Commit 129904b2 authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso

Added details on hardware, front and back panel and FPGA

parent 98f792f7
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\author{Paolo Baesso}
\title{AIDA Trigger logic unit (TLU)}
\title{AIDA Trigger logic unit (TLU v1E)}
......@@ -43,13 +43,14 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi
\item[verbose] \verb|[int, 0]| Defines the level of output messages from the \gls{tlu}. 0 indicates minimum output.
\item[skipconf] \verb|[int, 0]| When this flag is set, EUDAQ will skip the whole configuration phase for the \gls{tlu}. When the user configures the hardware in EUDAQ, the board will remain in its current state and no configuration parameter will be written. This can be useful to avoid disturbing other pieces of electronics.
\item[HDMI1\_set] \verb|[unsigned int, 0b0001]| Defines the source of the signal on the pins for the \verb|HDMI1| connector. A 1 indicates that each pin pair is an driven by the \gls{tlu}, a 0 that they are left floating (with respect to the \gls{tlu}). This can be used to define the signal direction on each pin pair. The order of the pairs is as follow:\\
bit 0= CONT, bit 1= SPARE, bit 2= TRIG, trig 3= BUSY. Note that the direction of the DUTClk pair is defined in a separate parameter.\\
bit 0= CONT, bit 1= SPARE, bit 2= TRIG, bit 3= BUSY.\\
Note that the direction of the DUTClk pair is defined in a separate parameter (see HDMI\_clk).\\
Example to configure the connector to work with an EUDET device:\\
- in this configuration the BUSY line is driven by the device under test, so it is an input for the \gls{tlu} and should not be driven by it (bit 3= 0)\\
- TRIGGER line is an output for the \gls{tlu} so is driven by it (bit 2= 1)\\
- SPARE line is used to provide control signals, such as the reset signal to initialize the devices at the start of a run (\texttt{T$_0$}). It should be configured as driven by the \gls{tlu} (bit 1= 1)\\
- CONT is used by the \gls{tlu} to issue control commands and should be configured as a signal driven by the \gls{tlu} (bit 0= 1).\\
Therefore the value of this parameter would be 0x7 (b1110).
Therefore the value of this parameter would be 0x7 (b0111).
\item[HDMI2\_set] \verb|[unsigned int, 0b0001]| Defines the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI2| connector.
\item[HDMI3\_set] \verb|[unsigned int, 0b0001]| Defines the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI3| connector.
\item[HDMI4\_set] \verb|[unsigned int, 0b0001]| Defines the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI4| connector.
......@@ -133,3 +133,5 @@ The registers addresses between 0x026B and 0x0272 contain user-defined values th
When using the TLU producer to configure hardware, the location of the configuration file can be specified by setting the \texttt{CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE} value in the \emph{conf} file for the producer.\\
If no value is specified, the software will look for the configuration file \texttt{../conf/confClk.txt} i.e. if the \texttt{euRun} binary file is located in \texttt{./eudaq/bin}, then the default configuration file should reside in \texttt{./eudaq/conf}. The configuration will produce an error if the file is not found.
\section{Power module and \gls{led}}\label{ch:frontpanel}
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