Commit 4ed29249 authored by Xavier Piroux's avatar Xavier Piroux Committed by Matthieu Cattin

SD via SPI : works thanks to efm32 implementation. We use fatfs to implement…

SD via SPI : works thanks to efm32 implementation. We use fatfs to implement FAT32 (instead of FAT-SL)
Project sw/os-comparison/an0030_efm32_fat_on_sd_card compiles and run the FAT32 : it writes a file on the microSD
parent c5f75dc4
This diff is collapsed.
* @file
* @brief Micro SD card driver for the EFM32GG_DK3750 development kit.
* @author Energy Micro AS
* @version 3.20.0
* @section License
* <b>(C) Copyright 2012 Energy Micro AS,</b>
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* 4. The source and compiled code may only be used on Energy Micro "EFM32"
* microcontrollers and "EFR4" radios.
* obligation to support this Software. Energy Micro AS is providing the
* Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
* including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
* or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
* of any proprietary rights of a third party.
* Energy Micro AS will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or
* special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party,
* arising from your use of this Software.
#ifndef __MICROSD_H
#define __MICROSD_H
#include "em_device.h"
#include "microsdconfig.h"
#include "em_gpio.h"
#include "integer.h"
* @addtogroup Drivers
* @{
* @addtogroup MicroSd
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Definitions for MMC/SDC command */
#define CMD0 (0) /**< GO_IDLE_STATE */
#define CMD1 (1) /**< SEND_OP_COND */
#define ACMD41 (41 | 0x80) /**< SEND_OP_COND (SDC) */
#define CMD8 (8) /**< SEND_IF_COND */
#define CMD9 (9) /**< SEND_CSD */
#define CMD10 (10) /**< SEND_CID */
#define CMD12 (12) /**< STOP_TRANSMISSION */
#define ACMD13 (13 | 0x80) /**< SD_STATUS (SDC) */
#define CMD16 (16) /**< SET_BLOCKLEN */
#define CMD17 (17) /**< READ_SINGLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD18 (18) /**< READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD23 (23) /**< SET_BLOCK_COUNT */
#define ACMD23 (23 | 0x80) /**< SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT (SDC) */
#define CMD24 (24) /**< WRITE_BLOCK */
#define CMD25 (25) /**< WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD41 (41) /**< SEND_OP_COND (ACMD) */
#define CMD55 (55) /**< APP_CMD */
#define CMD58 (58) /**< READ_OCR */
void MICROSD_Init(void);
void MICROSD_Deinit(void);
int MICROSD_Select(void);
void MICROSD_Deselect(void);
void MICROSD_PowerOn(void);
void MICROSD_PowerOff(void);
int MICROSD_BlockRx(uint8_t *buff, uint32_t btr);
int MICROSD_BlockTx(const uint8_t *buff, uint8_t token);
uint8_t MICROSD_SendCmd(uint8_t cmd, DWORD arg);
uint8_t MICROSD_XferSpi(uint8_t data);
void MICROSD_SpiClkFast(void);
void MICROSD_SpiClkSlow(void);
bool MICROSD_TimeOutElapsed(void);
void MICROSD_TimeOutSet(uint32_t msec);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} (end group MicroSd) */
/** @} (end group Drivers) */
* Copyright (C) 2014 Julian Lewis
* @author Xavier Piroux <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @brief headers of micro SD access
/* Peripherals */
#define MICROSD_HI_SPI_FREQ 16000000
#define MICROSD_LO_SPI_FREQ 100000
#define MICROSD_LOC 1
// Pinout
#define MICROSD_GPIOPORT gpioPortD
#define MICROSD_POWER_PORT gpioPortC
//sizes of the SD card
#define MICROSD_SECTOR_SIZE 512 /* Sector size */
#define MICROSD_VOLUME_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024) /* definition for size of sddrive0 : we assume working with a 1GB micro SD card */
#endif /* __MICROSD_CONFIG_H */
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<title>ELM - FAT File System Module</title>
<h1>FAT File System Module</h1>
<div class="abst">
<img src="img/layers.png" class="rset" width="245" height="255" alt="layer">
<p>FatFs is a generic FAT file system module for small embedded systems. The FatFs is written in compliance with ANSI C and completely separated from the disk I/O layer. Therefore it is independent of hardware architecture. It can be incorporated into low cost microcontrollers, such as AVR, 8051, PIC, ARM, Z80, 68k and etc..., without any change. Petit FatFs module is also available <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<li>Windows compatible FAT file system.</li>
<li>Platform independent. Easy to port.</li>
<li>Very small footprint for code and work area.</li>
<li>Various configuration options:
<li>Multiple volumes (physical drives and partitions).</li>
<li>Multiple ANSI/OEM code pages including DBCS.</li>
<li>Long file name support in SBCS/DBCS or Unicode.</li>
<li>RTOS support.</li>
<li>Multiple sector size support.</li>
<li>Read-only, minimized API, I/O buffer and etc...</li>
<div class="para">
<h3>Application Interface</h3>
<p>FatFs module provides following functions to the applications. In other words, this list describes what FatFs can do to access the FAT volumes.</p>
<li><a href="en/mount.html">f_mount</a> - Register/Unregister a Work Area</li>
<li><a href="en/open.html">f_open</a> - Open/Create a File</li>
<li><a href="en/close.html">f_close</a> - Close a File</li>
<li><a href="en/read.html">f_read</a> - Read File</li>
<li><a href="en/write.html">f_write</a> - Write File</li>
<li><a href="en/lseek.html">f_lseek</a> - Move R/W Pointer, Expand File Size</li>
<li><a href="en/truncate.html">f_truncate</a> - Truncate File Size</li>
<li><a href="en/sync.html">f_sync</a> - Flush Cached Data</li>
<li><a href="en/opendir.html">f_opendir</a> - Open a Directory</li>
<li><a href="en/readdir.html">f_readdir</a> - Read a Directory Item</li>
<li><a href="en/getfree.html">f_getfree</a> - Get Free Clusters</li>
<li><a href="en/stat.html">f_stat</a> - Get File Status</li>
<li><a href="en/mkdir.html">f_mkdir</a> - Create a Directory</li>
<li><a href="en/unlink.html">f_unlink</a> - Remove a File or Directory</li>
<li><a href="en/chmod.html">f_chmod</a> - Change Attribute</li>
<li><a href="en/utime.html">f_utime</a> - Change Timestamp</li>
<li><a href="en/rename.html">f_rename</a> - Rename/Move a File or Directory</li>
<li><a href="en/mkfs.html">f_mkfs</a> - Create a File System on the Drive</li>
<li><a href="en/forward.html">f_forward</a> - Forward file data to the stream directly</li>
<li><a href="en/chdir.html">f_chdir</a> - Change current directory</li>
<li><a href="en/chdrive.html">f_chdrive</a> - Change current drive</li>
<li><a href="en/gets.html">f_gets</a> - Read a string</li>
<li><a href="en/putc.html">f_putc</a> - Write a character</li>
<li><a href="en/puts.html">f_puts</a> - Write a string</li>
<li><a href="en/printf.html">f_printf</a> - Write a formatted string</li>
<div class="para">
<h3>Disk I/O Interface</h3>
<p>Since the FatFs module is completely separated from disk I/O layer, it requires following functions at least to access the physical media. When O/S related feature is enabled, it will require process/memory functions in addition. However the low level disk I/O module is not a part of FatFs module so that it must be provided by user. The sample drivers are also available in the resources.</p>
<li><a href="en/dinit.html">disk_initialize</a> - Initialize disk drive</li>
<li><a href="en/dstat.html">disk_status</a> - Get disk status</li>
<li><a href="en/dread.html">disk_read</a> - Read sector(s)</li>
<li><a href="en/dwrite.html">disk_write</a> - Write sector(s)</li>
<li><a href="en/dioctl.html">disk_ioctl</a> - Control device dependent features</li>
<li><a href="en/fattime.html">get_fattime</a> - Get current time</li>
<div class="para">
<p>The FatFs module is a free software opened for education, research and development. You can use, modify and/or redistribute it for personal projects or commercial products without any restriction under your responsibility. For further information, refer to the application note.</p>
<li><a href=""><em>FatFs User Forum</em></a></li>
<li>Read first: <a href="en/appnote.html">FatFs module application note</a> <span class="mfd">May 15, 2010</span></li>
<li><a href="">ARM-Projects by Martin THOMAS</a> (examples for LPC2000, AT91SAM and STM32)</li>
<li><a href="">FAT32 Specification by Microsoft</a> (The reference document on FAT file system)</li>
<li><a href="">How to Use MMC/SDC</a></li>
<li><a href="img/rwtest.png">Benchmark 1</a> (ATmega64/9.2MHz with MMC via SPI, HDD/CFC via GPIO)</li>
<li><a href="img/rwtest2.png">Benchmark 2</a> (LPC2368/72MHz with MMC via MCI)</li>
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<title>ELM - 汎用FATファイルシステム・モジュール</title>
<div class="abst">
<img src="img/layers.png" class="rset" width="245" height="255" alt="layer">
<p>FatFsは小規模な組み込みシステム向けの汎用FATファイルシステム・モジュールです。ANSI C準拠でハードウェア・アーキテクチャには依存しないので、必要なワーク・エリアが確保できれば、8051, PIC, AVR, SH, Z80, 68k, H8, ARMなど安価なマイコンでも使用可能です。FatFsをシュリンクした<a href="">ぷちFatFs</a>もあります。</p>
<li>Windows互換 FATファイル・システム</li>
<li>長いファイル名(LFN) (Unicode APIも選択可)</li>
<div class="para">
<li><a href="ja/mount.html">f_mount</a> - ワークエリアの登録・削除</li>
<li><a href="ja/open.html">f_open</a> - ファイルのオープン・作成</li>
<li><a href="ja/close.html">f_close</a> - ファイルのクローズ</li>
<li><a href="ja/read.html">f_read</a> - ファイルの読み込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/write.html">f_write</a> - ファイルの書き込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/lseek.html">f_lseek</a> - R/Wポインタの移動, ファイル・サイズの拡張</li>
<li><a href="ja/truncate.html">f_truncate</a> - ファイル・サイズの切り詰め</li>
<li><a href="ja/sync.html">f_sync</a> - キャッシュされたデータのフラッシュ</li>
<li><a href="ja/opendir.html">f_opendir</a> - ディレクトリのオープン</li>
<li><a href="ja/readdir.html">f_readdir</a> - ディレクトリの読み出し</li>
<li><a href="ja/getfree.html">f_getfree</a> - ディスク空き領域の取得</li>
<li><a href="ja/stat.html">f_stat</a> - ファイル・ステータスの取得</li>
<li><a href="ja/mkdir.html">f_mkdir</a> - ディレクトリの作成</li>
<li><a href="ja/unlink.html">f_unlink</a> - ファイル/ディレクトリの削除</li>
<li><a href="ja/chmod.html">f_chmod</a> - ファイル/ディレクトリの属性の変更</li>
