From 9fe99a24dd6b67b49daa00cd3e49732b3041bfdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Cussans <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 17:18:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] * Tidying up build files ( removing references to unused top
 level file) * Edited T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd to enable shutter when T0 is
 pulsed. Modified and accordingly ( N.B. **** There
 is a bug in the code that enables/disables shutter when pulseT0 is written. )

 .../firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a35.dep    |  2 +-
 .../firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep    |  2 +-
 .../tlu/firmware/hdl/T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd | 35 ++++-----
 .../firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep    |  2 +-
 projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/tlu_1e.dep      | 10 +--
 .../TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ipbus_decode_top.vhd | 51 -------------
 projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/I2C_constr.xdc  | 71 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e.xdc        | 17 ++---
 projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/           | 35 +++++++--
 projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/localConf.conf       |  4 +-
 projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/      |  3 +-
 11 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ipbus_decode_top.vhd

diff --git a/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a35.dep b/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a35.dep
index 7dbd068f..bfe69db8 100644
--- a/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a35.dep
+++ b/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a35.dep
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 @boardname = "enclustra_ax3_pm3"
 setup settings_v7.tcl
-src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
+# src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
 include enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.dep
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_core ipbus_package.vhd
 src --cd ../ucf enclustra_ax3_pm3.tcl
diff --git a/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep b/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
index 0f93b8f0..83f08bf1 100644
--- a/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
+++ b/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 @boardname = "enclustra_ax3_pm3"
 setup settings_v7.tcl
-src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
+# src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
 include enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.dep
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_core ipbus_package.vhd
 src --cd ../ucf enclustra_ax3_pm3.tcl
diff --git a/components/tlu/firmware/hdl/T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd b/components/tlu/firmware/hdl/T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd
index 26a3c637..6a08d1fc 100644
--- a/components/tlu/firmware/hdl/T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd
+++ b/components/tlu/firmware/hdl/T0_Shutter_Iface_rtl.vhd
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ ARCHITECTURE rtl OF T0_Shutter_Iface IS
   signal s_enable_sequence : std_logic ; --! take high to enable sequence
   signal s_enable_internal_cycle : std_logic ; --! take high to enable internal sequence
   signal s_T0_ipbus : std_logic; --! T0 synchronization signal on IPBus clock domain.
-  constant c_NUM_CTRL_REGS  : integer := 8;
+  signal s_run_active : std_logic; --! Take active to issue T0 pulse and enable shutters
+  constant c_NUM_CTRL_REGS  : integer := 9;
   constant c_NUM_STAT_REGS  : integer := 1;
   signal s_ipbus_statusregs:   ipb_reg_v(c_NUM_STAT_REGS - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
   signal s_ipbus_controlregs:  ipb_reg_v(c_NUM_CTRL_REGS - 1 downto 0);
   constant c_ipbus_qmask : ipb_reg_v(c_NUM_CTRL_REGS  - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '1'));
-  constant c_T0_address : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000"; --! Write here for T0 pulse 
+  constant c_T0_address : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000"; --! Write 1 to bit 0 of this address to produce a enable shutters and produce T0 pulse 
@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ begin
       rstb => open
-  s_enable_sequence <= s_ipbus_controlregs(0)(0);
+  s_enable_sequence <= ( s_ipbus_controlregs(0)(0) and s_run_active ) when (rising_edge(clk_4x_i) and (clk_4x_strobe_i = '1'));
+  s_run_active <= s_ipbus_controlregs(8)(0); --! Set to 1 to issue T0 and start shutter 
   s_enable_internal_cycle <= s_ipbus_controlregs(0)(1);
   s_trigger_source_select <= s_ipbus_controlregs(1);
@@ -141,28 +143,29 @@ begin
   s_internal_cycle_length <= s_ipbus_controlregs(2);
   -- A bodge. I can't figure out which standard IPBus register generates a
   -- pulse, so put this logic in parallel.
