Commit b9e80f30 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch '21-update-to-latest-dependency-releases' into 'master'

Resolve "Update to latest dependency releases"

Closes #21

See merge request be-cem-edl/fec/hardware-modules/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha!8
parents d5b74fb1 200e3529
Subproject commit 2b8c861b05504e2ebcc94c8f9f4746798a2c2a8a
Subproject commit f692bc83f42ffd54496f9e0da571c6f9dfcf2335
Subproject commit a0aeffbb14ab570069ef667d07889c7fe004a2bf
Subproject commit 1621d6d1f0c3040284136ce4b3b662269d6868d0
Subproject commit 461b30fe1f5e4e0c99f2265cdbf5843d31e31a4b
Subproject commit d265dc5d0cbfe84bd5d310982e1a319a26bb53b2
Subproject commit fd485c8b31b50a681f1a72504f6969384cfb1d4f
Subproject commit affb718e16fd0336f262441bf9f7ae7e570d55c6
Subproject commit b01a5edccae9b86b572d567e3ad5fdd377c4d03e
Subproject commit c91efa5e378b0b65a0f4fff9729079007d99ba57
Subproject commit 8e083d62a59611f4e2e55c53cf06c20593a2aa17
Subproject commit a0ca042e1f3c19a81c3594477c0c811ac761aaa4
Subproject commit 3884a65545907de3a0d41d549a4be9e6cccb4916
Subproject commit 63d6e85c292e57360fe106acfd08de66d3c0acb7
......@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
- cd hdl/syn/"$SYN_NAME"/
- hdlmake
- make
- |
if [[ $(cat *.par | grep -c "All constraints were met") = 0 ]]
echo -e "\e[31mTiming errors detected in PAR report. Aborting...\e[0m"
exit 1
......@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ syn_tool = "ise"
if locals().get('fetchto', None) is None:
# Ideally this should be done by hdlmake itself, to allow downstream Manifests to be able to use the
# fetchto variable independent of where those Manifests reside in the filesystem.
import os
fetchto = os.path.abspath(fetchto)
files = [
syn_top + "_wr.ucf",
......@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ NET "gen_fmc_mezzanine[?].*/*/cmp_ext_trig_sync/gc_sync_ffs_in" MAXDELAY = 2.0
INST "gen_fmc_mezzanine[0].*/*/cmp_ext_trig_sync/sync0" RLOC_ORIGIN = X66Y189;
INST "gen_fmc_mezzanine[1].*/*/cmp_ext_trig_sync/sync0" RLOC_ORIGIN = X69Y2;
# Needed for the DDR
NET "inst_svec_base/gen_with_ddr?.cmp_ddr_ctrl_bank/*/mcb_soft_calibration_inst/SELFREFRESH_MCB_REQ" TIG;
# IOB exceptions
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ vcom_opt = "-93 -mixedsvvh"
if locals().get('fetchto', None) is None:
# Ideally this should be done by hdlmake itself, to allow downstream Manifests to be able to use the
# fetchto variable independent of where those Manifests reside in the filesystem.
import os
fetchto = os.path.abspath(fetchto)
include_dirs = [
fetchto + "/general-cores/sim/",
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