<li><a href="ja/utime.html">f_utime</a> - ファイル/ディレクトリのタイムスタンプの変更</li>
<li><a href="ja/rename.html">f_rename</a> - ファイル/ディレクトリの名前変更・移動</li>
<li><a href="ja/mkfs.html">f_mkfs</a> - ディスクのフォーマット</li>
<li><a href="ja/chdir.html">f_chdir</a> - カレント・ディレクトリの変更</li>
<li><a href="ja/chdrive.html">f_chdrive</a> - カレント・ドライブの変更</li>
<li><a href="ja/forward.html">f_forward</a> - ファイル・データをストリーム関数に直接転送する</li>
<li><a href="ja/gets.html">f_gets</a> - 文字列の読み込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/putc.html">f_putc</a> - 文字の書き込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/puts.html">f_puts</a> - 文字列の書き込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/printf.html">f_printf</a> - 書式化文字列の書き込み</li>
<div class="para">
<li><a href="ja/dinit.html">disk_initialize</a> - ディスク・ドライブの初期化</li>
<li><a href="ja/dstat.html">disk_status</a> - ディスク・ドライブの状態取得</li>
<li><a href="ja/dread.html">disk_read</a> - ディスクからの読み込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/dwrite.html">disk_write</a> - ディスクへの書き込み</li>
<li><a href="ja/dioctl.html">disk_ioctl</a> - その他のドライブ制御</li>
<li><a href="ja/fattime.html">get_fattime</a> - 日付・時刻の取得</li>
<div class="para">
<li><a href=""><em>FatFsユーザ・フォーラム</em></a></li>
<li>最初に読め: <a href="ja/appnote.html">FatFsモジュール・アプリケーション・ノート</a> <span class="mfd">2010. 5. 15</span></li>
<li><a href="">ARM-Projects by Martin THOMAS</a> (examples for LPC2000, AT91SAM and STM32)</li>
<li><a href="">FATファイル・システム仕様書 by Microsoft</a> (FATの理解・実装に必要な唯一のリファレンス)</li>
<li><a href="">FATファイル・システム概要</a> (↑を読むためのガイド)</li>
<li><a href="">MMCの使いかた</a></li>
<li><a href="img/rwtest.png">パフォーマンス・テスト1</a> (ATmega64/9.2MHz with MMC via SPI, HDD/CFC via GPIO)</li>
<li><a href="img/rwtest2.png">パフォーマンス・テスト2</a> (LPC2368/72MHz with MMC via MCI)</li>
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<title>FatFs - f_chdir</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chdir function changes the current directory of a drive.</p>
FRESULT f_chdir (
const TCHAR* <em>Path</em> <span>/* Pointer to the path name */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies a <a href="filename.html">directory</a> to go.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The path name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chdir function changes the current directory of the logical drive. The current directory of a drive is initialized to the root directory when the drive is auto-mounted. Note that the current directory is retained in the each file system object so that it also affects other tasks that using the drive.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_RPATH == 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<span>/* Change current direcoty of the current drive (dir1 under root dir) */</span>
<span>/* Change current direcoty of drive 2 (parent dir) */</span>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="chdrive.html">f_chdrive</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_chdrive</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chdrive function changes the current drive.</p>
FRESULT f_chdrive (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* Logical drive number */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the <a href="filename.html">logical drive number</a> to be set as the current drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chdrive function changes the current drive. The initial value of the current drive number is 0. Note that the current drive is retained in a static variable so that it also affects other tasks that using the file functions.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_RPATH == 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="chdir.html">f_chdir</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_chmod</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chmod function changes the attribute of a file or directory.</p>
FRESULT f_chmod (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file or directory */</span>
BYTE <em>Attribute</em>, <span>/* Attribute flags */</span>
BYTE <em>AttributeMask</em> <span>/* Attribute masks */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies a <a href="filename.html">file or directory</a> to be changed</dd>
<dd>Attribute flags to be set in one or more combination of the following flags. The specified flags are set and others are cleard.<br>
<table class="lst">
<tr><td>AM_RDO</td><td>Read only</td></tr>
<dd>Attribute mask that specifies which attribute is changed. The specified aattributes are set or cleard.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_chmod function changes the attribute of a file or directory.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<span>/* Set read-only flag, clear archive flag and others are retained. */</span>
f_chmod("file.txt", AR_RDO, AR_RDO | AR_ARC);
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<title>FatFs - f_close</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_close function closes an open file.</p>
FRESULT f_close (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* Pointer to the file object structure */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structure to be closed.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The file object has been closed successfuly.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_close function closes an open file object. If any data has been written to the file, the cached information of the file is written back to the disk. After the function succeeded, the file object is no longer valid and it can be discarded. If the file object has been opened in read-only mode, it may be discarded without closing process by this function but not recommended.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Always available.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="write.html">f_write</a>, <a href="sync.html">f_sync</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a>, <a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - disk_initialize</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_initialize function initializes the disk drive.</p>
DSTATUS disk_initialize (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* Physical drive number */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the physical drive number to initialize.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<p>This function returns a disk status as the result. For details of the disk status, refer to the <a href="dstat.html">disk_status</a> function.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_initialize function initializes a physical drive. When the function succeeded, <tt>STA_NOINIT</tt> flag in the return value is cleard.</p>
<p>This function is called on volume mount process in the FatFs module to manage the media change. <em>Application program should not call this function, or FAT structure on the volume can be collapted. To re-initialize the file system, use f_mount function.</em></p>
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<title>FatFs - disk_ioctl</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_ioctl function cntrols device specified features and miscellaneous functions other than disk read/write.</p>
DRESULT disk_ioctl (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* Drive number */</span>
BYTE <em>Command</em>, <span>/* Control command code */</span>
void* <em>Buffer</em> <span>/* Parameter and data buffer */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the drive number (0-9).</dd>
<dd>Specifies the command code.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the parameter buffer depends on the command code. When it is not used, specify a NULL pointer.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Value</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Any error occured.</dd>
<dd>Invalid command code.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive has not been initialized.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The FatFs module uses only device independent commands described below. Any device dependent function is not used.</p>
<table class="lst">
<tr><td>CTRL_SYNC</td><td>Make sure that the disk drive has finished pending write process. When the disk I/O module has a write back cache, flush the dirty sector immediately. This command is not required in read-only configuration.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GET_SECTOR_SIZE</td><td>Returns sector size of the drive into the WORD variable pointed by <tt>Buffer</tt>. This command is not required in single sector size configuration, _MAX_SS is 512.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GET_SECTOR_COUNT</td><td>Returns total sectors on the drive into the DWORD variable pointed by <tt>Buffer</tt>. This command is used by only f_mkfs function to determine the volume size to be created.</td></tr>
<tr><td>GET_BLOCK_SIZE</td><td>Returns erase block size of the flash memory in unit of sector into the DWORD variable pointed by <tt>Buffer</tt>. This command is used by only f_mkfs function and it attempts to align data area to the erase block boundary. The allowable value is 1 to 32768 in power of 2. Return 1 if the erase block size is unknown or disk devices.</td></tr>
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<title>FatFs - disk_read</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_read function reads sector(s) from the disk drive.</p>
DRESULT disk_read (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* Physical drive number */</span>
BYTE* <em>Buffer</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the read data buffer */</span>
DWORD <em>SectorNumber</em>, <span>/* Start sector number */</span>
BYTE <em>SectorCount</em> <span>/* Number of sectros to read */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the physical drive number.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the byte array to store the read data. The buffer size of number of bytes to be read, sector size * sector count, is required. The memory address specified by upper layer may or may not be aligned to word boundary.</dd>
