Commit 190573d7 authored by Miguel Jimenez Lopez's avatar Miguel Jimenez Lopez

irq-demo: Fix a bug in the demo_irq_process_loop

If get_utc_ts_from_fmc_dio_device returns EAGAIN, we have to check later because
there are not more timestamps (Other errors cause an exit).
parent 767b56cf
......@@ -161,16 +161,18 @@ static void demo_irq_process_loop(fmc_dio_device fmc_dev, stats_engine engine)
struct usr_timestamp *ts;
unsigned int nts;
int ret;
/* Process loop:
* - Get timestamps from FMC DIO device (specific channel under testing)
* - Pass them to the stats engine and generate the statistics
* - Sleep for a while to avoid excesive CPU consumption
while(!get_utc_ts_from_fmc_dio_device(fmc_dev, TEST_FMC_DIO_CH, &ts, &nts)) {
do {
ret = get_utc_ts_from_fmc_dio_device(fmc_dev, TEST_FMC_DIO_CH, &ts, &nts);
process_timestamps_to_engine(engine, ts, nts);
} while(!ret || ret == -EAGAIN);
static void process_timestamps_to_engine(stats_engine engine, struct usr_timestamp *ts,
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