Commit 35f89bff authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Manual merge of scripted firmware build files from dgc_scripted_build_ipbus2 back into trunk.

Also, a few PCB files updated when I tested cleaned up trunk 
by exporting schematic to pcb.
parent 1c3bdc36
project open fmc-mtlu
puts "Regenerating cores"
cd $::env(FW_WORKSPACE)/workspace/ipcore_dir
catch {exec coregen -r -b tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b mac_fifo_axi4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b tlu_event_fifo.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b FIFO.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b CounterUp.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b internalTriggerGenerator.xco -p coregen.cgp}
process run "Synthesize"
process run "Translate"
process run "Map"
process run "Place & Route"
process run "Generate Programming File"
project close
project new single_cbc2_fmc
project new fmc-mtlu
project set family spartan6
project set device xc6slx16
project set package csg324
......@@ -17,17 +17,21 @@ project set "Enable BitStream Compression" TRUE -process "Generate Programming F
# IPBus Ethernet for gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_5
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ethernet/hdl/eth_s6_gmii.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ethernet/hdl/emac_hostbus_decl.vhd
puts "Adding and Regenerating Ethernet cores"
# Add cores for Ethernet
exec cp ipbus/firmware/ethernet/coregen/tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp ipbus/firmware/ethernet/coregen/mac_fifo_axi4.xco ipcore_dir
xfile add ipcore_dir/tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/mac_fifo_axi4.xco
cd ipcore_dir
catch {exec coregen -r -b tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b mac_fifo_axi4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
cd ..
# Don't regenerate cores for now...
#cd ipcore_dir
#catch {exec coregen -r -b tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b mac_fifo_axi4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#cd ..
puts "Adding IPBus files"
# Xilinx ISE setup fragment for ipbus core
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_package.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_trans_decl.vhd
......@@ -69,16 +73,63 @@ xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_byte_ctrl.vhd
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_registers.vhd
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_top.vhd
# Add CBC2 files
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/i2c_master_rtl.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/slaves.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/clocks_s6_extphy.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/ipbus_addr_decode.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/top_sp605_extphy.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/cbc2_interface.vhd
xfile add cbc2/firmware/hdl/i2c_trig.vhd
# Add TLU cores....
# Add cores for Ethernet
puts "Adding and Regenerating TLU cores"
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/tlu_event_fifo.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/FIFO.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/CounterUp.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/internalTriggerGenerator.xco ipcore_dir
xfile add ipcore_dir/tlu_event_fifo.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/FIFO.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/CounterUp.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/internalTriggerGenerator.xco
# Don't regenerate cores for now...
#cd ipcore_dir
#catch {exec coregen -r -b tlu_event_fifo.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b FIFO.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b CounterUp.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b internalTriggerGenerator.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#cd ..
puts "Adding TLU Files "
# Add FMC-MTLU files. First the hand-written VHDL
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/dualSERDES_1to4_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/DUTInterfaces_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/eventBuffer_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/eventFormatter_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/i2c_master_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/ipbus_addr_decode.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/IPBusInterface_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/ipbus_ver.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/logic_clocks_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/pulseClockDomainCrossing_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/Reg_2clks.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/registerCounter_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/serdes_1_to_n_SDR.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/sync_reg.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/triggerInputs_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/triggerLogic_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/clocks_s6_extphy.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/arrivalTimeLUT_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/test/clock_divider_s6.v
# Then add the HDL-Designer generated files..
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/top_extphy_struct.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/fmcTLU_pkg_body.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/fmcTLU_pkg.vhd
