_fread()`. As the name may suggest, the first
behaves like :manpage:`read` and the second as :manpage:`fread`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 218-222
If you need to flush the buffer, you can use :cpp:func:`fmctdc_flush()`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../software/tools/example.c
:language: c
:lines: 79-81
Timestamp Math
The TDC library API has functions to support timestamp math. They
allow you to *add*, *subtract*, *compare*, *normalize*, and
*approximate*. These functions are: :cpp:func:`fmctdc_ts_add()`,
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_ts_sub()`, :cpp:func:`_fmctdc_tscmp()`,
:cpp:func:`fmctdc_ts_norm()`, :cpp:func:`fmctdc_ts_ps()`,and
.. _`ZIO`:
.. _`SVEC`:
.. _`SPEC`:
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 CERN
The driver is distributed with a few tools living in the ``tools/``
subdirectory and they do not use any dedicated library, instead
they do raw accesses to the driver. The programs are meant to provide
examples about the use of the driver and library interface
Termination Configuration
Reading Temperature
Getting And Setting Board Time
Read Timestamps
User Offset Configuration
Calibration Data
......@@ -651,7 +651,9 @@ int fmctdc_get_buffer_len(struct fmctdc_board *userb, unsigned int channel)
* Internally, the buffer allocates memory in chunks of minimun 1KiB. This
* means, for example, that if you ask for 65 timestamp the buffer will
* allocate space for 128. This because 64 timestamps fit in 1KiB, to store
* 65 we need 2KiB (128 timestamps)
* 65 we need 2KiB (128 timestamps).
* NOTE: it works only with the VMALLOC allocator.
int fmctdc_set_buffer_len(struct fmctdc_board *userb, unsigned int channel,
unsigned int length)
......@@ -130,25 +130,16 @@ struct fmctdc_time {
* @file fmctdc-lib.c
* @defgroup libutil Utilities
* Set of library utilities
* @{
extern const char *fmctdc_strerror(int err);
extern int fmctdc_init(void);
extern void fmctdc_exit(void);
* @defgroup libboard Board Configuration
* Set of function to configure TDC board and retrieve information
* about the current status
* @{
extern int fmctdc_set_time(struct fmctdc_board *b, struct fmctdc_time *t);
extern int fmctdc_get_time(struct fmctdc_board *b, struct fmctdc_time *t);
......@@ -156,14 +147,11 @@ extern int fmctdc_set_host_time(struct fmctdc_board *b);
extern int fmctdc_wr_mode(struct fmctdc_board *b, int on);
extern int fmctdc_check_wr_mode(struct fmctdc_board *b);
extern float fmctdc_read_temperature(struct fmctdc_board *b);
* @defgroup libchan Channel Configuration
* Set of function to configure TDC channels and retrieve information
* about the current status
* @{
extern int fmctdc_channel_status_set(struct fmctdc_board *userb,
unsigned int channel,
......@@ -209,12 +197,8 @@ extern int fmctdc_ts_mode_get(struct fmctdc_board *userb,
unsigned int channel,
enum fmctdc_ts_mode *mode);
* @defgroup libacq Time-stamps Acquisition
* Set of functions to read time-stamps from the board
* @{
extern struct fmctdc_board *fmctdc_open(int dev_id);
extern struct fmctdc_board *fmctdc_open_by_lun(int lun);
......@@ -224,15 +208,10 @@ extern int fmctdc_fread(struct fmctdc_board *b, unsigned int channel,
extern int fmctdc_fileno_channel(struct fmctdc_board *b, unsigned int channel);
extern int fmctdc_read(struct fmctdc_board *b, unsigned int channel,
struct fmctdc_time *t, int n, int flags);
extern int fmctdc_readhw(struct fmctdc_board *b, unsigned int channel,
struct ft_hw_timestamp *t, int n, int flags);
extern int fmctdc_flush(struct fmctdc_board *userb, unsigned int channel);
* @defgroup libstats Statistics
* Set of functions to get statistics
* @{
extern int fmctdc_stats_recv_get(struct fmctdc_board *userb,
unsigned int channel,
......@@ -240,18 +219,10 @@ extern int fmctdc_stats_recv_get(struct fmctdc_board *userb,
extern int fmctdc_stats_trans_get(struct fmctdc_board *userb,
unsigned int channel,
uint32_t *val);
*@file fmctdc-lib-math.c
* @defgroup libmath Time-Stamp Math
* Set of mathematical functions on time-stamps
* @{
extern uint64_t fmctdc_ts_approx_ns(struct fmctdc_time *a);
extern uint64_t fmctdc_ts_ps(struct fmctdc_time *a);
extern void fmctdc_ts_norm(struct fmctdc_time *a);
......@@ -262,7 +233,6 @@ extern void fmctdc_ts_add(struct fmctdc_time *r,
const struct fmctdc_time *a,
const struct fmctdc_time *b);
extern int _fmctdc_tscmp(struct fmctdc_time *a, struct fmctdc_time *b);
* libfmctdc version string
......@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ fmc-tdc-tstamp
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ TESTS = fmc-tdc-term \
fmc-tdc-offset \
OTHERS = example
CFLAGS = -ggdb -I. -I$(LIBTDC) -I../kernel -Wall -Werror $(EXTRACFLAGS)
GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --dirty --long --tags)
......@@ -29,10 +31,12 @@ LDLIBS = -lfmctdc -lrt
CPPCHECK ?= cppcheck
all: $(TESTS)
all: $(TESTS) $(OTHERS)
$(TESTS): $(COMMON_SRCS:.c=.o) $(LIBTDC)/libfmctdc.a
$(OTHERS): $(LIBTDC)/libfmctdc.a
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// SPDX-Copyright: 2022 CERN
* Author: Federico Vaga <>
* This is an example program that shows the different part of the library
* in action.
