Commit 2de59c93 authored by Christos Gentsos's avatar Christos Gentsos

Fix HW revision placed/unplaced resistors (closes #28)

parent 3ca3a750
......@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ Entry Wire Line
1700 6350 1600 6450
Entry Wire Line
1700 6450 1600 6550
Text Notes 2850 6050 1 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 2100 6100 1 50 ~ 0
do not mount
Connection ~ 2300 7200
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -1709,13 +1709,13 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Bus Line
1600 6700 1550 6700
Wire Notes Line
2750 5550 2150 5550
2550 5550 2150 5550
Wire Notes Line
2150 5550 2150 6100
Wire Notes Line
2150 6100 2750 6100
2150 6100 2550 6100
Wire Notes Line
2750 6100 2750 5550
2550 6100 2550 5550
Wire Wire Line
1700 6350 2300 6350
Connection ~ 2300 6350
......@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ F 7 "±100ppm/°C" H 2700 6075 60 0001 L CNN "TC"
F 8 "General Purpose Thick Film Chip Resistor" H 2700 6150 60 0001 L CNN "Part Description"
F 9 "GENERIC" H 2700 6225 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 10 "R0603_10K_1%_0.1W_100PPM" H 2700 6300 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer Part Number"
F 11 "No" H 2800 5550 50 0000 L CNN "Mounted"
F 11 "Yes" H 2800 5550 50 0001 L CNN "Mounted"
F 12 "Yes" H 2700 6450 60 0001 L CNN "SMD"
F 13 "No" H 2700 6600 60 0001 L CNN "Sense"
F 14 "Preferred" H 2700 6675 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
......@@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ F 7 "±100ppm/°C" H 2700 7125 60 0001 L CNN "TC"
F 8 "General Purpose Thick Film Chip Resistor" H 2700 7200 60 0001 L CNN "Part Description"
F 9 "GENERIC" H 2700 7275 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 10 "R0603_10K_1%_0.1W_100PPM" H 2700 7350 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer Part Number"
F 11 "Yes" H 2700 7425 60 0001 L CNN "Mounted"
F 11 "No" H 2800 6600 60 0000 L CNN "Mounted"
F 12 "Yes" H 2700 7500 60 0001 L CNN "SMD"
F 13 "No" H 2700 7650 60 0001 L CNN "Sense"
F 14 "Preferred" H 2700 7725 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
......@@ -2423,6 +2423,16 @@ Wire Wire Line
2500 5500 2700 5500
Wire Wire Line
2500 7200 2700 7200
Wire Notes Line
2550 6600 2550 7150
Wire Notes Line
2550 7150 2800 7150
Wire Notes Line
2550 6600 2800 6600
Wire Notes Line
2800 6600 2800 7150
Text Notes 2900 7150 1 50 ~ 0
do not mount
Wire Bus Line
3900 6400 3900 6650
Wire Bus Line
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