<dd>Specifies the start sector number in logical block address (LBA).</dd>
<dd>Specifies number of sectors to read. The value can be 1 to 255.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Value</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Any hard error occured during the read operation and could not recover it.</dd>
<dd>Invalid parameter.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive has not been initialized.</dd>
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<title>FatFs - disk_status</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_status function returns the current disk status.</p>
DSTATUS disk_status (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* Physical drive number */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the physical drive number to be confirmed.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<p>The disk status is returned in combination of following flags. FatFs refers only <tt>STA_NOINIT</tt> and <tt>STA_PROTECTED</tt>.</p>
<dl class="ret">
<dd>Indicates that the disk drive has not been initialized. This flag is set on: system reset, disk removal and disk_initialize function failed, and cleared on: disk_initialize function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Indicates that no medium in the drive. This is always cleared on fixed disk drive.</dd>
<dd>Indicates that the medium is write protected. This is always cleared on the drive that does not support write protect notch. Not valid when <tt>STA_NODISK</tt> is set.</dd>
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<title>FatFs - disk_write</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The disk_write writes sector(s) to the disk.</p>
DRESULT disk_write (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* Physical drive number */</span>
const BYTE* <em>Buffer</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the write data (may be non aligned) */</span>
DWORD <em>SectorNumber</em>, <span>/* Sector number to write */</span>
BYTE <em>SectorCount</em> <span>/* Number of sectors to write */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Specifies the physical drive number.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the byte array to be written. The memory address specified by upper layer may or may not be aligned to word boundary.</dd>
<dd>Specifies the start sector number in logical block address (LBA).</dd>
<dd>Specifies the number of sectors to write. The value can be 1 to 255.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Any hard error occured during the write operation and could not recover it.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>Invalid parameter.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive has not been initialized.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>This function is not required in read only configuration.</p>
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<title>FatFs - get_fattime</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The get_fattime function gets current time.</p>
DWORD get_fattime (void);
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Value</h4>
<p>Currnet time is returned with packed into a DWORD value. The bit field is as follows:</p>
<dl class="ret">
<dd>Year from 1980 (0..127)</dd>
<dd>Month (1..12)</dd>
<dd>Day in month(1..31)</dd>
<dd>Hour (0..23)</dd>
<dd>Minute (0..59)</dd>
<dd>Second / 2 (0..29)</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The get_fattime function must return any valid time even if the system does not support a real time clock. If a zero is returned, the file will not have a valid time. This fucntion is not required in read only configuration.</p>
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<title>FatFs - Path Names</title>
<div class="para">
<h2>Format of the path names</h2>
<p>The path name format on the FatFs module is similer to the filename specs of DOS/Windos as follows:</p>
<p>The FatFs module supports long file name (LFN) and 8.3 format file name (SFN). The LFN can be used when LFN feature is enabled <tt>(_USE_LFN &gt; 0)</tt>. The differences between FatFs and DOS/Windows are directory separator and logical drive number. The sub directories are separated with a / or \. The logical drive is specified in a numeral with a colon. When the drive number is omitted, it is assumed as default drive (0 or current drive).</p>
<p>Nul character and control characters (\0 to \x1F) are recognized as end of the path name. Leading/embedded spaces in the path name are valid as a part of the name on LFN configuration but they are recognized as end of the path name on non-LFN configuration.</p>
<p>In default configuration <tt>(_FS_RPATH == 0)</tt>, it does not have a concept of current directory like OS oriented file system. All objects on the volume are always specified in full path name that follows from the root directory. Dot directory names are not allowed. Heading separator is ignored and it can be exist or omitted. The default drive number is fixed to 0.</p>
<p>When relative path feature is enabled <tt>(_FS_RPATH == 1)</tt>, specified path is followed from the root directory if a heading separator is exist. If not, the path is followed from the current directory set with <a href="chdir.html">f_chdir</a> function. Dot names are also allowed for the directory name. The default drive number is the current drive number set with <a href="chdrive.html">f_chdrive</a> function.</p>
<table class="lst2">
<tr><td>Path name</td><td>_FS_RPATH == 0</td><td>_FS_RPATH == 1</td></tr>
<tr class="lst3"><td>file.txt</td><td>A file in the root directory on the drive 0</td><td>A file in the current directory on the current drive</td></tr>
<tr><td>/file.txt</td><td>A file in the root directory on the drive 0</td><td>A file in the root directory on the current drive</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>The root directory on the drive 0</td><td>The current directory on the current drive</td></tr>
<tr><td>2:</td><td>The root directory on the drive 2</td><td>The current directory on the drive 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>2:file.txt</td><td>A file in the root directory on the drive 2</td><td>A file in the current directory on the drive 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>2:/</td><td>The root directory on the drive 2</td><td>The root directory on the drive 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>../file.txt</td><td>Invalid name</td><td>A file in the parent directory</td></tr>
<tr><td>.</td><td>Invalid name</td><td>This directory</td></tr>
<tr><td>..</td><td>Invalid name</td><td>Parent directory of the current directory</td></tr>
<tr><td>dir1/..</td><td>Invalid name</td><td>The current directory</td></tr>
<tr><td>/..</td><td>Invalid name</td><td>The root directory (sticks the top level)</td></tr>
<div class="para">
<h2>Unicode API</h2>
<p>The path names are input/output in either ANSI/OEM code (SBCS/DBCS) or Unicode depends on the configuration options. The type of arguments that specifies the file names are defined as <tt>TCHAR</tt> which is an alias of <tt>char</tt> in default. The code set of the file name string is the ANSI/OEM code set specifid by <tt>_CODE_PAGE</tt>. When <tt>_LFN_UNICODE</tt> is set to 1 under LFN configuration, the type of the <tt>TCHAR</tt> is switched to <tt>unsigned short</tt> (UCS-2 character) to support Unicode. In this case, the LFN feature is fully supported and the Unicode specific characters, such as ✝☪✡☸☭, can also be used for the path name. It also affects data types and encoding of the string I/O functions. To define literal strings, <tt>_T(s)</tt> and <tt>_TEXT(s)</tt> macro are available to select either ANSI/OEM or Unicode automatically. The code shown below is an example to define the literal strings.</p>
f_open(fp, "filename.txt", FA_READ); <span>/* ANSI/OEM only */</span>
f_open(fp, L"filename.txt", FA_READ); <span>/* Unicode only */</span>
f_open(fp, _T("filename.txt"), FA_READ); <span>/* Changed automatically */</span>
<div class="para">
<h2>Correspondence between logical and physical drives</h2>
<p>The FatFs module has work areas that called <em>file system object</em> for each volume (logical drive). In default, the logical drive is bound to the physical drive that has same drive number, and the first partition is mounted. When <tt>_MULTI_PARTITION == 1</tt> is specified in configuration option, each individual logical drive can be bound to any physical drive/partition. In this case, a drive number resolution table must be defined as follows:</p>
Example: Logical drive 0-2 are assigned to three pri-partitions on the physical drive 0 (fixed disk)
Logical drive 3 is assigned to physical drive 1 (removable disk)
const PARTITION Drives[] = {
{0, 0}, <span>/* Logical drive 0 ==> Physical drive 0, 1st partition */</span>
{0, 1}, <span>/* Logical drive 1 ==> Physical drive 0, 2nd partition */</span>
{0, 2}, <span>/* Logical drive 2 ==> Physical drive 0, 3rd partition */</span>
{1, 0} <span>/* Logical drive 3 ==> Physical drive 1 */</span>
<p>There are some considerations when use <tt>_MULTI_PARTITION</tt> configuration.</p>
<li>Only pri-partition (0-3) can be mounted.</li>
<li>When the physical drive has no partition table (SFD format), the partition number is ignored.</li>
<li>The physical drive that has two or more logical drives must be a fixed drive.</li>
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<title>FatFs - f_forward</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_forward function reads the file data and forward it to the data streaming device.</p>
FRESULT f_forward (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* File object */</span>
UINT (*<em>Func</em>)(const BYTE*,UINT), <span>/* Data streaming function */</span>
