Commit e652759b authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl+doc: update SDB meta info

parent ca9e3875
...@@ -265,17 +265,18 @@ Below is a description of the fields and their content in the fmc-adc design on ...@@ -265,17 +265,18 @@ Below is a description of the fields and their content in the fmc-adc design on
vendor_id = 0x0000CE42 (CERN vendor ID)@* vendor_id = 0x0000CE42 (CERN vendor ID)@*
device_id = 0x47C786A2 (echo "spec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha"|md5sum|cut -c1-8) @* device_id = 0x47C786A2 (echo "spec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha"|md5sum|cut -c1-8) @*
version = [31:16]=major, [15:0]=minor, bcd encoded@* version = [31:16]=major, [15:0]=minor, bcd encoded@*
date = release date, format yyyymmdd@* date = bcd encoded release date, format yyyymmdd@*
name = "spec_fmcadc100m14b" name = "spec_fmcadc100m14b"
@item Top module repository url @item Top module repository url
repo_url = "git://" repo_url = "fmc-projects/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-gw.git"@*
@i{(This is not the full URL, it lacks the "git://" prefix due to the 63-byte limitation of the field.)}
@item Synthesis tool information @item Synthesis tool information
syn_module_name = "spec_top_fmc_adc"@* syn_module_name = "spec_top_fmc_adc"@*
syn_commit_id = git log -1 --format="%H" | cut -c1-32 @* syn_commit_id = git log -1 --format="%H" | cut -c1-32 @*
syn_tool_name = "ISE"@* syn_tool_name = "ISE"@*
syn_tool_version = bcd encoded synthesis tool version@* syn_tool_version = bcd encoded synthesis tool version@*
syn_date = synthesis date, format yyyymmdd@* syn_date = bcd encoded synthesis date, format yyyymmdd@*
syn_username = "mcattin" (synthesised by) syn_username = username of person who synthesised the design
@end table @end table
...@@ -390,17 +391,18 @@ Below is a description of the fields and their content in the fmc-adc design on ...@@ -390,17 +391,18 @@ Below is a description of the fields and their content in the fmc-adc design on
vendor_id = 0x0000CE42 (CERN vendor ID)@* vendor_id = 0x0000CE42 (CERN vendor ID)@*
device_id = 0x47C786A2 (echo "svec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha"|md5sum|cut -c1-8) @* device_id = 0x47C786A2 (echo "svec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha"|md5sum|cut -c1-8) @*
version = [31:16]=major, [15:0]=minor, bcd encoded@* version = [31:16]=major, [15:0]=minor, bcd encoded@*
date = release date, format yyyymmdd@* date = bcd encoded release date, format yyyymmdd@*
name = "svec_fmcadc100m14b" name = "svec_fmcadc100m14b"
@item Top module repository url @item Top module repository url
repo_url = "git://" repo_url = "fmc-projects/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-gw.git"@*
@i{(This is not the full URL, it lacks the "git://" prefix due to the 63-byte limitation of the field.)}
@item Synthesis tool information @item Synthesis tool information
syn_module_name = "svec_top_fmc_adc"@* syn_module_name = "svec_top_fmc_adc"@*
syn_commit_id = git log -1 --format="%H" | cut -c1-32 @* syn_commit_id = git log -1 --format="%H" | cut -c1-32 @*
syn_tool_name = "ISE"@* syn_tool_name = "ISE"@*
syn_tool_version = bcd encoded synthesis tool version@* syn_tool_version = bcd encoded synthesis tool version@*
syn_date = synthesis date, format yyyymmdd@* syn_date = bcd encoded synthesis date, format yyyymmdd@*
syn_username = "mcattin" (synthesised by) syn_username = username of person who synthesised the design
@end table @end table
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CERN (BE-CO-HT) -- Title : FMC ADC 100Ms/s SPEC SDB meta-information
-- FMC ADC 100Ms/s core -- Project : FMC ADC 100M 14B 4CHA gateware
-- -- URL :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- File : sdb_meta_pkg.vhd
-- unit name: sdb_meta_pkg (sdb_meta_pkg.vhd) -- Author(s) : Matthieu Cattin <>
-- -- : Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- author: Matthieu Cattin ( -- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- -- Created : 2013-03-11
-- date: 11-03-2013 -- Last update: 2016-04-19
-- -- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- description: Sdb meta-information for the FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SPEC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Description: SDB meta-information for the FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SPEC.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright (c) 2013-2016 CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the -- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
...@@ -24,11 +26,16 @@ ...@@ -24,11 +26,16 @@
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this -- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from -- source; if not, download it from
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- last changes: see git log. -- Revisions :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Date Version Author
-- TODO: - -- 2016-04-20 4.1 Dimitrios Lampridis
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2014-04-25 4.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2014-01-16 3.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-07-29 2.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-28 1.1 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-11 1.0 Matthieu Cattin
library ieee; library ieee;
...@@ -45,8 +52,8 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is ...@@ -45,8 +52,8 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is
-- Top module repository url -- Top module repository url
constant c_repo_url_sdb : t_sdb_repo_url := ( constant c_repo_url_sdb : t_sdb_repo_url := (
