Commit 8b68999a authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

sw: kind of working graph display (should be improved and generalised as a widget).

parent 847e5f43
......@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ void buf_init(hist_buf *buf, uint16_t size)
uint16_t *scan;
//buf->buffer = malloc(size);
//buf->end = buf->buffer + size;
buf->end = &buf->buffer[HIST_SIZE];
buf->end = buf->buffer + size;
buf->wrap = false;
buf->head = buf->buffer;
buf->tail = buf->buffer;
......@@ -70,7 +69,8 @@ void buf_init(hist_buf *buf, uint16_t size)
void buf_write(hist_buf *buf, uint16_t data)
*buf->head++ = data;
*buf->head = data;
if(buf->head >= buf->end)
buf->head = buf->buffer;
......@@ -86,31 +86,30 @@ void buf_write(hist_buf *buf, uint16_t data)
void buf_get_last(hist_buf *buf, uint16_t *last)
void plot_hist(hist_buf *buf, uint8_t y_org, uint8_t y_size)
uint8_t x;
uint16_t y_min, y_max;
uint16_t *scan;
uint16_t *last;
double y_val;
char str[20];
if(buf->head == buf->buffer)
last = buf->end;
last = buf->head--;
last = buf->head - 1;
void plot_hist(hist_buf *buf, uint8_t y_org, uint8_t y_size)
uint8_t x;
uint16_t y_min, y_max;
uint16_t *scan;
uint16_t y_val;
buf_get_last(buf, scan);
scan = last;
y_min = *scan;
y_max = *scan;
while(scan != buf->tail)
......@@ -124,20 +123,24 @@ void plot_hist(hist_buf *buf, uint8_t y_org, uint8_t y_size)
y_min = *scan;
buf_get_last(buf, scan);
y_min = 210;
y_max = 250;
scan = last;
// scan x axis (entire screen)
for(x=0; x<127; x++)
while(scan != buf->tail)
if(1)//*scan != 0)
y_val = (*scan-y_min) * y_size/(y_max-y_min);
//y_val = (*scan-200) * y_size/(100);
lcd_set_pixel(x, y_org - (uint16_t)(y_val), 1);
if(scan >= buf->end)
if(*scan != 0)
y_val = (*scan-960) * (10)/y_size;
//y_val = (*scan-y_min) * (y_max-y_min)/y_size;
lcd_set_pixel(x, y_val + y_org, 1);
scan = buf->buffer;
......@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ int main(void)
double altitude = 0;
double pressure_calc;
double pressure_comp;
hist_buf *pressure_hist;
hist_buf pressure_hist;
/* Setup SysTick Timer for 1 msec interrupts */
if (SysTick_Config(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_CORE) / 1000)) while (1);
......@@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ int main(void)
err = alti_altitude2mbar(&pressure_calc, 440);
pressure_comp = pressure - pressure_calc;
buf_init(pressure_hist, HIST_SIZE);
buf_init(&pressure_hist, HIST_SIZE);
......@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ int main(void)
sprintf(str, "pressure: %5.2f mbar", pressure);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 20, str);
buf_write(pressure_hist, (uint16_t)(pressure));
buf_write(&pressure_hist, (uint16_t)(temp * 10));
err = alti_mbar2altitude(pressure, &altitude);
sprintf(str, "altitude: %4.2f m", altitude);
......@@ -215,12 +218,28 @@ int main(void)
sprintf(str, "alti comp: %4.2f m", altitude);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 40, str);
//plot_hist(pressure_hist, 120, 60);
//sprintf(str, "buf[0]: %d", pressure_hist.buffer[0]);
//text(&font_helv11, 5, 70, str);
sprintf(str, "start: %x", pressure_hist.buffer);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 70, str);
sprintf(str, "end : %x", pressure_hist.end);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 80, str);
sprintf(str, "head : %x", pressure_hist.head);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 90, str);
sprintf(str, "tail : %x", pressure_hist.tail);
text(&font_helv11, 5, 100, str);
plot_hist(&pressure_hist, 120, 50);
//sprintf(str, "err: 0x%02x", err);
//text(&font_helv11, 5, 50, str);
//box(5, 10, 128, 50, 0);
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