Commit 17f2c6e2 authored by egousiou's avatar egousiou

integration of svec and spec design with and without White Rabbit in the folders structure

git-svn-id: 85dfdc96-de2c-444c-878d-45b388be74a9
parent 10b74dcd
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......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ entity circular_buffer is
tstamp_wr_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); -- not used
-- Signals to the GN4124/VME core unit (WISHBONE pipelined): timestamps reading
tdc_mem_wb_ack_o : out std_logic; -- timestamp reading WISHBONE pepelined acknowledge
tdc_mem_wb_ack_o : out std_logic; -- timestamp reading WISHBONE pipelined acknowledge
tdc_mem_wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- 32 bit words
tdc_mem_wb_stall_o : out std_logic); -- timestamp reading WISHBONE pipelined stall
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......@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
-- File irq_generator.vhd |
-- |
-- Description Interrupts generator: the unit generates three interrups: |
-- Description Interrupts generator: the unit generates three interrupts: |
-- |
-- o irq_tstamp_p_o is a 1-clk_i-long pulse generated when the amount of |
-- timestamps written in the circular_buffer, since the last interrupt or since |
-- the startup of the aquisition, exceeds the GN4124/VME settable threshold |
-- the startup of the acquisition, exceeds the GN4124/VME settable threshold |
-- irq_tstamp_threshold. |
-- |
-- o irq_time_p_o is a 1-clk_i-long pulse generated when some timestamps have been |
-- written in the circular_buffer (>=1 timestamp) and the amount of time passed |
-- since the last interrupt or since the aquisition startup, exceeds the |
-- since the last interrupt or since the acquisition startup, exceeds the |
-- GN4124/VME settable threshold irq_time_threshold. The threshold is in ms. |
-- |
-- o irq_acam_err_p_o is a 1-clk_i-long pulse generated when the ACAM Hit FIFOS are|
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ entity irq_generator is
-- the ERRflag is configured to follow the full flags of the
-- Hit FIFOs; this would translate to data loss
-- Signal from the reg_ctrl unit
activate_acq_p_i : in std_logic; -- activates tstamps aquisition from ACAM
deactivate_acq_p_i : in std_logic; -- deactivates tstamps aquisition
activate_acq_p_i : in std_logic; -- activates tstamps acquisition from ACAM
deactivate_acq_p_i : in std_logic; -- deactivates tstamps acquisition
-- Signals from the data_formatting unit
tstamp_wr_p_i : in std_logic; -- pulse upon storage of a new timestamp
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ begin
-- last reset. The counter counts up to 255.
tstamps_counter: incr_counter
generic map
(width => 9)--(c_CIRCULAR_BUFF_SIZE'length)) -- 9 digits, counting up to 255
(width => 9) -- 9 digits, counting up to 255
port map
(clk_i => clk_i,
rst_i => tstamps_c_rst,
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ use work.tdc_core_pkg.all; -- definitions of types, constants, entities
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
-- Entity declaration for leds_manager
......@@ -82,14 +81,14 @@ entity leds_manager is
rst_i : in std_logic; -- core internal reset, synched with 125 MHz clk
-- Signal from the one_hz_generator unit
one_hz_p_i : in std_logic;
utc_p_i : in std_logic;
-- Signal from the reg_ctrl unit
acam_inputs_en_i : in std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0); -- enable for the ACAM channels;
-- activation comes through dedicated reg c_ACAM_INPUTS_EN_ADR
-- Signal for debugging
fordebug_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- for debugging, currently not used
acam_channel_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- for debugging, currently not used
tstamp_wr_p_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ begin
port map
(clk_i => clk_i,
rst_i => rst_i,
counter_load_i => one_hz_p_i,
counter_load_i => utc_p_i,
counter_top_i => visible_blink_length,
counter_is_zero_o => tdc_led_blink_done,
counter_o => open);
......@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ begin
if rising_edge (clk_i) then
if rst_i ='1' then
tdc_led_status_o <= '0';
elsif one_hz_p_i ='1' then
elsif utc_p_i ='1' then
tdc_led_status_o <= '1';
elsif tdc_led_blink_done = '1' then
tdc_led_status_o <= '0';
......@@ -157,65 +156,19 @@ begin
rst_n <= not(rst_i);
-- cmp_extend_ch1_pulse: gc_extend_pulse
-- generic map
-- (g_width => 5000000)
-- port map
