Commit cc8e0fc0 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

kernel: Make build working

--export ZIO_VERSION
--correct getting GIT_VERSION
--create link fmc-bus-link to the fmc-bus, -objs cannot take absolute
  path to the file
Signen-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 4ec804a1
......@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ fmc-fine-delay-objs = fd-zio.o fd-irq.o fd-core.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += onewire.o spi.o i2c.o gpio.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += acam.o calibrate.o pll.o time.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += calibration.o fmc-util.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += ../fmc-bus/sdb-lib/access.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += ../fmc-bus/sdb-lib/glue.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += fmc-bus-link/sdb-lib/access.o
fmc-fine-delay-objs += fmc-bus-link/sdb-lib/glue.o
......@@ -3,12 +3,19 @@ LINUX ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
ZIO ?= $(src)/../zio
FMC_BUS ?= $(src)/../fmc-bus
GIT_VERSION = $(shell cd $(src); git describe --dirty --long --tags)
GIT_VERSION = $(shell git describe --dirty --long --tags)
ZIO_VERSION = $(shell cd $(ZIO); git describe --always --dirty --long --tags)
all modules:
rm -f fmc-bus-link
ln -s $(FMC_BUS) fmc-bus-link
$(MAKE) -C $(LINUX) M=$(shell /bin/pwd) modules
rm -f fmc-bus-link
install modules_install:
install modules_install: modules
$(MAKE) -C $(LINUX) M=$(shell /bin/pwd) modules_install
# be able to run the "clean" rule even if $(LINUX) is not valid
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