Commit 24274099 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

[hdl] [bugfix] fix (again) offset calculation

Previous fix did not correctly account for when the most significant bit of a.frac was '1', as it would incorrectly consider it as a negative number.

Also updated the header notes.
parent 31e4f6f5
......@@ -6,17 +6,19 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN
-- Created : 2011-08-29
-- Last update: 2019-09-26
-- Last update: 2019-09-29
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'93
-- Description: Pipelined timestamp adder with re-normalization of the result.
-- Adds a to b, producing normalized timestamp q. A timestmap is normalized when
-- the 0 <= frac < 2**g_frac_bits, 0 <= coarse <= g_coarse_range-1 and utc >= 0.
-- the 0 <= frac < g_frac_range, 0 <= coarse <= g_coarse_range-1 and utc >= 0.
-- For correct operation of renormalizer, input timestamps must meet the
-- following constraints:
-- 1. 0 <= (a/b)_frac_i <= 2**g_frac_bits-1
-- 2. -g_coarse_range+1 <= (a_coarse_i + b_coarse_i) <= 3*g_coarse_range-1
-- 1. 0 <= a_tai + b_tai < 2**32 - 1
-- 2. 0 <= a_frac < g_frac_range
-- 3. -g_frac_range / 2 <= b_frac < g_frac_range / 2
-- 4. -g_coarse_range+1 <= (a_coarse + b_coarse) <= 3*g_coarse_range-1
-- Copyright (c) 2011 CERN / BE-CO-HT
......@@ -101,10 +103,9 @@ begin -- rtl
sums(0).slope <= a_i.slope;
sums(0).meta <= a_i.meta;
sums(0).tai <= resize(signed(a_i.tai), 33) + resize(signed(b_i.tai), 33);
sums(0).frac <= resize(signed(a_i.frac), 16) + resize(signed(b_i.frac), 16);
sums(0).tai <= signed(resize(unsigned(a_i.tai) + unsigned(b_i.tai), 33));
sums(0).coarse <= signed(a_i.coarse) + signed(b_i.coarse);
sums(0).frac <= signed(resize(signed('0' & a_i.frac), 16) + resize(signed(b_i.frac), 16));
pipe(0) <= '0';
end if;
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