-- (clk_i => clk_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- pulse_i => acam_channel_i(0),
-- extended_o => blink_led1);
-- -- -- --
-- cmp_extend_ch2_pulse: gc_extend_pulse
-- generic map
-- (g_width => 5000000)
-- port map
-- (clk_i => clk_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- pulse_i => acam_channel_i(1),
-- extended_o => blink_led2);
-- -- -- --
-- cmp_extend_ch3_pulse: gc_extend_pulse
-- generic map
-- (g_width => 5000000)
-- port map
-- (clk_i => clk_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- pulse_i => acam_channel_i(2),
-- extended_o => blink_led3);
-- -- -- --
-- cmp_extend_ch4_pulse: gc_extend_pulse
-- generic map
-- (g_width => 5000000)
-- port map
-- (clk_i => clk_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- pulse_i => acam_channel_i(3),
-- extended_o => blink_led4);
-- -- -- --
-- cmp_extend_ch5_pulse: gc_extend_pulse
-- generic map
-- (g_width => 5000000)
-- port map
-- (clk_i => clk_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- pulse_i => acam_channel_i(4),
-- extended_o => blink_led5);
-- -- -- -- -- --
led_1to5_outputs: process (clk_i)
if rising_edge (clk_i) then
tdc_led_trig1_o <= acam_inputs_en_i(0) and blink_led1;
tdc_led_trig2_o <= acam_inputs_en_i(1) and blink_led2;
tdc_led_trig3_o <= acam_inputs_en_i(2) and blink_led3;
tdc_led_trig4_o <= acam_inputs_en_i(3) and blink_led4;
tdc_led_trig5_o <= acam_inputs_en_i(4) and blink_led5;
tdc_led_trig1_o <= blink_led1; --acam_inputs_en_i(0) and blink_led1;
tdc_led_trig2_o <= blink_led2; --acam_inputs_en_i(1) and blink_led2;
tdc_led_trig3_o <= blink_led3; --acam_inputs_en_i(2) and blink_led3;
tdc_led_trig4_o <= blink_led4; --acam_inputs_en_i(3) and blink_led4;
tdc_led_trig5_o <= blink_led5; --acam_inputs_en_i(4) and blink_led5;
end if;
end process;
input_pulse_synchronizer: process (clk_i)
pulse_generator: process (clk_i)
if rising_edge (clk_i) then
if rst_i = '1' then
......@@ -227,7 +180,7 @@ begin
ch4 <= '0';
ch5 <= '0';
acam_channel <= fordebug_i;
acam_channel <= acam_channel_i;
tstamp_wr_p <= tstamp_wr_p_i;
if tstamp_wr_p = '1' and acam_inputs_en_i(7) = '1' then
if acam_channel(2 downto 0) = "000" then
......@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@
-- |
-- one_hz_gen |
-- local_pps_gen |
-- |
-- File one_hz_gen.vhd |
-- File local_pps_gen.vhd |
-- |
-- Description Generates one pulse every second synchronously with the ACAM reference clock. |
-- The phase with the reference clock can be adjusted (eva: think that is not needed)|
-- It also keeps track of the UTC time based on the local clock. |
-- If there is no White Rabbit synchronization, this unit is the source of UTC timing|
-- in the design.
-- |
-- |
-- Authors Gonzalo Penacoba ( |
......@@ -58,10 +60,10 @@ use work.tdc_core_pkg.all; -- definitions of types, constants, entities
-- Entity declaration for one_hz_gen
-- Entity declaration for local_pps_gen
entity one_hz_gen is
entity local_pps_gen is
(g_width : integer := 32);
......@@ -83,14 +85,14 @@ entity one_hz_gen is
local_utc_o : out std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0); -- tstamp current second
-- Signal to start_retrig_ctrl unit
one_hz_p_o : out std_logic); -- pulse upon new second
local_utc_p_o : out std_logic); -- pulse upon new second
end one_hz_gen;
end local_pps_gen;
-- architecture declaration
architecture rtl of one_hz_gen is
architecture rtl of local_pps_gen is
constant constant_delay : unsigned(g_width-1 downto 0) := x"00000004";
signal local_utc : unsigned(g_width-1 downto 0);
......@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ begin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
total_delay <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pulse_delay_i)+constant_delay);
one_hz_p_o <= one_hz_p_post;
local_utc_p_o <= one_hz_p_post;
end architecture rtl;
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peripheral {
name = "Interrupt controller";
description = "FMC TDC interrrupt controller.";
hdl_entity = "irq_controller";
prefix = "irq_ctrl";
irq {
name = "FMC TDC timestamps interrupt";
description = "FMC TDC timestamp interrupt (rising edge sensitive).";
prefix = "tdc_tstamps";
trigger = EDGE_RISING;
irq {
name = "FMC TDC time interrupt";
description = "FMC TDC time interrupt (rising edge sensitive).";
prefix = "tdc_time";
trigger = EDGE_RISING;
irq {
name = "FMC TDC acam error interrupt";
description = "FMC slot 1 acam error interrupt (rising edge sensitive).";
prefix = "tdc_acam_err";
trigger = EDGE_RISING;
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