Commit 9f21d588 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold Committed by Dimitris Lampridis

adc core: minor simplification.

parent cc9eb1c5
......@@ -897,12 +897,10 @@ begin
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
if int_trig_delay(I) = X"00000000" then
if int_trig(I) = '1' then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
int_trig_d(I) <= '0';
end if;
-- No delay: direct assignment.
int_trig_d(I) <= int_trig(I);
-- Delay set by the counter.
if int_trig_delay_cnt(I) = X"00000001" then
int_trig_d(I) <= '1';
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