Commit 48f0a742 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

top/spec: cleanup, ports rename

parent 98bb71d9
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ entity wr_spec_tdc is
clk_20m_vcxo_i : in std_logic; -- 20 MHz VCXO
dac_sclk_o : out std_logic; -- PLL VCXO DAC Drive
dac_din_o : out std_logic;
dac_cs1_n_o : out std_logic;
dac_cs2_n_o : out std_logic;
wr_dac_sclk_o : out std_logic; -- PLL VCXO DAC Drive
wr_dac_din_o : out std_logic;
wr_dac_cs1_n_o : out std_logic;
wr_dac_cs2_n_o : out std_logic;
sfp_txp_o : out std_logic; -- SFP
sfp_txn_o : out std_logic;
......@@ -182,40 +182,37 @@ entity wr_spec_tdc is
-- GN4124 PCI bridge pins
l_rst_n : in std_logic; -- reset from gn4124 (rstout18_n)
gn_rst_n : in std_logic; -- reset from gn4124 (rstout18_n)
-- general purpose interface
gpio : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- gpio[0] -> gn4124 gpio8
-- gpio[1] -> gn4124 gpio9
gn_gpio : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- gpio[0] -> gn4124 gpio8
-- pcie to local [inbound data] - rx
p2l_rdy : out std_logic; -- rx buffer full flag
p2l_clkn : in std_logic; -- receiver source synchronous clock-
p2l_clkp : in std_logic; -- receiver source synchronous clock+
p2l_data : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel receive data
p2l_dframe : in std_logic; -- receive frame
p2l_valid : in std_logic; -- receive data valid
gn_p2l_rdy : out std_logic; -- rx buffer full flag
gn_p2l_clkn : in std_logic; -- receiver source synchronous clock-
gn_p2l_clkp : in std_logic; -- receiver source synchronous clock+
gn_p2l_data : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel receive data
gn_p2l_dframe : in std_logic; -- receive frame
gn_p2l_valid : in std_logic; -- receive data valid
-- inbound buffer request/status
p_wr_req : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie write request
p_wr_rdy : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie write ready
rx_error : out std_logic; -- receive error
gn_p_wr_req : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie write request
gn_p_wr_rdy : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie write ready
gn_rx_error : out std_logic; -- receive error
-- local to parallel [outbound data] - tx
l2p_data : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel transmit data
l2p_dframe : out std_logic; -- transmit data frame
l2p_valid : out std_logic; -- transmit data valid
l2p_clkn : out std_logic; -- transmitter source synchronous clock-
l2p_clkp : out std_logic; -- transmitter source synchronous clock+
l2p_edb : out std_logic; -- packet termination and discard
gn_l2p_data : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel transmit data
gn_l2p_dframe : out std_logic; -- transmit data frame
gn_l2p_valid : out std_logic; -- transmit data valid
gn_l2p_clkn : out std_logic; -- transmitter source synchronous clock-
gn_l2p_clkp : out std_logic; -- transmitter source synchronous clock+
gn_l2p_edb : out std_logic; -- packet termination and discard
-- outbound buffer status
l2p_rdy : in std_logic; -- tx buffer full flag
l_wr_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- local-to-pcie write
p_rd_d_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie-to-local read response data ready
tx_error : in std_logic; -- transmit error
vc_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- channel ready
gn_l2p_rdy : in std_logic; -- tx buffer full flag
gn_l_wr_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- local-to-pcie write
gn_p_rd_d_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- pcie-to-local read response data ready
gn_tx_error : in std_logic; -- transmit error
gn_vc_rdy : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- channel ready
-- Interface with the PLL AD9516 and DAC AD5662 on TDC mezzanine
pll_sclk_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
pll_sdi_o : out std_logic; -- data line for PLL and DAC
pll_cs_o : out std_logic; -- PLL chip select
......@@ -274,8 +271,8 @@ entity wr_spec_tdc is
mezz_onewire_b : inout std_logic;
-- font panel leds
led_red : out std_logic;
led_green : out std_logic;
led_act_o : out std_logic;
led_link_o : out std_logic;
-- Carrier other signals
pcb_ver_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- PCB version
......@@ -545,9 +542,9 @@ begin
-- waits for the system clock PLL to lock + additional 256 clk_62m5_sys cycles before de-asserting
-- the reset.
