Commit 6cdecdba authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

[hdl] [bugfix] Properly sign-extend timestamp values in timestamp adder/subtractor

parent 7b243fd4
......@@ -99,14 +99,13 @@ begin -- rtl
elsif(enable_i = '1') then
pipe(0) <= valid_i;
sums(0).tai <= signed( resize(unsigned(a_i.tai) + unsigned(b_i.tai), 33) );
sums(0).seq <= a_i.seq;
sums(0).seq <= a_i.seq;
sums(0).slope <= a_i.slope;
sums(0).meta <= a_i.meta;
sums(0).frac <= signed( resize(unsigned(a_i.frac),16) + resize(unsigned(b_i.frac), 16) );
sums(0).coarse <= signed(resize(unsigned(a_i.coarse), sums(0).coarse'length) +
resize(unsigned(b_i.coarse), sums(0).coarse'length));
sums(0).meta <= a_i.meta;
sums(0).tai <= resize(signed(a_i.tai), 33) + resize(signed(b_i.tai), 33);
sums(0).frac <= resize(signed(a_i.frac), 16) + resize(signed(b_i.frac), 16);
sums(0).coarse <= signed(a_i.coarse) + signed(b_i.coarse);
pipe(0) <= '0';
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