Commit 2c940e70 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

doc: Change firmware architecture block diagrams names to be carrier specific.

parent c5b078d7
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ The fmc-adc firmware depends on the following hdl cores and libraries:
This chapter describes the internal blocks of the FPGA.
All blocks (except the memory controller) are connected to the PCIe bridge interface using a Wishbone bus. The DDR memory can only be access through DMA.
The @ref{fig:firmware_arch} illustrates the FPGA architecture. The peripherals connected to each block are also shown.
The @ref{fig:spec_fw_arch} illustrates the FPGA architecture. The peripherals connected to each block are also shown.
A crossbar from the general-cores@footnote{@uref{}} library is used to map the Wishbone slaves in the BAR 0 address space.
The @ref{tab:memory_map} shows the Wishbone slaves mapping.
......@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ OpenCores@footnote{@uref{}}. Therefore, the documentation f
The register description for the cores for the carrier control and status, the time-tagging core, the interrupt controller and the ADC core can be found in annexe (@xref{ADC Core Registers}, @ref{Interrupt Controller Registers}, @ref{Time-tagging Core Registers} and @ref{Carrier Registers}). The registers for those cores have been generated using @command{wbgen2}@footnote{@uref{}}.
@float Figure,fig:firmware_arch
@center @image{../../figures/firmware_arch, 15cm,,,pdf}
@float Figure,fig:spec_fw_arch
@center @image{../../figures/spec_fw_arch, 15cm,,,pdf}
@caption{FPGA firmware architecture block diargam.}
@end float
......@@ -973,9 +973,15 @@ The number of samples per shot stored in memory is equal to: number of pre-trigg
@c -> Taking the threshold trigger data after offset/gain correction solved the problem.
@c DONE Update interface of wbgen2 generated cores (name change).
@c DONE License header in every file -> check
@item Remove huge files from git repo. @b{!!! This will change all commits sha !!!}
@c DONE Rename UTC core in time-tagging core or something like that (stricly speaking, it is not UTC).
@c DONE check Atos comments.
@c DONE Remove carrier SPI master from mapping -> shift other slaves base addresses.
@c DONE Make the project ucfgen friendly.
@c - Put all mezzanine related cores in a wrapper (fmc adc mezzanine).
@c - Add a crossbar inside the fmc adc block -> check impact on sdb.
@item Remove huge files from git repo. @b{!!! This will change all commits sha !!!}
@item Add a reference section (bibliography).
@end itemize
......@@ -983,7 +989,6 @@ The number of samples per shot stored in memory is equal to: number of pre-trigg
@section For a later release
@itemize @textdegree
@item Remove carrier SPI master from mapping -> shift other slaves base addresses.
@item Add WR core; 1)for time-tags, 2)for sampling clock control@*
- Define behaviour when WR is desconnected.@*
- Assign signals to SPEC front panel LEDs.
......@@ -1009,9 +1014,6 @@ The number of samples per shot stored in memory is equal to: number of pre-trigg
@item Generate an end of acquisition interrupt after an acquisition stop command?
@item Remove meta-info field in time-tags?
@item Move sdb device descriptions from top to the wishbone_pkg.vhd (general-cores lib).
@item Make the project ucfgen friendly.@*
- Put all mezzanine related cores in a wrapper (fmc adc block).@*
- Add a crossbar inside the fmc adc block -> check impact on sdb.
@item Include the git tree in a .tar.gz along with the .bin file (in the files section) for each release. -> modify the Release chapter accordingly.
@end itemize
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