Commit 71e51349 authored by ='s avatar =

clock: Uses standard library for time conversion.

Displays date.
parent e0a30c6f
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "application.h"
extern application menu;
extern application clock;
extern application clock_app;
extern application example;
#endif /* APP_LIST_H */
......@@ -30,40 +30,34 @@
#include <drivers/rtc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
static unsigned int hour, mins, secs, msecs;
static struct rtc_time rtc;
static struct tm cur_time;
static void digital_watch_redraw(struct ui_widget *w)
char buf[20];
sprintf(buf,"%02d:%02d", hour, mins);
char buf[32];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%H:%M", &cur_time);
/*sprintf(buf,"%02d:%02d", cur_time.tm_hour, cur_time.tm_min);*/
gfx_clear(&w->dc, 0);
gfx_text(&w->dc, &font_helv38b, 0, 0, buf, 1);
gfx_text(&w->dc, &font_helv38b, 4, 0, buf, 1);
sprintf(buf,"%02d.%01d", secs, msecs / 100);
gfx_text(&w->dc, &font_helv22b, 84, 14, buf, 1);
// sprintf must be used, so we can display msecs too
sprintf(buf, "%02d.%01d", cur_time.tm_sec, rtc.msecs / 100);
gfx_text(&w->dc, &font_helv22b, 88, 14, buf, 1);
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %d %b %Y", &cur_time);
gfx_centered_text(&w->dc, &font_helv17, 40, buf, 1);
static void digital_watch_event(struct ui_widget *w, const struct event *evt)
// Hour has changed, it is time to redraw the clock
if(evt->type == RTC_TICK) {
msecs += 200;
if(1000 == msecs) {
msecs = 0;
if(60 == secs) {
++mins; secs = 0;
if(60 == mins) {
++hour; mins = 0;
if(24 == hour)
hour = 0; // TODO 12/24 hour format
rtc = rtc_get_time();
localtime_r((time_t*) &rtc.epoch, &cur_time);
w->flags |= WF_DIRTY;
......@@ -72,7 +66,7 @@ static void digital_watch_event(struct ui_widget *w, const struct event *evt)
struct ui_widget digital_watch = {
{ 0, 20, 127, 59 },
{ 0, 35, 127, 35 + 53 },
......@@ -90,14 +84,8 @@ void clock_main(void* params) {
struct event evt;
// Restore clock
struct rtc_time time = rtc_get_time();
msecs = time.msecs;
secs = time.epoch;
mins = secs / 60;
hour = mins / 60;
secs %= 60;
mins %= 60;
hour %= 24;
rtc = rtc_get_time();
localtime_r((time_t*) &rtc.epoch, &cur_time);
// Initialize user interface
......@@ -135,7 +123,7 @@ void clock_main(void* params) {
application clock = {
application clock_app = {
.name = "Clock",
.main = clock_main
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static void run(menu_entry *entry) {
static void go_back() {
if(current_menu == menu_stack) {
} else {
menu_size = 0;
selected_item = 0;
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void menu_main(void* params) {
menu_size = get_menu_size(*current_menu);
// run clock as the the initial application
// Once it is deactivated - display the menu
......@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ int get_menu_size(const menu_list *menu) {
menu_list sub_menu = {
{ APP, &gps_receiving, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &battery, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &gps_disconnected, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &gps_receiving, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, &battery, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, &gps_disconnected, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ END, &gps_searching, { NULL } }
......@@ -51,23 +51,23 @@ menu_list main_menu = {
"Main menu",
{ APP, &example_icon, { .app = &example } },
{ APP, &gps_receiving, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &battery_charging, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &gps_receiving, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, &battery_charging, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ SUBMENU, NULL, { .submenu = &sub_menu } },
{ APP, &battery, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &gps_disconnected, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, &battery, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, &gps_disconnected, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ SUBMENU, &battery_charging, { .submenu = &sub_menu } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ SUBMENU, NULL, { .submenu = &sub_menu } },
{ SUBMENU, NULL, { .submenu = &sub_menu } },
{ SUBMENU, NULL, { .submenu = &sub_menu } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ APP, NULL, { .app = &clock_app } },
{ END, NULL, { NULL } }
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