p_powerup_reset : process(clk_62m5_sys, l_rst_n)
p_powerup_reset : process(clk_62m5_sys, gn_rst_n)
if(l_rst_n = '0') then
if(gn_rst_n = '0') then
rst_n_sys <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_62m5_sys) then
if sys_locked = '1' then
......@@ -613,8 +610,8 @@ begin
phy_rst_o => phy_rst,
phy_loopen_o => phy_loopen,
led_act_o => LED_RED,
led_link_o => LED_GREEN,
led_act_o => led_act_o,
led_link_o => led_link_o,
-- SFP
scl_o => wrc_scl_out,
scl_i => wrc_scl_in,
......@@ -706,11 +703,11 @@ begin
load1_i => dac_dpll_load_p1,
val2_i => dac_hpll_data,
load2_i => dac_hpll_load_p1,
dac_cs_n_o(0) => dac_cs1_n_o,
dac_cs_n_o(1) => dac_cs2_n_o,
dac_cs_n_o(0) => wr_dac_cs1_n_o,
dac_cs_n_o(1) => wr_dac_cs2_n_o,
-- dac_clr_n_o => open,
dac_sclk_o => dac_sclk_o,
dac_din_o => dac_din_o);
dac_sclk_o => wr_dac_sclk_o,
dac_din_o => wr_dac_din_o);
......@@ -748,39 +745,39 @@ begin
cmp_gn4124_core : gn4124_core
port map
(rst_n_a_i => l_rst_n,
(rst_n_a_i => gn_rst_n,
status_o => gn4124_status,
-- P2L Direction
-- Source Sync DDR related signals
p2l_clk_p_i => P2L_CLKp,
p2l_clk_n_i => P2L_CLKn,
p2l_data_i => P2L_DATA,
p2l_dframe_i => P2L_DFRAME,
p2l_valid_i => P2L_VALID,
p2l_clk_p_i => gn_p2l_clkp,
p2l_clk_n_i => gn_p2l_clkn,
p2l_data_i => gn_p2l_data,
p2l_dframe_i => gn_p2l_dframe,
p2l_valid_i => gn_p2l_valid,
-- P2L Control
p2l_rdy_o => P2L_RDY,
p_wr_req_i => P_WR_REQ,
p_wr_rdy_o => P_WR_RDY,
rx_error_o => RX_ERROR,
vc_rdy_i => VC_RDY,
p2l_rdy_o => gn_p2l_rdy,
p_wr_req_i => gn_p_wr_req,
p_wr_rdy_o => gn_p_wr_rdy,
rx_error_o => gn_rx_error,
vc_rdy_i => gn_vc_rdy,
-- L2P Direction
-- Source Sync DDR related signals
l2p_clk_p_o => L2P_CLKp,
l2p_clk_n_o => L2P_CLKn,
l2p_data_o => L2P_DATA,
l2p_dframe_o => L2P_DFRAME,
l2p_valid_o => L2P_VALID,
l2p_clk_p_o => gn_l2p_clkp,
l2p_clk_n_o => gn_l2p_clkn,
l2p_data_o => gn_l2p_data,
l2p_dframe_o => gn_l2p_dframe,
l2p_valid_o => gn_l2p_valid,
-- L2P Control
l2p_edb_o => L2P_EDB,
l2p_rdy_i => L2P_RDY,
l_wr_rdy_i => L_WR_RDY,
p_rd_d_rdy_i => P_RD_D_RDY,
tx_error_i => TX_ERROR,
l2p_edb_o => gn_l2p_edb,
l2p_rdy_i => gn_l2p_rdy,
l_wr_rdy_i => gn_l_wr_rdy,
p_rd_d_rdy_i => gn_p_rd_d_rdy,
tx_error_i => gn_tx_error,
dma_irq_o => open,
irq_p_i => '0',
......@@ -914,8 +911,8 @@ begin
irqs_i(0) => tdc0_irq,
irq_master_o => irq_to_gn4124);
gpio(0) <= irq_to_gn4124;
gpio(1) <= '0';
gn_gpio(0) <= irq_to_gn4124;
gn_gpio(1) <= '0';
-- Carrier CSR information --
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