-  ipbus_generateT0: process (ipbus_clk_i)
-  begin  -- process ipbus_clk_i
-    if rising_edge(ipbus_clk_i) then
-      if (ipbus_i.ipb_strobe = '1' and ipbus_i.ipb_write = '1' and ipbus_i.ipb_addr(3 downto 0) = c_T0_address ) then
-        s_T0_ipbus <= '1'; -- set T0 signal high
-      else
-        s_T0_ipbus <= '0';
-      end if;
+ -- ipbus_generateT0: process (ipbus_clk_i)
+ -- begin  -- process ipbus_clk_i
+ -- if rising_edge(ipbus_clk_i) then
+--      if (ipbus_i.ipb_strobe = '1' and ipbus_i.ipb_write = '1' and ipbus_i.ipb_addr(3 downto 0) = c_T0_address ) then
+--        s_T0_ipbus <= '1'; -- set T0 signal high
+--      else
+--        s_T0_ipbus <= '0';
+--      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process ipbus_generateT0;
+--    end if;
+--  end process ipbus_generateT0;
   --! Retime T0 generated by IPBus onto clk_4x and align with strobe
   cmp_T0_retime: entity work.stretchPulse4x
     port map (
       clk_4x_i      => clk_4x_i,
       clk_4x_strobe_i => clk_4x_strobe_i,
-      pulse_i       => s_T0_ipbus,
+      pulse_i       => s_run_active,
       pulse_o       => T0_o);
 END rtl;
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
index 32eca904..188aaf40 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/enclustra_ax3_pm3_a50.dep
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 @boardname = "enclustra_ax3_pm3"
 setup settings_v7.tcl
-src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
+# src top_enclustra_ax3_pm3.vhd
 include -c boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.dep
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_core ipbus_package.vhd
 src -c components/pdts --cd ../ucf pc053_ax3_pm3.tcl
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/tlu_1e.dep b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/tlu_1e.dep
index 53e8dcc6..4b212e4c 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/tlu_1e.dep
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/tlu_1e.dep
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_slaves ipbus_syncreg_v.vhd
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_slaves syncreg_w.vhd
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_slaves syncreg_r.vhd
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_core ipbus_fabric_sel.vhd
-src ipbus_decode_top.vhd
 src -c ipbus-firmware:components/ipbus_slaves ipbus_reg_types.vhd
@@ -41,14 +40,7 @@ src -c components/tlu single_pulse_rtl.vhd
 src -c components/tlu stretchPulse_rtl.vhd
 src -c components/tlu coincidenceLogic_rtl.vhd
-# ***** CHANGE ME ******
-# Hand-hacked IPBus address deocde.
-# replace with version generated by IPBus tools
-# Move the constants in this file to fmcTLU package.
-#src -c components/tlu ipbus_decode_tlu.vhd
-# ***** CHANGE ME ******
-# Fixed ?
-#src -c components/tlu ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd
+# IPBus address map generated from XML file
 src -c projects/TLU_v1e ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ipbus_decode_top.vhd b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ipbus_decode_top.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index d0131543..00000000
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ipbus_decode_top.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
--- Address decode logic for ipbus fabric
--- This file has been AUTOGENERATED from the address table - do not hand edit
--- We assume the synthesis tool is clever enough to recognise exclusive conditions
--- in the if statement.
--- Dave Newbold, February 2011
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-package ipbus_decode_top is
-  constant IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH: positive := 5; -- Should be enough for now?
