Commit def38894 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Fixing typo in process sensitivity list in logic_clocks. Hopefully won't have…

Fixing typo in process sensitivity list in logic_clocks. Hopefully won't have affected function ....
parent fd44b29a
......@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ BEGIN
end if;
end process generate_4x_strobe;
-- Generate a strobe signal for 160MHz clock
generate_8x_strobe: process (s_clk160_internal, s_clk40)
begin -- process generate_4x_strobe
-- Generate a strobe signal for 320MHz clock
generate_8x_strobe: process (s_clk320_internal, s_clk40)
begin -- process generate_8x_strobe
if rising_edge(s_clk320_internal) then
s_clk40_delayed_320 <= s_clk40_delayed_320(s_clk40_delayed_320'left-1 downto 0) & s_clk40;
strobe_8x_logic_o <= s_clk40_delayed_320(s_clk40_delayed_320'left-1) and not s_clk40_delayed_320(s_clk40_delayed_320'left);
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