Commit 403e2111 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch 'feature/dac-gain-fix' into develop

parents abb2cabe 3a4fa1c7
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ static const struct fa_calib_stanza fa_identity_calib = {
.gain = {0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000},
.temperature = 50 * 100, /* 50 celsius degrees */
/* Max difference from identity thing */
#define FA_CALIB_MAX_DELTA_GAIN 0x1000
......@@ -62,27 +63,79 @@ static void fa_calib_offset_set(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan, int val)
val & 0xFFFF /* prevent warning */);
static int fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int offset,
uint32_t temperature)
* Empirical values for the gain error slope
* 10V 0.0012500
* 1V -0.0000233
* 100mV -0.0000163
* To do integer math I store the value multiplied by 10000000
static const int gain_adc_error_slope_fix[] = {
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V] = 12500,
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_1V] = -233,
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_100mV] = -163,
* Compute the correct gain
* @range: voltage range
* @gain_c: calibration value
* @delta_temp: temperature difference: (current temp. - calibration temp.)
* the unit must be milli-degree
static int fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(int range, int gain_c, int32_t delta_temp)
return offset;
int error;
error = gain_adc_error_slope_fix[range] * delta_temp;
error /= 10000000; /* the slope was multiplied by 10000000 */
error /= 1000; /* the temperature is in milli-degree */
return gain_c - error;
static int fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int gain,
uint32_t temperature)
* Empirical values for the gain error slope
* 10V 0.0012500
* 1V -0.0000233
* 100mV -0.0000163
* To do integer math I store the value multiplied by 100000000
static const int gain_dac_error_slope_fix[] = {
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V] = 17100,
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_1V] = -349,
[FA100M14B4C_RANGE_100mV] = 1540,
* Compute the correct gain
* @range: voltage range
* @gain_c: calibration value
* @delta_temp: temperature difference: (current temp. - calibration temp.)
* the unit must be milli-degree
static int fa_calib_dac_gain_fix(int range, int gain_c, int32_t delta_temp)
return gain;
int error;
error = gain_adc_error_slope_fix[range] * delta_temp;
error /= 100000000; /* the slope was multiplied by 100000000 */
error /= 1000; /* the temperature is in milli-degree */
return gain_c - error;
static void fa_calib_adc_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan,
uint32_t temperature)
int range = fa->range[chan];
int offset = fa->calib.adc[range].offset[chan];
int gain = fa->calib.adc[range].gain[chan];
offset = fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(fa, range, offset, temperature);
gain = fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(fa, range, gain, temperature);
struct fa_calib_stanza *cal = &fa->calib.adc[range];
int32_t delta_temp = temperature - cal->temperature;
int offset = cal->offset[chan];
int gain = fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(range, cal->gain[chan],
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {chan: %d, range: %d, gain: 0x%x, offset: 0x%x}\n",
__func__, chan, range, gain, offset);
......@@ -91,19 +144,125 @@ static void fa_calib_adc_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan,
fa_calib_offset_set(fa, chan, offset);
int fa_calib_adc_config(struct fa_dev *fa)
* It sets the DAC voltage to apply an offset on the input channel
* @fa ADC device
* @chan channel number
* @val DAC values (-5V: 0x0000, 0V: 0x8000, +5V: 0x7FFF)
* Return: 0 on success, otherwise a negative error number
static int fa_dac_offset_set(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan,
uint32_t val)
return fa_spi_xfer(fa, FA_SPI_SS_DAC(chan), 16, val, NULL);
static int64_t fa_dac_offset_raw_get(int32_t offset)
int64_t hwval;
hwval = offset * 0x8000LL / 5000000;
if (hwval == 0x8000)
hwval = 0x7fff; /* -32768 .. 32767 */
return hwval;
static int64_t fa_dac_offset_raw_calibrate(int32_t raw_offset,
int gain, int offset)
int64_t hwval;
hwval = ((raw_offset + offset) * gain) >> 15; /* signed */