UINT <em>ByteToFwd</em>, <span>/* Number of bytes to forward */</span>
UINT* <em>ByteFwd</em> <span>/* Number of bytes forwarded */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the user-defined data streaming function. For details, refer to the sample code.</dd>
<dd>Number of bytes to forward in range of UINT.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the UINT variable to return number of bytes forwarded.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The function denied due to the file has been opened in non-read mode.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_forward function reads the data from the file and forward it to the outgoing stream without data buffer. This is suitable for small memory system because it does not require any data buffer at application module. The file pointer of the file object increases in number of bytes forwarded. In case of <tt>*ByteFwd &lt; ByteToFwd</tt> without error, it means the requested bytes could not be transferred due to end of file or stream goes busy during data transfer.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_USE_FORWARD == 1</tt> and <tt>_FS_TINY == 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>Example (Audio playback)</h4>
<span>/* Sample code of data transfer function to be called back from f_forward */</span>
UINT out_stream ( <span>/* Returns number of bytes sent or stream status */</span>
const BYTE *p, <span>/* Pointer to the data block to be sent */</span>
UINT btf <span>/* &gt;0: Transfer call (Number of bytes to be sent). 0: Sense call */</span>
UINT cnt = 0;
if (btf == 0) { <span>/* Sense call */</span>
<span>/* Return stream status (0: Busy, 1: Ready) */</span>
<span>/* When once it returned ready to sense call, it must accept a byte at least */</span>
<span>/* at subsequent transfer call, or f_forward will fail with FR_INT_ERROR. */</span>
if (FIFO_READY) cnt = 1;
else { <span>/* Transfer call */</span>
do { <span>/* Repeat while there is any data to be sent and the stream is ready */</span>
FIFO_PORT = *p++;
} while (cnt &lt; btf &amp;&amp; FIFO_READY);
return cnt;
<span>/* Sample code using f_forward function */</span>
FRESULT play_file (
char *fn <span>/* Pointer to the audio file name to be played */</span>
FIL fil;
UINT dmy;
<span>/* Open the audio file in read only mode */</span>
rc = f_open(&amp;fil, fn, FA_READ);
if (rc) return rc;
<span>/* Repeat until the file pointer reaches end of the file */</span>
while (rc == FR_OK &amp;&amp; fil.fptr &lt; fil.fsize) {
<span>/* any other processes... */</span>
<span>/* Fill output stream periodicaly or on-demand */</span>
rc = f_forward(&amp;fil, out_stream, 1000, &amp;dmy);
<span>/* Close the file and return */</span>
return rc;
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="gets.html">fgets</a>, <a href="write.html">f_write</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_getfree</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_getfree function gets number of the free clusters.</p>
FRESULT f_getfree (
const TCHAR* <em>Path</em>, <span>/* Logical drive number */</span>
DWORD* <em>Clusters</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the variable to store number of free clusters */</span>
FATFS** <em>FileSystemObject</em> <span>/* Pointer to pointer to file system object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pinter to the null-terminated string that specifies the <a href="filename.html">logical drive</a>.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the DWORD variable to store number of free clusters.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to pointer that to store a pointer to the corresponding file system object.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded. The <tt><em>*Clusters</em></tt> has number of free clusters and <tt><em>*FileSystemObject</em></tt> points the file system object.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT partition on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_getfree function gets number of free clusters on the drive. The member <tt>csize</tt> in the file system object is refrecting number of sectors per cluster, so that the free space in unit of sector can be calcurated with this. When FSInfo structure on FAT32 volume is not in sync, this function can return an incorrect free cluster count.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
FATFS *fs;
DWORD fre_clust, fre_sect, tot_sect;
<span>/* Get volume information and free clusters of drive 1 */</span>
res = f_getfree("1:", &amp;fre_clust, &amp;fs);
if (res) die(res);
<span>/* Get total sectors and free sectors */</span>
tot_sect = (fs->max_clust - 2) * fs->csize;
fre_sect = fre_clust * fs->csize;
<span>/* Print free space in unit of KB (assuming 512 bytes/sector) */</span>
printf("%lu KB total drive space.\n"
"%lu KB available.\n",
fre_sect / 2, tot_sect / 2);
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_gets</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_gets reads a string from the file.</p>
TCHAR* f_gets (
TCHAR* <em>Str</em>, <span>/* Read buffer */</span>
int <em>Size</em>, <span>/* Size of the read buffer */</span>
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* File object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to read buffer to store the read string.</dd>
<dd>Size of the read buffer in unit of character.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structure.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<p>When the function succeeded, <tt>Str</tt> will be returuned.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_gets() is a wrapper function of <a href="read.html">f_read()</a>. The read operation continues until a <tt>'\n'</tt> is stored, reached end of the file or the buffer is filled with <tt>Size - 1</tt> characters. The read string is terminated with a <tt>'\0'</tt>. When no character to read or any error occured during read operation, f_gets() returns a null pointer. The end of file and error status can be examined with <tt>f_eof()</tt> and <tt>f_error()</tt> macros.</p>
<p>When the FatFs is configured to Unicode API (<tt>_LFN_UNICODE == 1</tt>), the file is read in UTF-8 encoding and stored it to the buffer in UCS-2. If not the case, the file will be read in one byte per character without any code conversion.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_USE_STRFUNC</tt> is 1 or 2. When it is set to 2, <tt>'\r'</tt>s contained in the file are stripped out.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="putc.html">f_putc</a>, <a href="puts.html">f_puts</a>, <a href="printf.html">f_printf</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_lseek</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_lseek function moves the file read/write pointer of an open file object. It can also be used to increase the file size (cluster pre-allocation).</p>
FRESULT f_lseek (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file object structure */</span>
DWORD <em>Offset</em> <span>/* File offset in unit of byte */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object.</dd>
<dd>Number of bytes where from start of the file</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<dd>Insufficient size of link map table for the file.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_lseek function moves the file read/write pointer of an open file. The offset can be specified in only origin from top of the file. When an offset above the file size is specified in write mode, the file size is increased and the data in the expanded area is undefined. This is suitable to create a large file quickly, for fast write operation. After the f_lseek function succeeded, member fptr in the file object should be checked in order to make sure the read/write pointer has been moved correctry. In case of fptr is not the expected value, either of followings has been occured.</p>
<li>End of file. The specified Offset was clipped at the file size because the file has been opened in read-only mode.</li>
<li>Disk full. There is insufficient free space on the volume to expand the file size.</li>
<p>When <tt>_USE_FASTSEEK</tt> is set to 1 and <tt>cltbl</tt> member in the file object is not NULL, the fast seek feature is enabled. This feature enables fast backward/long seek operations without FAT access by cluster link information stored on the user defined table. The cluster link information must be created prior to do the fast seek. The required size of the table is (number of fragments + 1) * 2 items. For example, when the file is fragmented in 5, 12 items will be required to store the cluster link information. The file size cannot be expanded when the fast seek feature is enabled.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE &lt;= 2</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<span>/* Move to offset of 5000 from top of the file */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, 5000);
<span>/* Move to end of the file to append data */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, file-&gt;fsize);
<span>/* Forward 3000 bytes */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, file-&gt;fptr + 3000);
<span>/* Rewind 2000 bytes (take care on overflow) */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, file-&gt;fptr - 2000);
<span>/* Cluster pre-allocation (to prevent buffer overrun on streaming write) */</span>
res = f_open(file, recfile, FA_CREATE_NEW | FA_WRITE); <span>/* Create a file */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, PRE_SIZE); <span>/* Pre-allocate clusters */</span>
if (res || file-&gt;fptr != PRE_SIZE) ... <span>/* Check if the file size has been increased correctly */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, DATA_START); <span>/* Record data stream without cluster allocation delay */</span>
res = f_truncate(file); <span>/* Truncate unused area */</span>
