Commit 9050ac83 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

tools: remove specificities, they are generic tools now

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 623771a2
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <linux/zio-user.h>
#include <adc-lib.h>
#include <fmc-adc-100m14b4cha.h>
......@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ static int binmode;
static int timeout = -1;
static int loop = 1;
static char *basefile;
static unsigned int nsamples = 0;
static unsigned int ssize = 0;
#define MAX_BUF 512
static char buf_fifo[MAX_BUF];
static char *_argv[16];
......@@ -639,25 +641,23 @@ static void fald_acq_print_data(struct adc_buffer *buf,
struct adc_conf *acq_cfg,
unsigned int n)
struct zio_control *ctrl;
int j, ch;
int16_t *data; /* FMC-ADC-100M sample size is 14bit, 16bit for ZIO */
if (n == 0)
ctrl = buf->metadata;
if (ctrl->nsamples / 4 != buf->nsamples) {
fprintf(stdout, "discrepancy between ctrl->nsamples: %d and buf->nsamples: %d\n",
ctrl->nsamples, buf->nsamples);
if (nsamples / 4 != buf->nsamples) {
fprintf(stdout, "discrepancy between nsamples: %d and buf->nsamples: %d\n",
nsamples, buf->nsamples);
data = buf->data;
/* Print data */
for (j = 0; j < ctrl->nsamples / 4; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < nsamples / 4; j++) {
if ( (n > 0 && j < n) ||
(n < 0 && (ctrl->nsamples / 4 - j) <= (-n)) ) {
(n < 0 && (nsamples / 4 - j) <= (-n)) ) {
printf("%5i ", j - acq_cfg->value[ADC_CONF_ACQ_PRE_SAMP]);
for (ch = 0; ch < 4; ch++)
printf("%7i", *(data++));
......@@ -688,14 +688,14 @@ static int fald_acq_write_single(struct adc_buffer *buf)
fname, strerror(errno));
/* FIXME ctrl is ZIO specific, library should provide metadata size
at least */
ctrl = buf->metadata;
if (fwrite(ctrl, sizeof(struct zio_control), 1, f) != 1)
data = buf->data;
if (fwrite(data, ctrl->ssize, ctrl->nsamples, f)
!= ctrl->nsamples)
if (fwrite(data, ssize, nsamples, f) != nsamples)
if (err) {
......@@ -717,11 +717,14 @@ static int fald_acq_write_single(struct adc_buffer *buf)
static int fald_acq_write_multiple(struct adc_buffer *buf,
unsigned int shot_i)
char fname[PATH_MAX];
struct zio_control *ctrl;
char fname[PATH_MAX];
uint16_t *data;
FILE *f;
/* FIXME zio control is specific. The library should provide
at least the metadata size so that automatic tools can at least
read */
sprintf(fname, "%s.%03i.ctrl", basefile, shot_i);
f = fopen(fname, "w");
if (!f) {
......@@ -744,8 +747,8 @@ static int fald_acq_write_multiple(struct adc_buffer *buf,
return -1;
data = buf->data;
if (fwrite(data, ctrl->ssize, ctrl->nsamples, f)
!= ctrl->nsamples) {
if (fwrite(data, ssize, nsamples, f)
!= nsamples) {
fprintf(stderr, "write(%s): short write\n", fname);
return -1;
......@@ -762,13 +765,12 @@ static int fald_acq_write_multiple(struct adc_buffer *buf,
static void fald_acq_plot_data(struct adc_buffer *buf, unsigned int ch)
struct zio_control *ctrl = buf->metadata;
int16_t *data = buf->data;
char fname[PATH_MAX];
char cmd[256];
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/tmp/", devid, ch);
if (write_file(fname, ch, data, (ctrl->nsamples)/4) < 0) {
if (write_file(fname, ch, data, (nsamples)/4) < 0) {
printf("Cannot plot data. Write data into file %s failed.\n", fname);
......@@ -790,6 +792,7 @@ static int fald_acq_handle_shot(struct adc_dev *adc,
unsigned int shot_i)
struct zio_control *ctrl;
struct adc_timestamp ts;
int err;
if (binmode < 0) /* no data must be acquired */
......@@ -813,10 +816,12 @@ static int fald_acq_handle_shot(struct adc_dev *adc,
fprintf(stderr, "Acquisition started at secs:%u ticks:%u\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Read %d samples from shot %i/%i secs:%lld ticks:%lld (loop: %d)\n",
adc_tstamp_buffer(buf, &ts);
"nsamples %d | shot %i/%i | secs:%"PRIu64" ticks:%"PRIu64" (loop: %d)\n",
shot_i + 1, acq_cfg->value[ADC_CONF_ACQ_N_SHOTS],
(long long)ctrl->tstamp.secs, (long long)ctrl->tstamp.ticks, loop);
ts.secs, ts.ticks, loop);
/* print/store data*/
switch(binmode) {
......@@ -868,24 +873,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Before parsing args : */
/* First retrieve current config in case the program */
/* is launched with a subset of options */
/* Before parsing args :
First retrieve current config in case the program
is launched with a subset of options */
err = fald_acq_get_configuration(adc, &trg_cfg, &acq_cfg, &ch_cfg);
if (err) {
/* get the new given trigger and acq config */
/* Only the ones provided will override the current ones */
/* get the new given trigger and acq config
Only the ones provided will override the current ones */
fald_acq_parse_args_and_configure(argc, argv);
/* fmc-adc-100m work only with ZIO framework */
if (strcmp(adc_get_driver_type(adc), "zio")) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: not a zio driver, aborting\n", argv[0]);
/* create the various thread and sync mechanism */
while (!adc_wait_thread_ready)
......@@ -896,11 +895,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fald_acq_stop(adc, "main");
fald_acq_apply_config(adc, &trg_cfg, &acq_cfg, &ch_cfg);
/* Get total number of samples */
nsamples = acq_cfg.value[ADC_CONF_ACQ_PRE_SAMP] +
/* get sample size - round up */
ssize = (acq_cfg.value[ADC_CONF_ACQ_N_BITS] + (8 - 1)) / 8;
/* Allocate a first buffer in the default way */
buf = adc_request_buffer(adc,
acq_cfg.value[ADC_CONF_ACQ_PRE_SAMP] +
NULL /* alloc */, 0);
buf = adc_request_buffer(adc, nsamples, NULL /* alloc */, 0);
if (!buf) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate buffer (%s)\n",
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <linux/zio-user.h>
#include <adc-lib.h>
static void fald_help()
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <linux/zio-user.h>
#include <adc-lib.h>
/* Global configuration*/
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