# Add user constraints file
xfile add cbc2/firmware/ucf/sp601_extphy_pc045b_1hybrid.ucf
# UCF for TLU with FMC connector wrong way round.
#xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/ucf/sp601_FMC_mTLU.ucf
# bug-fixed TLU:
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/ucf/sp601_FMC_mTLU_v1a.ucf
project close
puts "Successfully finished building project file"
project open fmc-mtlu
puts "Regenerating cores"
cd $::env(FW_WORKSPACE)/workspace/ipcore_dir
catch {exec coregen -r -b tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b mac_fifo_axi4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b tlu_event_fifo.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b FIFO.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b CounterUp.xco -p coregen.cgp}
catch {exec coregen -r -b internalTriggerGenerator.xco -p coregen.cgp}
process run "Synthesize"
process run "Translate"
process run "Map"
process run "Place & Route"
process run "Generate Programming File"
project close
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6slx45t
SET devicefamily = spartan6
SET flowvendor = Foundation_ISE
SET package = fgg484
SET speedgrade = -3
SET verilogsim = true
SET vhdlsim = true
hdl ipbus/firmware/example_designs/hdl/clocks_s6_extphy.vhd
include ipbus/firmware/ethernet/cfg/file_list_s6_extphy
include ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/cfg/file_list
project new fmc-mtlu
project set family spartan6
project set device xc6slx45t
project set package fgg484
project set speed -3
project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "2" -process "Map"
project set "Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "For Inputs and Outputs" -process "Map"
project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "2" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Enable BitStream Compression" TRUE -process "Generate Programming File"
# source $::env(REPOS_FW_DIR)/firmware/example_designs/scripts/addfiles.tcl
# Just list files by hand for now. Can't get addfiles.tcl to work.
#xfile add ipbus/firmware/example_designs/hdl/clocks_s6_extphy.vhd
# IPBus Ethernet for gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_5
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ethernet/hdl/eth_s6_gmii.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ethernet/hdl/emac_hostbus_decl.vhd
puts "Adding and Regenerating Ethernet cores"
# Add cores for Ethernet
exec cp ipbus/firmware/ethernet/coregen/tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp ipbus/firmware/ethernet/coregen/mac_fifo_axi4.xco ipcore_dir
xfile add ipcore_dir/tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/mac_fifo_axi4.xco
# Don't regenerate cores for now...
#cd ipcore_dir
#catch {exec coregen -r -b tri_mode_eth_mac_v5_4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b mac_fifo_axi4.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#cd ..
puts "Adding IPBus files"
# Xilinx ISE setup fragment for ipbus core
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_package.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_trans_decl.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_ctrl.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_if_flat.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_buffer_selector.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_build_arp.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_build_payload.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_build_ping.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_build_resend.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_build_status.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_byte_sum.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_clock_crossing_if.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_do_rx_reset.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_dualportram.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_dualportram_rx.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_dualportram_tx.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_ipaddr_block.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_packet_parser.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_rarp_block.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_rxram_mux.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_rxram_shim.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_rxtransactor_if_simple.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_status_buffer.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_tx_mux.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/udp_txtransactor_if_simple.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/trans_arb.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/transactor.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/transactor_if.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/transactor_sm.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/transactor_cfg.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/stretcher.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/ipbus_core/hdl/ipbus_fabric.vhd
xfile add ipbus/firmware/example_designs/hdl/clock_div.vhd
# Add Opencores files for i2c interface
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_bit_ctrl.vhd
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_byte_ctrl.vhd
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_registers.vhd
xfile add external/opencores_i2c/i2c_master_top.vhd
# Add TLU cores....
# Add cores for Ethernet
puts "Adding and Regenerating TLU cores"
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/tlu_event_fifo.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/FIFO.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/CounterUp.xco ipcore_dir
exec cp fmc-mtlu/firmware/ise/ipcore_dir/internalTriggerGenerator.xco ipcore_dir
xfile add ipcore_dir/tlu_event_fifo.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/FIFO.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/CounterUp.xco
xfile add ipcore_dir/internalTriggerGenerator.xco
# Don't regenerate cores for now...
#cd ipcore_dir
#catch {exec coregen -r -b tlu_event_fifo.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b FIFO.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b CounterUp.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#catch {exec coregen -r -b internalTriggerGenerator.xco -p coregen.cgp}
#cd ..