res = f_lseek(file, 0); <span>/* Put file header */</span>
res = f_close(file);
<span>/* Using fast seek feature */</span>
DWORD lktbl[SZ_TBL]; <span>/* Link map table buffer */</span>
res = f_lseek(&amp;file, ofs1); <span>/* This is normal seek (file.cltbl == NULL on file open) */</span>
file.cltbl = lktbl; <span>/* Enable fast seek feature */</span>
lktbl[0] = SZ_TBL; <span>/* Set table size to the first item */</span>
res = f_lseek(&amp;file, CREATE_LINKMAP); <span>/* Create cluster link map table */</span>
res = f_lseek(&amp;file, ofs2); <span>/* This is fast seek (file.cltbl != NULL) */</span>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="truncate.html">f_truncate</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_mkdir</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mkdir function creates a new directory.</p>
FRESULT f_mkdir (
const TCHAR* <em>DirName</em> <span>/* Pointer to the directory name */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the <a href="filename.html">directory name</a> to create. </dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Value</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The path name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The directory cannot be created due to directory table or disk is full.</dd>
<dd>A file or directory that has same name is already existing.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mkdir function creates a new directory.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
res = f_mkdir("sub1");
if (res) die(res);
res = f_mkdir("sub1/sub2");
if (res) die(res);
res = f_mkdir("sub1/sub2/sub3");
if (res) die(res);
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<title>FatFs - f_mkfs</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mkfs fucntion creates a file system on the drive.</p>
FRESULT f_mkfs (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* Logical drive number */</span>
BYTE <em>PartitioningRule</em>, <span>/* Partitioning rule */</span>
UINT <em>AllocSize</em> <span>/* Size of the allocation unit */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Logical drive number (0-9) to be formatted.</dd>
<dd>When 0 is given, a partition table is created into the master boot record and a primary DOS partition is created and then an FAT volume is created on the partition. This is called FDISK format and used for harddisk and memory cards. When 1 is given, the FAT volume starts from the first sector on the drive without partition table. This is called <abbr title="Super Floppy Disk">SFD</abbr> format and used for floppy disk and most optical disk.</dd>
<dd>Force the allocation unit (cluter) size in unit of byte. The value must be power of 2 and between the sector size and 128 times sector size. When invalid value is specified, the cluster size is determined depends on the volume size.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive cannot work due to any reason.</dd>
<dd>The drive is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function aborted before start in format due to a reason as follows.
<li>The disk size is too small.</li>
<li>Invalid parameter was given to any parameter.</li>
<li>Not allowable cluster size for this drive. This can occure when number of clusters becomes around 0xFF7 and 0xFFF7.</li>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mkfs function creates an FAT volume on the drive. There are two partitioning rules, FDISK and SFD, for removable media. The FDISK format is recommended for the most case. This function currently <em>does not support multiple partition</em>, so that existing partitions on the physical dirve will be deleted and re-created a new partition occupies entire disk space.</p>
<p>The FAT sub-type, FAT12/FAT16/FAT32, is determined by number of clusters on the volume and nothing else, according to the FAT specification issued by Microsoft. Thus which FAT sub-type is selected, is depends on the volume size and the specified cluster size. The cluster size affects performance of the file system and large cluster increases the performance.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READOLNY == 0</tt> and <tt>_USE_MKFS == 1</tt>.</p>
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<title>FatFs - f_mount</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mount fucntion registers/unregisters a work area to the FatFs module.</p>
FRESULT f_mount (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* Logical drive number */</span>
FATFS* <em>FileSystemObject</em> <span>/* Pointer to the work area */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Logical drive number (0-9) to register/unregister the work area.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the work area (file system object) to be registered.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_mount function registers/unregisters a work area to the FatFs module. The work area must be given to the each volume with this function prior to use any other file function. To unregister a work area, specify a NULL to the <em>FileSystemObject</em>, and then the work area can be discarded.</p>
<p>This function only initializes the given work area and registers its address to the internal table, any access to the disk I/O layer does not occure. The volume mount process is performed on first file access after f_mount function or media change.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Always available.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_open</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_open function creates a <em>file object</em> to be used to access the file.</p>
FRESULT f_open (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the blank file object structure */</span>
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file neme */</span>
BYTE <em>ModeFlags</em> <span>/* Mode flags */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the file object structure to be created.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the <a href="filename.html">file name</a> to create or open.</dd>
<dd>Specifies the type of access and open method for the file. It is specified by a combination of following flags.<br>
<table class="lst">
<tr><td>FA_READ</td><td>Specifies read access to the object. Data can be read from the file.<br>Combine with FA_WRITE for read-write access.</td></tr>
<tr><td>FA_WRITE</td><td>Specifies write access to the object. Data can be written to the file.<br>Combine with FA_READ for read-write access.</td></tr>
<tr><td>FA_OPEN_EXISTING</td><td>Opens the file. The function fails if the file is not existing. (Default)</td></tr>
<tr><td>FA_OPEN_ALWAYS</td><td>Opens the file if it is existing. If not, a new file is created.<br>
To append data to the file, use f_lseek function after file open in this method.</td></tr>
<tr><td>FA_CREATE_NEW</td><td>Creates a new file. The function fails if the file is already existing.</td></tr>
<tr><td>FA_CREATE_ALWAYS</td><td>Creates a new file. If the file is existing, it is truncated and overwritten.</td></tr>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded and the file object is valid.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The file is already existing.</dd>
<dd>The required access was denied due to one of the following reasons:
<ul><li>Write mode open against a read-only file.</li>
<li>File cannot be created due to a read-only file or same directory name is existing.</li>
<li>File cannot be created due to the directory table or volume is full.</li></ul></dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>Write mode open or creation under the medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<dd>The function was rejected due to file shareing policy.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>A file object is created when the function succeeded. The file object is used for subsequent read/write functions to refer to the file. When close an open file object, use <a href="close.html">f_close</a> function. If the modified file is not closed, the file data can be collapsed.</p>
<p>Before using any file function, a work area (file system object) must be given to the logical drive with <a href="mount.html">f_mount</a> function. All file functions can work after this procedure.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Always available. The mode flags, <tt>FA_WRITE, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS, FA_CREATE_NEW and FA_OPEN_ALWAYS</tt>, are not available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>Example (File Copy)</h4>
void main (void)
FATFS fs[2]; <span>/* Work area (file system object) for logical drives */</span>
FIL fsrc, fdst; <span>/* file objects */</span>
BYTE buffer[4096]; <span>/* file copy buffer */</span>
FRESULT res; <span>/* FatFs function common result code */</span>
UINT br, bw; <span>/* File read/write count */</span>
<span>/* Register work area for logical drives */</span>
f_mount(0, &amp;fs[0]);
f_mount(1, &amp;fs[1]);
<span>/* Open source file on the drive 1 */</span>
res = f_open(&amp;fsrc, "1:srcfile.dat", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);
if (res) die(res);
<span>/* Create destination file on the drive 0 */</span>
res = f_open(&amp;fdst, "0:dstfile.dat", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
if (res) die(res);
<span>/* Copy source to destination */</span>
for (;;) {
res = f_read(&amp;fsrc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &amp;br); <span>/* Read a chunk of src file */</span>
if (res || br == 0) break; <span>/* error or eof */</span>
res = f_write(&amp;fdst, buffer, br, &amp;bw); <span>/* Write it to the dst file */</span>
if (res || bw &lt; br) break; <span>/* error or disk full */</span>
<span>/* Close open files */</span>
<span>/* Unregister work area prior to discard it */</span>
f_mount(0, NULL);
f_mount(1, NULL);
