Commit 63fc39cc authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso

Minor change to test push

parent 1f56dbe4
\chapter{Shutter}\label{ch:shutter} \chapter{Shutter}\label{ch:shutter}
An optional ``shutter'' can be enabled to synchronize the acquisition window to a signal, such as the spill signal from a beam line.\\ An optional ``shutter'' can be enabled to synchronize the acquisition window to a signal, such as the spill signal from a beam line.\\
When the shutter is ``closed'' triggers are vetoed and no triggers are sent. When the shutter is ``open'' triggers can be generated and sent to active \gls{dut}s.\\ When the shutter is ``closed'' triggers are vetoed and no triggers are issued from the \gls{tlu}. When the shutter is ``open'' triggers can be generated and sent to active \gls{dut}s.\\
The shutter cycle can either be started by an external signal or synchronized by a counter clocked by the system clock (i.e. internally-generated shutter, which can be used to debug hardware).\\ The shutter cycle can either be started by an external signal or synchronized by a counter clocked by the system clock (i.e. internally-generated shutter, which can be used to debug hardware).\\
The external signal, if used, must be connected to one of the six LEMO trigger inputs.\\ The external signal, if used, must be connected to one of the six LEMO trigger inputs.\\
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