Commit 0ad5fdb0 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch 'release/v3.0.3' into master

parents 8bef31c9 68bd706f
......@@ -6,6 +6,15 @@
3.0.3 - 2020-10-07
- drv: ZIO device parent is, correctly, the Fine-Delay platform
device. Before it did not have any parent so this change should not
break anything.
3.0.2 - 2020-09-25
......@@ -890,6 +890,7 @@ int fd_zio_init(struct fd_dev *fd)
/* Mandatory fields */
fd->hwzdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;
fd->hwzdev->priv_d = fd;
fd->hwzdev-> = &fd->pdev->dev;
err = zio_register_device(fd->hwzdev, "fd", fd->pdev->id);
if (err) {
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