Commit 0906df2a authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

parents b46271a6 aa8483fb
......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ generates Makefiles for synthesis/par and simulation.
Here is the procedure to build the FPGA binary image from the hdl
# Install ``hdlmake`` (version 2.1).
# Install ``hdlmake`` (version 3.4).
# Get fmc-adc hdl sources.
git clone git:// <src_dir>
git clone git:// <src_dir>
# Goto the synthesis directory.
cd <src_dir>/hdl/<carrier>/syn/
......@@ -38,19 +38,15 @@ Source Code Organisation
ADC specific hdl sources.
ADC specific ``wbgen2`` sources, html documentation and C header
ADC specific ``cheby`` sources, html documentation and C header
Location of fetched and generated hdl cores and libraries.
Carrier related hdl sources.
Carrier related ``wbgen2`` sources, html documentation and C header
Platform related hdl sources.
Synthesis directory for selected carrier. This is where the
......@@ -58,11 +54,8 @@ hdl/<carrier>/syn/
release, the synthesis, place&route and timing reports are also
saved here.
hdl/<carrier>/sim/, hdl/<carrier>/testbench/
Carrier related simulation files and testbenches.
Carrier related Chipscope projects used for debug purpose.
Simulation files and testbenches.
It could happen that a hdl source directory contains extra source files
that are not used in the current gateware release. In order to identify
......@@ -74,7 +67,8 @@ Dependencies
The fmc-adc gateware depends on the following hdl cores and libraries:
`General Cores`_, `DDR3 SP6 core`_, `GN4124 core`_ (SPEC only),
`SPEC`_ (SPEC only) `VME64x Slave`_ (SVEC only), `SVEC`_ (SVEC only).
`SPEC`_ (SPEC only) `VME64x Slave`_ (SVEC only), `SVEC`_ (SVEC only),
`WR Cores`_.
These dependencies are managed with GIT submodules. Whenever you checkout
a different branch remember to update the submodules as well.::
......@@ -121,26 +115,6 @@ Memory controller to GN4124 core (red)
This bus is used to read samples from the DDR memory.
Data: 32-bit, address: 32-bit (word aligned), clock: system clock (125MHz).
The next table shows the Wishbone slaves mapping and hierarchy. The
first column represents the byte address offset from the start of the
Wishbone address space (BAR 0).
0x1000 |-- dma controller
0x1100 |-- onewire master
0x1200 |-- spec csr
0x1300 |-- vic
0x1400 |-- dma eic
0x2000 |-- bridge (fmc slot 1) -> crossbar (sdb records)
0x3000 | |-- i2c master
0x3100 | |-- spi master
0x3200 | |-- i2c master
0x3300 | |-- adc csr
0x3400 | |-- onewire
0x3500 | |-- fmc-adc eic
0x3600 | |-- timetag core
Note that some of the cores from the `General Cores`_ library are
based on cores from `OpenCores`_. Therefore, the documentation for
those cores is hosted on the OpenCores website.
......@@ -206,41 +180,11 @@ ADC cores to memory controllers (2x, orange)**
and the first Wishbone crossbar component. With this topology, only
the VME64x core runs at a lower frequency.
The next table shows the Wishbone slaves mapping and hierarchy. The
first column represents the byte address offset from the start of the
Wishbone address space.
0x1000 |-- i2c
0x1100 |-- onewire
0x1200 |-- svec csr
0x1300 |-- vic
0x2000 |-- bridge (fmc slot 1) -> crossbar (sdb records)
0x3000 | |-- i2c
0x3100 | |-- spi
0x3200 | |-- i2c
0x3300 | |-- adc csr
0x3400 | |-- onewire
0x3500 | |-- fmc_eic
0x3600 | |-- timetag
0x4000 |-- ddr_addr (fmc slot 1)
0x5000 |-- ddr_data (fmc slot 1)
0x6000 |-- bridge (fmc slot 2) -> crossbar (sdb records)
0x7000 | |-- i2c
0x7100 | |-- spi
0x7200 | |-- i2c
0x7300 | |-- adc csr
0x7400 | |-- onewire
0x7500 | |-- fmc_eic
0x7600 | |-- timetag
0x8000 |-- ddr_addr (fmc slot 2)
0x9000 |-- ddr_data (fmc slot 2)
Clock Domains
The SPEC version of the fmc-adc design has five different clock domains.
The SVEC version of the fmc-adc design has five different clock domains.
They are listed in the following table.
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