hwval += 0x8000; /* offset binary */
if (hwval < 0)
hwval = 0;
if (hwval > 0xffff)
hwval = 0xffff;
return hwval;
static int fa_dac_offset_get(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan)
int32_t off_uv = fa->user_offset[chan] + fa->zero_offset[chan];
if (WARN(off_uv < DAC_SAT_LOW,
"DAC lower saturation %d < %d\n",
off_uv, DAC_SAT_LOW)) {
off_uv = DAC_SAT_LOW;
if (WARN(off_uv > DAC_SAT_UP,
"DAC upper saturation %d > %d\n",
off_uv, DAC_SAT_UP)) {
off_uv = DAC_SAT_UP;
return off_uv;
static int fa_calib_dac_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan,
uint32_t temperature)
int range = fa->range[chan];
int32_t off_uv = fa_dac_offset_get(fa, chan);
int32_t off_uv_raw = fa_dac_offset_raw_get(off_uv);
struct fa_calib_stanza *cal = &fa->calib.dac[range];
int32_t delta_temp = temperature - cal->temperature;
int offset = cal->offset[chan];
int gain = fa_calib_dac_gain_fix(range, cal->gain[chan], delta_temp);
int hwval;
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {chan: %d, range: %d, gain: 0x%x, offset: 0x%x}\n",
__func__, chan, range, gain, offset);
hwval = fa_dac_offset_raw_calibrate(off_uv_raw, gain, offset);
return fa_dac_offset_set(fa, chan, hwval);
void fa_calib_dac_config(struct fa_dev *fa, uint32_t temperature)
int i;
uint32_t temperature;
temperature = fa_temperature_read(fa);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {temperature: %d}\n", __func__, temperature);
if (temperature == 0xFFFFFFFF)
temperature = fa_temperature_read(fa);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {temperature: %d}\n",
__func__, temperature);
for (i = 0; i < FA100M14B4C_NCHAN; ++i)
fa_calib_dac_config_chan(fa, i, temperature);
static void fa_calib_adc_config(struct fa_dev *fa, uint32_t temperature)
int err;
int i;
if (temperature == 0xFFFFFFFF)
temperature = fa_temperature_read(fa);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {temperature: %d}\n",
__func__, temperature);
for (i = 0; i < FA100M14B4C_NCHAN; ++i)
fa_calib_adc_config_chan(fa, i, temperature);
return fa_calib_apply(fa);
err = fa_calib_apply(fa);
if (err)
dev_err(&fa->pdev->dev, "Can't apply calibration values\n");
void fa_calib_config(struct fa_dev *fa)
uint32_t temperature;
temperature = fa_temperature_read(fa);
fa_calib_adc_config(fa, temperature);
fa_calib_dac_config(fa, temperature);
* Periodically update gain calibration values
* @fa: FMC ADC device
......@@ -117,7 +276,7 @@ static void fa_calib_gain_update(unsigned long arg)
struct fa_dev *fa = (void *)arg;
mod_timer(&fa->calib_timer, jiffies + HZ * fa_calib_period_s);
......@@ -223,7 +382,6 @@ static void fa_apply_calib(struct fa_dev *fa)
int range = fa_readl(fa, fa->fa_adc_csr_base, &zfad_regs[reg]);
zfad_set_range(fa, chan, zfad_convert_hw_range(range));
......@@ -306,7 +464,7 @@ int fa_calib_init(struct fa_dev *fa)
fa_calib_write(fa, &calib);
/* Prepare the timely recalibration */
setup_timer(&fa->calib_timer, fa_calib_gain_update, (unsigned long)fa);
if (fa_calib_period_s)
mod_timer(&fa->calib_timer, jiffies + HZ * fa_calib_period_s);
......@@ -144,82 +144,6 @@ int zfad_pattern_data_enable(struct fa_dev *fa, uint16_t pattern,
return 0;
* It sets the DAC voltage to apply an offset on the input channel
* @chan
* @val DAC values (-5V: 0x0000, 0V: 0x8000, +5V: 0x7FFF)
* Return: 0 on success, otherwise a negative error number
static int zfad_dac_set(struct zio_channel *chan, uint32_t val)
struct fa_dev *fa = get_zfadc(&chan->cset->zdev->;
return fa_spi_xfer(fa, FA_SPI_SS_DAC(chan->index), 16, val, NULL);
static int zfad_offset_to_dac(struct zio_channel *chan,
int32_t uval,
enum fa100m14b4c_input_range range)
struct fa_dev *fa = get_zfadc(&chan->cset->zdev->;
int offset, gain;
int64_t hwval;
hwval = uval * 0x8000LL / 5000000;
if (hwval == 0x8000)
hwval = 0x7fff; /* -32768 .. 32767 */
offset = fa->calib.dac[range].offset[chan->index];
gain = fa->calib.dac[range].gain[chan->index];
hwval = ((hwval + offset) * gain) >> 15; /* signed */
hwval += 0x8000; /* offset binary */
if (hwval < 0)
hwval = 0;
if (hwval > 0xffff)
hwval = 0xffff;
return hwval;
* zfad_apply_user_offset
* @chan: the channel where apply offset
* Apply user offset to the channel input. Before apply the user offset it must
* be corrected with offset and gain calibration value.