* This is part of the documentation, so when you change it **REMEMBER** to
* update the references in documents in `doc/`.
* The reason to have the example here as a true program is that we can always
* compile it and run it, so that we can validate the example.
* This way, at least for this aspect, the documentation in always aligned.
* Do not try to optimize this code, the purpose is to show code, highlight
* snippet and being able to refer to it from the documentation
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fmctdc-lib.h>
static const unsigned int channel = 0;
static const int termination = 0;
static const enum fmctdc_buffer_type buffer_type = FMCTDC_BUFFER_VMALLOC;
static const enum fmctdc_buffer_mode buffer_mode = FMCTDC_BUFFER_FIFO;
static const unsigned int buffer_len= 128;
static const int32_t offset_user = 0;
static const int wr_mode = 0;
static const struct fmctdc_time time = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static char *prog_name;
static int fetch_and_process(struct fmctdc_board *tdc);
static int acquire(struct fmctdc_board *tdc);
static int config(struct fmctdc_board *tdc);
static int config_and_acquire(struct fmctdc_board *tdc);
static int use_fmctdc_library();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int err;
prog_name = argv[0];
err = fmctdc_init();
if (err)
err = use_fmctdc_library();
if (err)
fmctdc_exit(); /* optional, indeed in the error condition
we do not do it */
static int use_fmctdc_library()
struct fmctdc_board *tdc;
int err;
/* Open the TDC */
tdc = fmctdc_open(0x0000);
if (!tdc) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot open device: %s\n",
prog_name, fmctdc_strerror(errno));
return -1;
err = fmctdc_flush(tdc, channel);
if (err)
return err;
err = config_and_acquire(tdc);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: %s\n",
prog_name, fmctdc_strerror(errno));
return -1;
return err;
static int config_and_acquire(struct fmctdc_board *tdc)
int err;
err = config(tdc);
if (err)
return err;
err = acquire(tdc);
if (err)
return err;
return err;
static int config(struct fmctdc_board *tdc)
int err = 0;
/* read-back */
int termination_rb;
int32_t offset_user_rb;
enum fmctdc_buffer_type buffer_type_rb;
enum fmctdc_buffer_mode buffer_mode_rb;
int buffer_len_rb;
int wr_mode_rb;
unsigned int coalescing_timeout_rb;
struct fmctdc_time time_rb;
err = fmctdc_set_termination(tdc, channel, termination);
if (err)
return err;
termination_rb = fmctdc_get_termination(tdc, channel);
if (termination_rb < 0)
return termination_rb;
assert(termination == termination_rb);
err = fmctdc_coalescing_timeout_set(tdc, channel, coalescing_timeout);
if (err)
return err;
err = fmctdc_get_coalescing_timeout(tdc, channel, &coalescing_timeout_rb);
if (err)
return err;
assert(coalescing_timeout == coalescing_timeout_rb);
err = fmctdc_wr_mode(tdc, wr_mode)
if (err)
return err;
wr_mode_rb = fmctdc_check_wr_mode(tdc);
if (wr_mode_rb < 0)
return wr_mode_rb;
assert(wr_mode == wr_mode_rb);
err = fmctdc_set_time(tdc, channel, time);
if (err)
return err;
err = fmctdc_get_time(tdc, channel, &time_rb);
if (err)
return err;
assert(time == time_rb);
err = fmctdc_set_offset_user(tdc, channel, offset_user);
if (err)
return err;
err = fmctdc_get_offset_user(tdc, channel, &offset_user_rb);
if (err)
return err;
assert(offset_user == offset_user_rb);
err = fmctdc_set_buffer_type(tdc, buffer_type);
if (err)
return err;
buffer_type_rb = fmctdc_get_buffer_type(tdc);
if (buffer_type_rb < 0)
return buffer_type_rb;
assert(buffer_type == buffer_type_rb);
err = fmctdc_set_buffer_len(tdc, channel, buffer_len);
if (err)
return err;
buffer_len_rb = fmctdc_get_buffer_len(tdc, channel);
if (buffer_len_rb < 0)
return buffer_len_rb;
assert(buffer_len == buffer_len_rb);
err = fmctdc_set_buffer_mode(tdc, channel, buffer_mode);
if (err)
return err;
buffer_mode_rb = fmctdc_get_buffer_mode(tdc, channel);
if (buffer_mode_rb < 0)
return buffer_mode_rb;
assert(buffer_mode == buffer_mode_rb);
return err;
static int acquire(struct fmctdc_board *tdc)
int err = 0;
err = fmctdc_channel_enable(tdc, channel);
if (err)
return err;
err = fetch_and_process(tdc);
if (err)
return err;
err = fmctdc_channel_disable(tdc, channel);
if (err)
return err;
return err;
static int fetch_and_process(struct fmctdc_board *tdc)
int err = 0;
int n, i;
float temperature;
const int max = 10;
struct fmctdc_time ts[max];
uint32_t recv, trans;
do {
n = fmctdc_read(tdc, channel, ts, max, O_NONBLOCK);
} while (n < 0 && errno == EAGAIN);
if (n < 0)
return n;
temperature = fmctdc_read_temperature(tdc);
err = fmctdc_stats_recv_get(tdc, channel, &recv);
if (err)
return err;
err = fmctdc_stats_trans_get(tdc, channel, &trans);
if (err)
return err;
printf("Temperature: %f\n", temperature);
printf("Stats: %d %d\n", recv, trans);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("Timestamp: "PRItsps"\n", PRItspsVAL(&ts[i]));
return err;
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