Commit 413ce60d authored by mcattin's avatar mcattin

Fix typo in register name.

git-svn-id: ddd67a1a-c8ad-4635-afe9-0b8a11d8f8e4
parent 235c95da
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- File : ../rtl/irq_controller_regs.vhd
-- Author : auto-generated by wbgen2 from irq_controller_regs.wb
-- Created : Fri Nov 18 15:31:08 2011
-- Created : Fri Nov 18 16:47:40 2011
-- Standard : VHDL'87
-- THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY wbgen2 FROM SOURCE FILE irq_controller_regs.wb
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ entity irq_controller_regs is
irq_ctrl_status_mult_irq_o : out std_logic;
irq_ctrl_status_mult_irq_i : in std_logic;
irq_ctrl_status_mult_irq_load_o : out std_logic;
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'Interrupt sources' in reg: 'Interrrupt sources register '
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'Interrupt sources' in reg: 'Interrupt sources register '
irq_ctrl_src_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
irq_ctrl_src_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
irq_ctrl_src_load_o : out std_logic;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* File : irq_controller_regs.h
* Author : auto-generated by wbgen2 from irq_controller_regs.wb
* Created : Fri Nov 18 15:31:08 2011
* Created : Fri Nov 18 16:47:40 2011
* Standard : ANSI C
THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY wbgen2 FROM SOURCE FILE irq_controller_regs.wb
......@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
/* definitions for field: Multiple interrupt in reg: Interrupt controller status register */
/* definitions for register: Interrrupt sources register */
/* definitions for register: Interrupt sources register */
/* definitions for register: Interrupt enable mask register */
/* [0x0]: REG Interrupt controller status register */
uint32_t STATUS;
/* [0x4]: REG Interrrupt sources register */
/* [0x4]: REG Interrupt sources register */
uint32_t SRC;
/* [0x8]: REG Interrupt enable mask register */
uint32_t EN_MASK;
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<span style="margin-left: 0px; ">2. <A href="#sect_2_0">HDL symbol</a></span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 0px; ">3. <A href="#sect_3_0">Register description</a></span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 20px; ">3.1. <A href="#sect_3_1">Interrupt controller status register</a></span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 20px; ">3.2. <A href="#sect_3_2">Interrrupt sources register </a></span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 20px; ">3.2. <A href="#sect_3_2">Interrupt sources register </a></span><br/>
<span style="margin-left: 20px; ">3.3. <A href="#sect_3_3">Interrupt enable mask register</a></span><br/>
<h3><a name="sect_1_0">1. Memory map summary</a></h3>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ STATUS
<td >
<A href="#SRC">Interrrupt sources register </a>
<A href="#SRC">Interrupt sources register </a>
<td class="td_code">
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ wb_cyc_i
<td class="td_pblock_right">
<b>Interrrupt sources register :</b>
<b>Interrupt sources register :</b>
<td class="td_arrow_right">
......@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ MULT_IRQ
<br>Multiple interrupts occurs before irq source is read.
<a name="SRC"></a>
<h3><a name="sect_3_2">3.2. Interrrupt sources register </a></h3>
<h3><a name="sect_3_2">3.2. Interrupt sources register </a></h3>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<td >
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ peripheral {
reg {
name = "Interrrupt sources register ";
name = "Interrupt sources register ";
description = "Indicates the interrupt source.\nWrite '1' to clear a bit.";
prefix = "src";
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