Commit 974e0152 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

test41: Fix hex2signed function, selects right box output channel.

parent 652fe9d6
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ def fmc_adc_init(spec, fmc):
# Converts two's complement hex to signed
def hex2signed(value):
if(value & 0x8000):
return -((~value & 0xFFFC) + 1)
return -((~value & 0xFFFF) + 1)
return (value & 0xFFFC)
return (value & 0xFFFF)
# Converts digital value to volts
def digital2volt(value, full_scale, nb_bit):
......@@ -325,6 +325,10 @@ def main (default_directory='.'):
fmc.set_input_term(CHANNEL, IN_TERM)
# connect AWG to current channel
# Apply gain and offset correction
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