-- url (string, 63 char) -- url (string, limited to 63 char, full URL does not fit unfortunately)
repo_url => "git:// "); repo_url => "fmc-projects/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-gw.git ");
-- Synthesis informations -- Synthesis informations
constant c_synthesis_sdb : t_sdb_synthesis := ( constant c_synthesis_sdb : t_sdb_synthesis := (
...@@ -58,22 +65,21 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is ...@@ -58,22 +65,21 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is
-- Synthesis tool name (string, 8 char) -- Synthesis tool name (string, 8 char)
syn_tool_name => "ISE ", syn_tool_name => "ISE ",
-- Synthesis tool version (bcd encoded, 32-bit) -- Synthesis tool version (bcd encoded, 32-bit)
syn_tool_version => x"00000133", syn_tool_version => x"00000147",
-- Synthesis date (bcd encoded, 32-bit, yyyymmdd) -- Synthesis date (bcd encoded, 32-bit, yyyymmdd)
syn_date => x"20140425", syn_date => x"20160420",
-- Synthesised by (string, 15 char) -- Synthesised by (string, 15 char)
syn_username => "mcattin "); syn_username => "dlamprid ");
-- Integration record -- Integration record
constant c_integration_sdb : t_sdb_integration := ( constant c_integration_sdb : t_sdb_integration := (
product => ( product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"47c786a2", -- echo "spec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha" | md5sum | cut -c1-8 device_id => x"47c786a2", -- echo "spec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha" | md5sum | cut -c1-8
version => x"00040000", -- bcd encoded, [31:16] = major, [15:0] = minor version => x"00040001", -- bcd encoded, [31:16] = major, [15:0] = minor
date => x"20140425", -- yyyymmdd date => x"20160420", -- yyyymmdd
name => "spec_fmcadc100m14b ")); name => "spec_fmcadc100m14b "));
end sdb_meta_pkg; end sdb_meta_pkg;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CERN (BE-CO-HT) -- Title : FMC ADC 100Ms/s SVEC SDB meta-information
-- FMC ADC 100Ms/s for SVEC carrier -- Project : FMC ADC 100M 14B 4CHA gateware
-- -- URL :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- File : sdb_meta_pkg.vhd
-- unit name: sdb_meta_pkg (sdb_meta_pkg.vhd) -- Author(s) : Matthieu Cattin <>
-- -- : Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- author: Matthieu Cattin ( -- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- -- Created : 2013-07-05
-- date: 05-07-2013 -- Last update: 2016-04-19
-- -- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- description: Sdb meta-information for the FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SVEC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Description: SDB meta-information for the FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SVEC.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright (c) 2013-2016 CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the -- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
...@@ -24,11 +26,14 @@ ...@@ -24,11 +26,14 @@
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this -- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from -- source; if not, download it from
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- last changes: see git log. -- Revisions :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Date Version Author
-- TODO: - -- 2016-04-20 4.1 Dimitrios Lampridis
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2014-04-25 4.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2014-01-16 3.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-07-29 1.0 Matthieu Cattin
library ieee; library ieee;
...@@ -45,8 +50,8 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is ...@@ -45,8 +50,8 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is
-- Top module repository url -- Top module repository url
constant c_repo_url_sdb : t_sdb_repo_url := ( constant c_repo_url_sdb : t_sdb_repo_url := (
-- url (string, 63 char) -- url (string, limited to 63 char, full URL does not fit unfortunately)
repo_url => "git:// "); repo_url => "fmc-projects/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-gw.git ");
-- Synthesis informations -- Synthesis informations
constant c_synthesis_sdb : t_sdb_synthesis := ( constant c_synthesis_sdb : t_sdb_synthesis := (
...@@ -58,19 +63,19 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is ...@@ -58,19 +63,19 @@ package sdb_meta_pkg is
-- Synthesis tool name (string, 8 char) -- Synthesis tool name (string, 8 char)
syn_tool_name => "ISE ", syn_tool_name => "ISE ",
-- Synthesis tool version (bcd encoded, 32-bit) -- Synthesis tool version (bcd encoded, 32-bit)
syn_tool_version => x"00000133", syn_tool_version => x"00000147",
-- Synthesis date (bcd encoded, 32-bit, yyyymmdd) -- Synthesis date (bcd encoded, 32-bit, yyyymmdd)
syn_date => x"20140425", syn_date => x"20160420",
-- Synthesised by (string, 15 char) -- Synthesised by (string, 15 char)
syn_username => "mcattin "); syn_username => "dlamprid ");
-- Integration record -- Integration record
constant c_integration_sdb : t_sdb_integration := ( constant c_integration_sdb : t_sdb_integration := (
product => ( product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"5c01a632", -- echo "svec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha" | md5sum | cut -c1-8 device_id => x"5c01a632", -- echo "svec_fmc-adc-100m14b4cha" | md5sum | cut -c1-8
version => x"00040000", -- bcd encoded, [31:16] = major, [15:0] = minor version => x"00040001", -- bcd encoded, [31:16] = major, [15:0] = minor
date => x"20140425", -- yyyymmdd date => x"20160420", -- yyyymmdd
name => "svec_fmcadc100m14b ")); name => "svec_fmcadc100m14b "));
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