Commit dd993732 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

fmc_adc: Fix bug in trigger delay set functions.

Was calling set_field function but the trigger delay register doesn't have
any fields. Is now using set_reg function.
parent 0e40da5a
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ class CFmcAdc100m:
# Internal trigger threshold
self.fmc_adc_csr.set_field('TRIG_CFG', 'INT_TRIG_THRES', int_thres)
# Trigger delay (in sampling clock ticks)
self.fmc_adc_csr.set_field('TRIG_DLY', 'TRIG_DLY', delay)
self.fmc_adc_csr.set_reg('TRIG_DLY', delay)
except CSRDeviceOperationError as e:
raise FmcAdc100mOperationError(e)
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ class CFmcAdc100m:
def set_trig_delay(self, delay):
# Trigger delay (in sampling clock ticks)
self.fmc_adc_csr.set_field('TRIG_DLY', 'TRIG_DLY', delay)
self.fmc_adc_csr.set_reg('TRIG_DLY', delay)
except CSRDeviceOperationError as e:
raise FmcAdc100mOperationError(e)
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