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="write.html">f_write</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a>, <a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_opendir</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_opendir function opens a directory.</p>
FRESULT f_opendir (
DIR* <em>DirObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the blank directory object structure */</span>
const TCHAR* <em>DirName</em> <span>/* Pointer to the directory name */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the blank directory object to be created.</dd>
<dd>Pinter to the null-terminated string that specifies the <a href="filename.html">directory name</a> to be opened.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded and the directory object is created. It is used for subsequent calls to read the directory entries.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The path name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_opendir function opens an exsisting directory and creates the directory object for subsequent calls. The directory object structure can be discarded at any time without any procedure.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE &lt;= 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="readdir.html">f_readdir</a>, <a href="sdir.html">DIR</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_printf</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_printf function writes formatted string to the file.</p>
int f_printf (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* File object */</span>
const TCHAR* <em>Foramt</em>, <span>/* Format stirng */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structure.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the null terminated format string.</dd>
<dd>Optional arguments.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<p>When the function succeeded, number of characters written is returned. When the function failed due to disk full or any error, an <tt>EOF (-1)</tt> will be returned.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_printf() is a wrapper function of <a href="putc.html">f_putc()</a> and <a href="puts.html">f_puts()</a>. The format control directive is a sub-set of standard library shown as follos:</p>
<li>Type: <tt>c C s S d D u U x X b B</tt></li>
<li>Size: <tt>l L</tt></li>
<li>Flag: <tt>0</tt></li>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_USE_STRFUNC</tt> is 1 or 2. When it is set to 2, <tt>'\n'</tt>s contained in the output are converted to <tt>"\r\n"</tt>.</p>
<p>When the FatFs is configured to Unicode API (<tt>_LFN_UNICODE == 1</tt>), the generated UCS-2 characters are written to the file in UTF-8 encoding. If not the case, the byte characters will be written directly.</p>
<div class="para">
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%6d", -200); <span>/* " -200" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%02u", 5); <span>/* "05" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%ld", 12345678L); <span>/* "12345678" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%08lX", 1194684UL); <span>/* "00123ABC" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%08b", 0x55); <span>/* "01010101" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%s", "String"); <span>/* "String" */</span>
f_printf(&amp;fil, "%c", 'a'); <span>/* "a" */</span>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="putc.html">f_putc</a>, <a href="puts.html">f_puts</a>, <a href="gets.html">f_gets</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_putc</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_putc funciton puts a character to the file.</p>
int f_putc (
TCHAR <em>Chr</em>, <span>/* A character to put */</span>
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* File object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>A character to be put.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structuer.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<p>When the character was written successfuly, the function returns the character. When the function failed due to disk full or any error, an <tt>EOF (-1)</tt> will be returned.</p>
<p>When the FatFs is configured to Unicode API (<tt>_LFN_UNICODE == 1</tt>), the UCS-2 character is written to the file in UTF-8 encoding. If not the case, the byte will be written directly.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_putc() is a wrapper function of <a href="write.html">f_write()</a>.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_USE_STRFUNC</tt> is 1 or 2. When it is set to 2, a <tt>'\n'</tt> is converted to <tt>"\r\n"</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="puts.html">f_puts</a>, <a href="printf.html">f_printf</a>, <a href="gets.html">f_gets</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_puts</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_puts function writes a string to the file.</p>
int f_puts (
const TCHAR* <em>Str</em>, <span>/* String */</span>
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* File object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null terminated string to be written. The null character will not be written.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structure.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Value</h4>
<p>When the function succeeded, number of characters written that is not minus value is returned. When the function failed due to disk full or any error, an <tt>EOF (-1)</tt> will be returned.</p>
<p>When the FatFs is configured to Unicode API (<tt>_LFN_UNICODE == 1</tt>), the UCS-2 string is written to the file in UTF-8 encoding. If not the case, the byte stream will be written directly.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_puts() is a wrapper function of <a href="putc.html">f_putc()</a>.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_USE_STRFUNC</tt> is 1 or 2. When it is set to 2, <tt>'\n'</tt>s contained in the string are converted to <tt>"\r\n"</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="putc.html">f_putc</a>, <a href="printf.html">f_printf</a>, <a href="gets.html">f_gets</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_read</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_read function reads data from a file.</p>
FRESULT f_read (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file object structure */</span>
void* <em>Buffer</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the buffer to store read data */</span>
UINT <em>ByteToRead</em>, <span>/* Number of bytes to read */</span>
UINT* <em>ByteRead</em> <span>/* Pointer to the variable to return number of bytes read */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the buffer to store read data</dd>
<dd>Number of bytes to read in range of UINT.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the UINT variable to return number of bytes read. The value is always valid after the function call regardless of the result.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The function denied due to the file has been opened in non-read mode.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The file pointer of the file object increases in number of bytes read. After the function succeeded, <tt>*ByteRead</tt> should be checked to detect the end of file. In case of <tt>*ByteRead &lt; ByteToRead</tt>, it means the read/write pointer reached end of the file during read operation.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Always available.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="gets.html">fgets</a>, <a href="write.html">f_write</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_readdir</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_readdir function reads directory entries.</p>
FRESULT f_readdir (
DIR* <em>DirObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the open directory object */</span>
FILINFO* <em>FileInfo</em> <span>/* Pointer to the file information structure */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open directory object.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the file information structure to store the read item.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The directory object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_readdir function reads directory entries in sequence. All items in the directory can be read by calling f_readdir function repeatedly. When all directory entries have been read and no item to read, the function returns a null string into <tt>f_name[]</tt> member without any error. When a null pointer is given to the <tt>FileInfo</tt>, the read index of the directory object will be rewinded.</p>
<p>When LFN feature is enabled, <tt>lfname</tt> and <tt>lfsize</tt> in the file information structure must be initialized with valid value prior to use the f_readdir function. The <tt>lfname</tt> is a pointer to the string buffer to return the long file name. The <tt>lfsize</tt> is the size of the string buffer in unit of character. If either the size of read buffer or LFN working buffer is insufficient for the LFN or the object has no LFN, a null string will be returned to the LFN read buffer. If the LFN contains any charactrer that cannot be converted to OEM code, a null string will be returned but this is not the case on Unicode API configuration. When <tt>lfname</tt> is a NULL, nothing of the LFN is returned. When the object has no LFN, any small capitals can be contained in the SFN.</p>
<p>When relative path feature is enabled <tt>(_FS_RPATH == 1)</tt>, "." and ".." entries are not filtered out and it will appear in the read entries.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE &lt;= 1</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>Sample Code</h4>
FRESULT scan_files (char* path)
DIR dir;
int i;
char *fn;
#if _USE_LFN
static char lfn[_MAX_LFN * (_DF1S ? 2 : 1) + 1];
fno.lfname = lfn;
fno.lfsize = sizeof(lfn);
res = f_opendir(&amp;dir, path);