puts "Adding TLU Files "
# Add FMC-MTLU files. First the hand-written VHDL
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/dualSERDES_1to4_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/DUTInterfaces_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/eventBuffer_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/eventFormatter_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/i2c_master_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/ipbus_addr_decode.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/IPBusInterface_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/ipbus_ver.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/logic_clocks_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/pulseClockDomainCrossing_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/Reg_2clks.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/registerCounter_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/serdes_1_to_n_SDR.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/sync_reg.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/triggerInputs_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/triggerLogic_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/clocks_s6_extphy.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/common/arrivalTimeLUT_rtl.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl/test/clock_divider_s6.v
# Then add the HDL-Designer generated files..
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/top_extphy_struct.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/fmcTLU_pkg_body.vhd
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/hdl_designer/fmc_mTLU/fmc_mTLU_lib/hdl/fmcTLU_pkg.vhd
# Add user constraints file
xfile add fmc-mtlu/firmware/ucf/sp605_FMC_mTLU.ucf
project close
puts "Successfully finished building project file"
This diff is collapsed.
mkdir ipcore_dir
cp ipbus-firmware/ethernet/coregen/soft_emac_gmii_4_5.xco ipcore_dir
cp ipbus-firmware/ipbus/coregen/sdpram_8x11.xco ipcore_dir
cp ipbus-firmware/ipbus/coregen/dpram_8x12_32x10.xco ipcore_dir
This diff is collapsed.
# Script to build firmware for FMC-based AIDA mini-TLU
# This script builds the bitstream using ISE and the ISE project generated
# by
# cd to the working directory and execute this script....
# David Cussans, December 2013
export BOARD_TYPE=sp601
export ISE_VER=ise14
export FW_WORKSPACE=`pwd`
echo "Workspace directory = " ${FW_WORKSPACE}/workspace
echo "Directory with TLU source files = ${TLUDir}"
pushd $FW_WORKSPACE/workspace
xtclsh $TLUDir/firmware/config/$ISE_VER/$BOARD_TYPE/build_bitstream.tcl
echo "Bitstream built in ${FW_WORKSPACE}/workspace"
# Script to build firmware for FMC-based AIDA mini-TLU
# This script creates an ISE project.
# Create a working directory and execute this script....
# Once project has been created either open in ISE or
# execute the script.
# David Cussans, December 2013
export FW_WORKSPACE=`pwd`
echo "Current directory = " $FW_WORKSPACE
export BOARD_TYPE=sp601
export ISE_VER=ise14
export VERSION=branches/dgc_scripted_build_ipbus2
echo "Setting up AIDA mini-TLU code version $VERSION"
# Check out FMC-MTLU code
if [ ! -d "$TLUDir" ]; then
echo "Checking out AIDA mini-TLU code"
mkdir fmc-mtlu
pushd fmc-mtlu
svn co${VERSION}/firmware
echo "Checked out FMC-MTLU code"
# Check out IPBus code
if [ ! -d "$IPBusDir" ]; then
mkdir $IPBusDir
pushd $IPBusDir
svn co
echo "Checked out IPBus2 code"
# Check out directory for external cores ( e.g. I2C)
if [ ! -d "external" ]; then
echo "Checking out I2C code"
svn co
# Create a directory contain the build products.
if [ ! -d "$WorkDir" ]; then
mkdir workspace
mkdir workspace/ipcore_dir
echo "Made workspace"
export REPOS_BUILD_DIR=`pwd`/workspace
pushd workspace
# Create soft links to ipbus, fmc-mtlu code , i2c code
if [ ! -e "ipbus" ]; then
ln -s $IPBusDir ipbus
if [ ! -e "fmc-mtlu" ]; then
ln -s ../fmc-mtlu .
if [ ! -e "external" ]; then
ln -s ../external .
if [ ! -e "file_list" ]; then
ln -s $TLUDir/firmware/config/$ISE_VER/$BOARD_TYPE/file_list .
if [ ! -e "ipbus" ]; then
ln -s ../$IPBusDir/firmware/config/$ISE_VER/$BOARD_TYPE/file_list .
pushd ipcore_dir
if [ ! -e "coregen.cgp" ]; then
ln -s $TLUDir/firmware/config/$ISE_VER/$BOARD_TYPE/coregen.cgp .
#export REPOS_FW_DIR=$IPBusDir
export REPOS_FW_DIR=ipbus
echo "IPBus directory = " $IPBusDir
echo "FMC-MTLU directry = " $TLUDir
xtclsh $TLUDir/firmware/config/$ISE_VER/$BOARD_TYPE/setup_project.tcl
echo "Finished setting up ISE project."
echo "Open in $ISE_VER and build bit-stream ,or execute"
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