Commit 8386e315 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: update trigger description

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent ff178aa1
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -547,12 +547,13 @@ subtracted from the input voltage.
The trigger unit is made of two hardware and one software sources. The
hardware and software paths can be enabled independently. The two paths
are then or’ed together to drive a delay generator. The delay generator
allows to insert a predefined number of sampling clock periods before
the trigger is forwarded to the acquisition state machine. the next
figure shows a simplified digram of the trigger unit.
The trigger unit is made of the following sources: hardware, software,
and time based. The hardware and software paths can be enabled
independently. The two paths are then or’ed together to drive a delay
generator. The delay generator allows to insert a predefined number of
sampling clock periods before the trigger is forwarded to the
acquisition state machine. the next figure shows a simplified digram
of the trigger unit.
.. figure:: ../fig/trigger_unit.*
:alt: Trigger unit diagram
......@@ -571,33 +572,31 @@ external trigger pulse must be at least one sampling clock cycle wide.
To use the internal trigger source, both the ADC input channel and the
threshold should be configured. By default, channel 1 is selected and
the threshold is set to 0. Note that the threshold is 16-bit signed
(two’s complement). This figure sketches the internal hardware trigger
threshold behavior.
(two’s complement). If addition to the threshold value, the user can
set an hysteresis value to avoid triggers caused by a noisy signal.
By default the hysteresis value is 0, which means that the acquisition
starts as soon as the threshold is crossed.
This figure sketches the internal hardware trigger threshold behavior.
.. figure:: ../fig/trig_hw_int.*
:alt: Internal hardware trigger threshold
Internal hardware trigger threshold.
Furthermore, a glitch filter can be applied to the threshold detection.
The glitch filter is useful to trigger on noisy signals. In order to
help setting the glitch filter, an internal trigger test mode can be
activated. When the test mode is enabled, data from channels 2, 3 and 4
is replaced as follow:
The software trigger source consists of a pulse generated when a write
cycle is detected on the *Software trigger* register.
| Channel 2 | Input signal over threshold |
| Channel 3 | Input signal over threshold filtered |
| Channel 4 | Trigger |
The time based trigger source consists of a pulse generated when the
configured trigger time elapsed.
Finally, there is an additional auxilary trigger source which is
always enabled and it is not configurable throught the ADC core. The ADC core
will trigger whenever there is a pulse on the auxilarry trigger line. You can
use this feature to trigger and acquisition from an external IP-core in the
same FPGA design.
The software trigger source consists of a pulse generated when a write
cycle is detected on the *Software trigger* register. For further
information on the trigger configuration registers see `ADC Core
Registers <#ADC-Core-Registers>`_.
For further information on the trigger configuration registers see
`ADC Core Registers <#ADC-Core-Registers>`_.
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