if (res == FR_OK) {
i = strlen(path);
for (;;) {
res = f_readdir(&amp;dir, &amp;fno);
if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break;
if (fno.fname[0] == '.') continue;
#if _USE_LFN
fn = *fno.lfname ? fno.lfname : fno.fname;
fn = fno.fname;
if (fno.fattrib &amp; AM_DIR) {
sprintf(&amp;path[i], "/%s", fn);
res = scan_files(path);
if (res != FR_OK) break;
path[i] = 0;
} else {
printf("%s/%s\n", path, fn);
return res;
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="opendir.html">f_opendir</a>, <a href="stat.html">f_stat</a>, <a href="sfileinfo.html">FILINFO</a>, <a href="sdir.html">DIR</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_rename</title>
<div class="para">
<p>Renames an object.</p>
FRESULT f_rename (
const TCHAR* <em>OldName</em>, <span>/* Pointer to old object name */</span>
const TCHAR* <em>NewName</em> <span>/* Pointer to new object name */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to a null-terminated string specifies the old <a href="filename.html">object name</a> to be renamed.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to a null-terminated string specifies the new object name without drive number.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the old name.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The new name is colliding with an existing name.</dd>
<dd>The new name could not be created due to any reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<dd>The function was rejected due to file shareing policy.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>Renames an object and can also move it to other directory. The logical drive number is determined by old name, new name must not contain a logical drive number. <em>Do not rename open objects</em>.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<span>/* Rename an object */</span>
f_rename("oldname.txt", "newname.txt");
<span>/* Rename and move an object to other directory */</span>
f_rename("oldname.txt", "dir1/newname.txt");
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<title>FatFs - DIR</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The <tt>DIR</tt> structure is used for the work area to read a directory by f_oepndir, f_readdir function. There is no member that can be changed by application.</p>
typedef struct {
FATFS* fs; <span>/* Pointer to the owner file system object */</span>
WORD id; <span>/* Owner file system mount ID */</span>
WORD index; <span>/* Directory index number to be read/write next */</span>
DWORD sclust; <span>/* Table start cluster (0:Root dir) */</span>
DWORD clust; <span>/* Current cluster */</span>
DWORD sect; <span>/* Current sector */</span>
BYTE* dir; <span>/* Pointer to the current SFN entry in the win[] */</span>
BYTE* fn; <span>/* Pointer to the SFN (in/out) {file[8],ext[3],status[1]} */</span>
#if _USE_LFN
WCHAR* lfn; <span>/* Pointer to the LFN working buffer */</span>
WORD lfn_idx; <span>/* Last matched LFN index (0xFFFF:No LFN) */</span>
} DIR;
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<title>FatFs - FATFS</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The <tt>FATFS</tt> structure holds dynamic work area of individual logical drives. It is given by application program and registerd/unregisterd to the FatFs module with f_mount function. Following members are in standard configuration. There is no member that can be changed from the application program.</p>
typedef struct {
BYTE fs_type; <span>/* FAT sub-type (0:Not mounted) */</span>
BYTE drv; <span>/* Physical drive number */</span>
BYTE csize; <span>/* Sectors per cluster (1,2,4...128) */</span>
BYTE n_fats; <span>/* Number of FAT copies (1,2) */</span>
BYTE wflag; <span>/* win[] dirty flag */</span>
BYTE fsi_flag; <span>/* fsinfo dirty flag */</span>
WORD id; <span>/* File system mount ID */</span>
WORD n_rootdir; <span>/* Number of root directory entries (FAT12/16) */</span>
#if _MAX_SS != 512
WORD ssize; <span>/* Sector size (512,1024,2048,4096) */</span>
_SYNC_t sobj; <span>/* Identifier of sync object */</span>
DWORD last_clust; <span>/* Last allocated cluster */</span>
DWORD free_clust; <span>/* Number of free clusters */</span>
DWORD fsi_sector; <span>/* fsinfo sector (FAT32) */</span>
DWORD cdir; <span>/* Current directory cluster (0:root) */</span>
DWORD n_fatent; <span>/* Number of FAT entries (= number of clusters + 2) */</span>
DWORD fsize; <span>/* Sectors per FAT */</span>
DWORD fatbase; <span>/* FAT area start sector */</span>
DWORD dirbase; <span>/* Root directory area start sector (FAT32: cluster#) */</span>
DWORD database; <span>/* Data area start sector */</span>
DWORD winsect; <span>/* Current sector appearing in the win[] */</span>
BYTE win[_MAX_SS]; <span>/* Disk access window for Directory, FAT (and Data on tiny cfg) */</span>
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<title>FatFs - FIL</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The FIL structure (file object) holds state of an open file. It is created by f_open function and discarded by f_close function. There is no member that can be changed by the application program except for <tt>cltbl</tt>. Note that a sector buffer is defined in this structure under non-tiny configuration so that the FIL structures should not be defined as auto variable.</p>
typedef struct {
FATFS* fs; <span>/* Pointer to the owner file system object */</span>
WORD id; <span>/* Owner file system mount ID */</span>
BYTE flag; <span>/* File status flags */</span>
BYTE pad1;
DWORD fptr; <span>/* File read/write pointer (Byte offset origin from top of the file) */</span>
DWORD fsize; <span>/* File size */</span>
DWORD org_clust; <span>/* File start cluster */</span>
DWORD curr_clust; <span>/* Current cluster */</span>
DWORD dsect; <span>/* Current data sector */</span>
DWORD dir_sect; <span>/* Sector containing the directory entry */</span>
BYTE* dir_ptr; <span>/* Ponter to the directory entry in the window */</span>
DWORD* cltbl; <span>/* Pointer to the cluster link map table */</span>
UINT lockid; <span>/* File lock ID */</span>
#if !_FS_TINY
BYTE buf[_MAX_SS]; <span>/* Data read/write buffer */</span>
} FIL;
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<title>FatFs - FILINFO</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The <tt>FILINFO</tt> structure holds a file information returned by f_stat and f_readdir function.</p>
typedef struct {
DWORD fsize; <span>/* File size */</span>
WORD fdate; <span>/* Last modified date */</span>
WORD ftime; <span>/* Last modified time */</span>
BYTE fattrib; <span>/* Attribute */</span>
TCHAR fname[13]; <span>/* Short file name (8.3 format) */</span>
#if _USE_LFN
TCHAR* lfname; <span>/* Pointer to the LFN buffer */</span>
int lfsize; <span>/* Size of LFN buffer [characters] */</span>
<dd>Indicates size of the file in unit of byte. This is always zero when it is a directory.</dd>
<dd>Indicates the date that the file was modified or the directory was created.<br>
<dd>Year origin from 1980 (0..127)</dd>
<dd>Month (1..12)</dd>
<dd>Day (1..31)</dd>
<dd>Indicates the time that the file was modified or the directory was created.<br>
<dd>Hour (0..23)</dd>
<dd>Minute (0..59)</dd>
<dd>Second / 2 (0..29)</dd>
<dd>Indicates the file/directory attribute in combination of <tt>AM_DIR</tt>, <tt>AM_RDO</tt>, <tt>AM_HID</tt>, <tt>AM_SYS</tt> and <tt>AM_ARC</tt>.</dd>
<dd>Indicates the file/directory name in 8.3 format null-terminated string. It is always returnd with upper case on non-LFN configuration but it can be returned with lower case on LFN configuration.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the LFN buffer to store the read LFN. This member must be initialized by application prior to use this structure. Not available on non-LFN configuration.</dd>
<dd>Size of the LFN buffer in unit of chars. This member must be initialized by application prior to use this structure. Not available on non-LFN configuration.</dd>
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<title>FatFs - f_stat</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_stat gets the file status.</p>
FRESULT f_stat (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file or directory name */</span>
FILINFO* <em>FileInfo</em> <span>/* Pointer to the FILINFO structure */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the <a href="filename.html">file or directory</a> to get its information.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the blank <tt>FILINFO</tt> structure to store the information.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file or directory.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_stat gets the information of a file or directory. For details of the infomation, refer to the <tt>FILINFO</tt> structure and <a href="readdir.html">f_readdir</a> function. This function is not supported in minimization level of &gt;= 1.</p>
<div class="para">
<p><tt><a href="opendir.html">f_opendir</a>, <a href="readdir.html">f_readdir</a>, <a href="sfileinfo.html">FILINFO</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_sync</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_sync function flushes the cached information of a writing file.</p>
FRESULT f_sync (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* Pointer to the file object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object to be flushed.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_sync function performs the same process as f_close function but the file is left opened and can continue read/write/seek operations to the file. This is suitable for the applications that open files for a long time in write mode, such as data logger. Performing f_sync of periodic or immediataly after f_write can minimize the risk of data loss due to a sudden blackout or an unintentional disk removal. However f_sync immediataly before f_close has no advantage because f_close performs f_sync in it. In other words, the differnce between those functions is that the file object is invalidated or not. </p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="close.html">f_close</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_truncate</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_truncate function truncates the file size.</p>