* Offset values are taken from `struct fa_dev`, so they must be there before
* calling this function
int zfad_apply_offset(struct zio_channel *chan)
struct fa_dev *fa = get_zfadc(&chan->cset->zdev->;
uint32_t range_reg;
int32_t off_uv;
int hwval, i, range;
off_uv = fa->user_offset[chan->index] + fa->zero_offset[chan->index];
if (off_uv < -5000000 || off_uv > 5000000)
return -EINVAL;
i = zfad_get_chx_index(ZFA_CHx_CTL_RANGE, chan->index);
range_reg = fa_readl(fa, fa->fa_adc_csr_base, &zfad_regs[i]);
range = zfad_convert_hw_range(range_reg);
if (range < 0)
return range;
if (range == FA100M14B4C_RANGE_OPEN || fa_enable_test_data_adc)
range = FA100M14B4C_RANGE_1V;
else if (range >= FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V_CAL)
range -= FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V_CAL;
hwval = zfad_offset_to_dac(chan, off_uv, range);
return zfad_dac_set(chan, hwval);
* zfad_reset_offset
* @fa: the fmc-adc descriptor
......@@ -233,8 +157,8 @@ void zfad_reset_offset(struct fa_dev *fa)
for (i = 0; i < FA100M14B4C_NCHAN; ++i) {
fa->user_offset[i] = 0;
fa->zero_offset[i] = 0;
fa_calib_dac_config(fa, ~0);
......@@ -274,7 +198,6 @@ int zfad_set_range(struct fa_dev *fa, struct zio_channel *chan,
range = FA100M14B4C_RANGE_1V;
else if (range >= FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V_CAL)
range -= FA100M14B4C_RANGE_10V_CAL;
fa->range[chan->index] = range;
if (range < 0 || range > ARRAY_SIZE(fa->calib.adc)) {
dev_info(fa->msgdev, "Invalid range %i or ch %i\n",
......@@ -282,9 +205,12 @@ int zfad_set_range(struct fa_dev *fa, struct zio_channel *chan,
return -EINVAL;
/* recalculate user offset for the new range */
return fa_calib_adc_config(fa);
fa->range[chan->index] = range;
return 0;
......@@ -160,6 +160,12 @@ int zfad_convert_user_range(uint32_t user_val)
return zfad_convert_hw_range(user_val);
static bool fa_is_dac_offset_valid(int32_t user, int32_t zero)
int32_t offset = user + zero;
return (offset >= DAC_SAT_LOW && offset <= DAC_SAT_UP);
* zfad_conf_set
......@@ -202,13 +208,15 @@ static int zfad_conf_set(struct device *dev, struct zio_attribute *zattr,
chan = to_zio_cset(dev)->chan + i;
if (!fa_is_dac_offset_valid(fa->user_offset[chan->index],
return -EINVAL;
fa->zero_offset[i] = usr_val;
err = zfad_apply_offset(chan);
if (err == -EIO)
fa->zero_offset[chan->index] = 0;
return err;
fa_calib_dac_config(fa, ~0);
return 0;
case ZFA_CHx_SAT:
/* TODO when TLV */
......@@ -235,20 +243,22 @@ static int zfad_conf_set(struct device *dev, struct zio_attribute *zattr,
chan = to_zio_cset(dev)->chan + i;
chan = to_zio_cset(dev)->chan + i;
if (!fa_is_dac_offset_valid(usr_val,
return -EINVAL;
fa->user_offset[chan->index] = usr_val;
err = zfad_apply_offset(chan);
if (err == -EIO)
fa->user_offset[chan->index] = 0;
return err;
fa_calib_dac_config(fa, ~0);
return 0;
chan = to_zio_chan(dev),
chan = to_zio_chan(dev);
fa->user_offset[chan->index] = usr_val;
err = zfad_apply_offset(chan);
if (err == -EIO)
fa->user_offset[chan->index] = 0;
return err;
fa_calib_dac_config(fa, ~0);
return 0;
return 0;
......@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ struct fa_calib {
#define ADC_SPI_OFF 0x1800
#define ADC_UTC_OFF 0x1900
#define DAC_SAT_LOW -5000000
#define DAC_SAT_UP 5000000
extern int fa_enable_test_data_adc;
#define ADC_DMA 0
......@@ -600,7 +603,6 @@ extern const struct zfa_field_desc zfad_regs[];
/* Functions exported by fa-core.c */
extern int zfad_fsm_command(struct fa_dev *fa, uint32_t command);
extern int zfad_apply_offset(struct zio_channel *chan);
extern void zfad_reset_offset(struct fa_dev *fa);
extern int zfad_convert_hw_range(uint32_t bitmask);
extern uint32_t fa_temperature_read(struct fa_dev *fa);
......@@ -643,7 +645,8 @@ extern void fa_spi_exit(struct fa_dev *fd);
/* function exporetd by fa-calibration.c */
extern int fa_calib_init(struct fa_dev *fa);
extern void fa_calib_exit(struct fa_dev *fa);
extern int fa_calib_adc_config(struct fa_dev *fa);
extern void fa_calib_config(struct fa_dev *fa);
extern void fa_calib_dac_config(struct fa_dev *fa, uint32_t temperature);
/* functions exported by fa-debug.c */
extern int fa_debug_init(struct fa_dev *fa);
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