Commit 2550564f authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

ACAM Timestamper: moved statistic counters to a separate unit

parent 7c25e28e
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.fd_wbgen2_pkg.all;
entity fd_timestamper_stat_unit is
clk_ref_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
trig_pulse_i : in std_logic;
raw_tag_valid_i : in std_logic;
regs_b : inout t_fd_registers);
end fd_timestamper_stat_unit;
architecture behavioral of fd_timestamper_stat_unit is
type t_pdelay_meas_state is (PD_WAIT_TRIGGER, PD_WAIT_TAG, PD_UPDATE_STATS);
-- stat counters signals
signal event_count_raw : unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal event_count_tagged : unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal pd_state : t_pdelay_meas_state;
signal cur_pdelay : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal worst_pdelay : unsigned(7 downto 0);
begin -- behavioral
p_count_events : process(clk_ref_i)
if rising_edge(clk_ref_i) then
if (rst_n_i = '0' or regs_b.gcr_input_en_o = '0' or regs_b.iepd_rst_stat_o = '1') then
event_count_raw <= (others => '0');
event_count_tagged <= (others => '0');
if(trig_pulse_i= '1') then
event_count_raw <= event_count_raw + 1;
end if;
if(raw_tag_valid_i = '1') then
event_count_tagged <= event_count_tagged + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
regs_b.iecraw_i <= std_logic_vector(event_count_raw);
regs_b.iectag_i <= std_logic_vector(event_count_tagged);
p_measure_processing_delay : process(clk_ref_i)
if rising_edge(clk_ref_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' or regs_b.gcr_input_en_o = '0' or regs_b.iepd_rst_stat_o = '1' then
cur_pdelay <= (others => '0');
worst_pdelay <= (others => '0');
pd_state <= PD_WAIT_TRIGGER;
case pd_state is
if(trig_pulse_i = '1') then
cur_pdelay <= (others => '0');
pd_state <= PD_WAIT_TAG;
end if;
when PD_WAIT_TAG =>
if(trig_pulse_i = '1') then
pd_state <= PD_WAIT_TRIGGER;
elsif(raw_tag_valid_i = '1') then
pd_state <= PD_UPDATE_STATS;
cur_pdelay <= cur_pdelay + 1;
end if;
if(cur_pdelay > worst_pdelay) then
worst_pdelay <= cur_pdelay;
end if;
pd_state <= PD_WAIT_TRIGGER;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
regs_b.iepd_pdelay_i <= std_logic_vector(worst_pdelay);
end behavioral;
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