Commit 758e7e4f authored by Marek Gumiński's avatar Marek Gumiński

Increased a time the PTS is waiting for AD9516 lock.

On some boards it took a little more than the previous limit.
parent 18a23f46
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import time
import math
import os
import signal
import time
from ctypes import *
from ptsexcept import *
......@@ -45,9 +46,10 @@ class ad9516:
raise PtsCritical("AD9516: reference frequency lower then 1 MHz! OSC1/OSC2 or their connections to AD9516 might be broken.")
def check_lock(self):
for i in range(10):
for i in range(50):
if(self.read_reg( 0x1f) & (1 << 0)):
print "AD9516 PLL locked"
print "AD9516 PLL locked after: " + str((i+1)*0.5) + "s"
raise PtsCritical("AD9516 PLL did NOT lock. This might be caused by placing wrong OSC1/OSC2 oscillator.")
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