Commit ee6e8d43 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Minor tweak

parent 9c682a16
# firmware_AIDA
# TLU Software
## Firmware for the AIDA TLU Hardware
This repository contains the VHL used to generate the firmware for the AIDA TLU, all version: V1C (T-shaped pcb) and V1E,V1F (rectangular PCB; the ones most likely to be used outside the UoB lab).
# Scripts
The repository also contains Python scripts used to test the hardware. These scripts rely on a few libraries contained in the "packages" folder as well as on uHAL.
The repository contains Python scripts used to test the hardware (the firm(gate)ware is contained in the fmc-mtlu-gw repositor. These scripts rely on a few libraries contained in the "packages" folder as well as on uHAL.
Ensure your python environmental variable is set to include the packages folder and that uHAL is installed on the machine.
uHAL can be installed from here:
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