Commit e90c8de6 authored by Mathis MARION's avatar Mathis MARION Committed by Federico Vaga

Kernel 5.6 compatibility for debugfs_create_regset

The signature for `debugfs_create_regset32` changed from
returning a `struct dentry *` to `void`.
Error checking is no longer possible.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarGwenhael GOAVEC <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarMathis MARION <>
parent d47bbfdc
......@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@ int fa_debug_init(struct fa_dev *fa)
fa->dbg_reg32.regs = fa_debugfs_reg32;
fa->dbg_reg32.nregs = ARRAY_SIZE(fa_debugfs_reg32);
fa->dbg_reg32.base = fa->fa_top_level;
debugfs_create_regset32("regs", 0444, fa->dbg_dir, &fa->dbg_reg32);
fa->dbg_reg = debugfs_create_regset32("regs", 0444, fa->dbg_dir,
if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fa->dbg_reg)) {
......@@ -309,6 +312,7 @@ int fa_debug_init(struct fa_dev *fa)
"Cannot create debugfs file \"regs\" (%d)\n",
fa->dbg_reg_spi = debugfs_create_file("spi-regs", 0444,
fa->dbg_dir, fa,
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