-  subtype ipbus_sel_t is std_logic_vector(IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-  function ipbus_sel_top(addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return ipbus_sel_t;
--- START automatically  generated VHDL the Thu Mar 16 19:57:25 2017 
-  constant N_SLV_CSR: integer := 0;
-  constant N_SLV_IO: integer := 1;
-  constant N_SLAVES: integer := 2;
--- END automatically generated VHDL
-end ipbus_decode_top;
-package body ipbus_decode_top is
-  function ipbus_sel_top(addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return ipbus_sel_t is
-    variable sel: ipbus_sel_t;
-  begin
--- START automatically  generated VHDL the Thu Mar 16 19:57:25 2017 
-    if    std_match(addr, "-------------------------0------") then
-      sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLV_CSR, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH)); -- csr / base 0x00000000 / mask 0x00000040
-    elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------------1------") then
-      sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLV_IO, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH)); -- io / base 0x00000040 / mask 0x00000040
--- END automatically generated VHDL
-    else
-        sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLAVES, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH));
-    end if;
-    return sel;
-  end function ipbus_sel_top;
-end ipbus_decode_top;
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/I2C_constr.xdc b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/I2C_constr.xdc
index f756f4ae..54f54f3d 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/I2C_constr.xdc
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/I2C_constr.xdc
@@ -21,3 +21,74 @@ set_property PACKAGE_PIN P18 [get_ports i2c_sda_b]
+create_debug_core u_ila_0 ila
+set_property ALL_PROBE_SAME_MU true [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property ALL_PROBE_SAME_MU_CNT 4 [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_ADV_TRIGGER true [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_DATA_DEPTH 1024 [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_EN_STRG_QUAL true [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_INPUT_PIPE_STAGES 4 [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_TRIGIN_EN false [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property C_TRIGOUT_EN false [get_debug_cores u_ila_0]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/clk]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/clk [get_nets [list I4/clk_4x_logic_o]]
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe0]
+set_property port_width 6 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe0]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe0 [get_nets [list {I5/trigger_o[0]} {I5/trigger_o[1]} {I5/trigger_o[2]} {I5/trigger_o[3]} {I5/trigger_o[4]} {I5/trigger_o[5]}]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe1]
+set_property port_width 6 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe1]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe1 [get_nets [list {I10/trigger_o[0]} {I10/trigger_o[1]} {I10/trigger_o[2]} {I10/trigger_o[3]} {I10/trigger_o[4]} {I10/trigger_o[5]}]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe2]
+set_property port_width 6 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe2]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe2 [get_nets [list {triggers[0]} {triggers[1]} {triggers[2]} {triggers[3]} {triggers[4]} {triggers[5]}]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe3]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe3]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe3 [get_nets [list buffer_full_i]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe4]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe4]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe4 [get_nets [list s_shutter]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe5]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe5]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe5 [get_nets [list I8/cmp_SyncGen/s_shutter]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe6]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe6]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe6 [get_nets [list shutter_veto_o]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe7]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe7]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe7 [get_nets [list I6/trigger_i]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe8]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe8]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe8 [get_nets [list I10/cmp_coincidence_logic/trigger_o]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe9]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe9]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe9 [get_nets [list veto_i]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe10]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe10]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe10 [get_nets [list I9/veto_o]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe11]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe11]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe11 [get_nets [list I10/s_post_veto_trigger0]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe12]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe12]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe12 [get_nets [list I10/s_post_veto_trigger1]]
+create_debug_port u_ila_0 probe
+set_property PROBE_TYPE DATA_AND_TRIGGER [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe13]
+set_property port_width 1 [get_debug_ports u_ila_0/probe13]
+connect_debug_port u_ila_0/probe13 [get_nets [list I10/s_pre_veto_trigger_reg_n_0]]
+set_property C_CLK_INPUT_FREQ_HZ 300000000 [get_debug_cores dbg_hub]
+set_property C_ENABLE_CLK_DIVIDER false [get_debug_cores dbg_hub]
+set_property C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN 1 [get_debug_cores dbg_hub]
+connect_debug_port dbg_hub/clk [get_nets clk_4x_logic]
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e.xdc b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e.xdc
index 909d903c..31129fd6 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e.xdc
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e.xdc
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
 #set_property PACKAGE_PIN H1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[5]}]
 set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[*]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN A1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[0]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN B1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[0]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN B4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[1]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN A1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[0]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN C4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[1]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN K1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[2]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN B4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[1]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN K2 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[2]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN C5 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[3]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN K1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[2]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN C6 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[3]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN H4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[4]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN C5 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[3]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN J4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[4]}]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN G1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN H4 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[4]}]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN H1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_p_i[5]}]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN G1 [get_ports {threshold_discr_n_i[5]}]
 ## Miscellaneous I/O
 set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports clk_gen_rst]
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ set_property PACKAGE_PIN F6 [get_ports gpio]
 ## Crystal clock
 set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports sysclk_40_i_p]
-set_property PACKAGE_PIN T4 [get_ports sysclk_40_i_n]
 set_property PACKAGE_PIN T5 [get_ports sysclk_40_i_p]
+set_property PACKAGE_PIN T4 [get_ports sysclk_40_i_n]
 ## Output clock (currently not working so set to 0)
 set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports sysclk_50_o_p]
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks [get_clocks -of_objects [get_pins I4/pll_base
 set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 4 [current_design]
-# -false_path 
+# -false_path
 set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks {sysclk clk_ipb_i}] -group [get_clocks -include_generated_clocks {s_clk160 sysclk_40_i_p}]
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/ b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
index d1e31038..8fc95bf8 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
@@ -401,6 +401,12 @@ class TLU:
         print "\tShutter control read back as:" , hex(shutterControl)
         return shutterControl
+    def getShutterSource(self):
+        shutterSource = self.hw.getNode("Shutter.ShutterSelectW").read()
+        self.hw.dispatch()
+        print "\tShutter source read back as:" , shutterSource
+        return shutterSource
     def getShutterInternalInterval(self):
         shutterInternalInterval = self.hw.getNode("Shutter.InternalShutterPeriodW").read()
@@ -424,14 +430,18 @@ class TLU:
         print "\tVeto off time:" , vetoofftime
         return vetoofftime
-    def pulseT0(self):
+    def setRunActive(self):
         cmd = int("0x1",16)
-        print "\tPulsing T0"
+        print "\tSet run active (pulsing T0)"
+    def setRunInactive(self):
+        cmd = int("0x0",16)
+        self.hw.getNode("Shutter.PulseT0").write(cmd)
+        self.hw.dispatch()
+        print "\tSet run inactive"
     def readEEPROM(self, startadd, bytes):
         mystop= 1
@@ -553,6 +563,12 @@ class TLU:
+    def setShutterSource(self, source):
+        print "  SHUTTER SOURCE:", hex(source)
+        self.hw.getNode("Shutter.ShutterSelectW").write(source)
+        self.hw.dispatch()
+        self.getShutterSource()
     def setShutterInternalInterval(self, interval):
         print "  SHUTTER INTERNAL INTERVAL:", interval
@@ -900,6 +916,9 @@ class TLU:
         triggerInterval= parsed_cfg.getint(section_name, "InternalTriggerFreq")
+        shutterSource  = int(parsed_cfg.get(section_name, "ShutterSource"), 16)
+        self.setShutterSource(shutterSource)
         shutterControl = int(parsed_cfg.get(section_name, "ShutterControl"), 16)
@@ -936,7 +955,8 @@ class TLU:
         # Pulse T0
-        self.pulseT0()
+        #self.pulseT0()
+        self.setRunActive()
         print "  Turning off software trigger veto"
         self.setTriggerVetoStatus( int("0x0",16) )
@@ -959,6 +979,9 @@ class TLU:
         print "  Turning on software trigger veto"
         self.setTriggerVetoStatus( int("0x1",16) )
+        print "Turning off shutter (setting run inactive)"
+        self.setRunInactive()
         nFifoWords= int(eventFifoFillLevel)
         fifoData= self.getFifoData(nFifoWords)
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/localConf.conf b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/localConf.conf
index 3746af91..4150cfc9 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/localConf.conf
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/localConf.conf
@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ DUTIgnoreShutterVeto = 0x0
 # Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
 InternalTriggerFreq = 1000000
+#InternalTriggerFreq = 0
-ShutterControl = 3
+ShutterControl = 0
+ShutterSource = 5
 InternalShutterInterval = 1024
 ShutterOnTime = 200
 ShutterVetoOffTime = 300
diff --git a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/ b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
index 1961e017..ae476118 100644
--- a/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
+++ b/projects/TLU_v1e/scripts/
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ class MyPrompt(cmd.Cmd):
             runN= arglist[0]
-        logdata= True
+#        logdata= True
+        logdata= False
         if (TLU.isRunning): #Prevent double start