FRESULT f_truncate (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* Pointer to the file object */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object to be truncated.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The file has been opened in read-only mode.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_truncate function truncates the file size to the current file R/W point. When the file R/W pointer is already pointing end of the file, this function has no effect.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="lseek.html">f_lseek</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_unlink</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_unlink removes an object.</p>
FRESULT f_unlink (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em> <span>/* Pointer to the object name */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies an <a href="filename.html">object</a> to be removed.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file or directory.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The path name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The function was denied due to either of following reasons:
<ul><li>The object has read-only attribute</li><li>The directory is not empty.</li></ul></dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<dd>The function was rejected due to file shareing policy.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_unlink function removes an object. <em>Do not remove open objects and current directory</em>.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
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<title>FatFs - f_utime</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_utime function changes the timestamp of a file or directory.</p>
FRESULT f_utime (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file or directory path */</span>
const FILINFO* <em>TimeDate</em> <span>/* Time and data to be set */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies a <a href="filename.html">file or directory</a> to be changed.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the file information structure that has a timestamp to be set in member fdate and ftime. Do not care any other members.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_utime function changes the timestamp of a file or directory</p>
<div class="para">
FRESULT set_timestamp (
char *obj, <span>/* Pointer to the file name */</span>
int year,
int month,
int mday,
int hour,
int min,
int sec
fno.fdate = (WORD)(((year - 1980) * 512U) | month * 32U | mday);
fno.ftime = (WORD)(hour * 2048U | min * 32U | sec / 2U);
return f_utime(obj, &fno);
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="stat.html">f_stat</a>, <a href="sfileinfo.html">FILINFO</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_write</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_write writes data to a file.</p>
FRESULT f_write (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the file object structure */</span>
const void* <em>Buffer</em>, <span>/* Pointer to the data to be written */</span>
UINT <em>ByteToWrite</em>, <span>/* Number of bytes to write */</span>
UINT* <em>ByteWritten</em> <span>/* Pointer to the variable to return number of bytes written */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the open file object structure.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the data to be written.</dd>
<dd>Specifies number of bytes to write in range of UINT.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the UINT variable to return the number of bytes written. The value is always valid after the function call regardless of the result.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>The function denied due to the file has been opened in non-write mode.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The file object is invalid.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The read/write pointer in the file object is increased in number of bytes written. After the function succeeded, <tt>*ByteWritten</tt> should be checked to detect the disk full. In case of <tt>*ByteWritten &lt; ByteToWrite</tt>, it means the volume got full during the write operation. The function can take a time when the volume is full or close to full.</p>
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="putc.html">fputc</a>, <a href="puts.html">fputs</a>, <a href="printf.html">fprintf</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_chdir</title>
<div class="para">
FRESULT f_chdir (
const XCHAR* <em>Path</em> <span>/* ディレクトリ名へのポインタ */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>移動対象のディレクトリの<a href="filename.html">パス名</a>の入った<tt>'\0'</tt>で終わる文字列を指定します。</dd>
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
<p><tt>_FS_RPATH == 1</tt>のときに使用可能となります。</p>
<div class="para">
// カレント・ドライブのカレント・ディレクトリを変更 (ルート下のdir1へ)
// ドライブ2のカレント・ディレクトリを変更 (親ディレクトリへ)
<div class="para">
<p><tt><a href="chdrive.html">f_chdrive</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_chdrive</title>
<div class="para">
FRESULT f_chdrive (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* 論理ドライブ番号 */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>カレント・ドライブに設定する<a href="filename.html">論理ドライブ番号</a>を指定します。</dd>
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
<p><tt>_FS_RPATH == 1</tt>のときに使用可能となります。</p>
<div class="para">
<p><tt><a href="chdir.html">f_chdir</a></tt></p>
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<title>FatFs - f_chmod</title>
<div class="para">
FRESULT f_chmod (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span>/* ファイルまたはディレクトリ名へのポインタ */</span>
BYTE <em>Attribute</em>, <span>/* 設定値 */</span>
BYTE <em>AttributeMask</em> <span>/* 変更マスク */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>属性変更対象のファイルまたはディレクトリの<a href="filename.html">パス名</a>の入った<tt>'\0'</tt>で終わる文字列を指定します。</dd>
<table class="lst">
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
<p><tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt>で、且つ<tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>のとき使用可能です。</p>
<div class="para">
<span>/* リードオンリーをセット、アーカイブをクリア、その他は変更しない */</span>
f_chmod("file.txt", AM_RDO, AM_RDO | AM_ARC);
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<title>FatFs - f_close</title>
<div class="para">
FRESULT f_close (
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* ファイル・オブジェクトへのポインタ */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
<div class="para">
<tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="write.html">f_write</a>, <a href="sync.html">f_sync</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a>, <a href="sfatfs.html">FATFS</a></tt>
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<title>FatFs - disk_initialize</title>
<div class="para">
DSTATUS disk_initialize (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* 物理ドライブ番号 */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<div class="para">
<p>この関数は戻り値としてディスク・ステータスを返します。ディスク・ステータスの詳細に関しては<tt><a href="dstat.html">disk_status()</a></tt>を参照してください。</p>
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<title>FatFs - disk_ioctl</title>
<div class="para">
DRESULT disk_ioctl (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* 物理ドライブ番号 */</span>
BYTE <em>Command</em>, <span>/* 制御コマンド */</span>
void* <em>Buffer</em> <span>/* データ受け渡しバッファ */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
<table class="lst">
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<title>FatFs - disk_read</title>
<div class="para">
DRESULT disk_read (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, <span>/* 物理ドライブ番号 */</span>
BYTE* <em>Buffer</em>, <span>/* 読み出しバッファへのポインタ */</span>
DWORD <em>SectorNumber</em>, <span>/* 読み出し開始セクタ番号 */</span>
BYTE <em>SectorCount</em> <span>/* 読み出しセクタ数 */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>読み出すセクタ数。 1〜255の範囲で設定します</dd>
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
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<title>FatFs - disk_status</title>
<div class="para">
DSTATUS disk_status (
BYTE <em>Drive</em> <span>/* 物理ドライブ番号 */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dd>ドライブが初期化されていないことを示すフラグ。システム・リセットやメディアの取り外し等でセットされ、disk_initialize() の正常終了でクリア、失敗でセットされます。</dd>
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<title>FatFs - disk_write</title>
<div class="para">
DRESULT disk_write (
BYTE <em>Drive</em>, /* 物理ドライブ番号 */
const BYTE* <em>Buffer</em>, /* 書き込むデータへのポインタ */
DWORD <em>SectorNumber</em>, /* 書き込み開始セクタ番号 */
BYTE <em>SectorCount</em> /* 書き込みセクタ数 */
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>書き込むセクタ数。 1〜255で設定します。</dd>
<div class="para">
<dl class="ret">
<dt>RES_OK (0)</dt>
<div class="para">
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<title>FatFs - get_fattime</title>
<div class="para">
DWORD get_fattime (void);
<div class="para">
<dd>1980年を起点とした年が 0..127 で入ります。</dd>
<dd>月が 1..12 の値で入ります。</dd>
<dd>日が 1..31 の値で入ります。</dd>
<dd>時が 0..23 の値で入ります。</dd>
<dd>分が 0..59 の値で入ります。</dd>
<dd>秒/2が 0..29 の値で入ります。</dd>
<div class="para">
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<title>FatFs - ファイル・ディレクトリの指定方法</title>
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<p>FatFsモジュールは長いファイル名(LFN)および8.3形式ファイル名(SFN)に対応しています。LFNは、<tt>(_USE_LFN &gt; 0)</tt>のとき使用可能になります。DOS/Windowsとの違いは、ディレクトリ・セパレータと論理ドライブ番号の指定です。ディレクトリ・セパレータには / または \ を使用します。論理ドライブ番号は、'0'~'9'の一文字の数字とコロンで指定し、省略した場合はデフォルト・ドライブ(0またはカレント・ドライブ)が選択されます。</p>
<p>標準構成<tt>(_FS_RPATH == 0)</tt>のときは、全てのオブジェクトがルート・ディレクトリから辿る絶対パスで指定されます。OS指向なカレント・ディレクトリという概念は無く、またドット・ディレクトリ(&quot;.&quot;&quot;..&quot;)は使用できません。パス名先頭のセパレータは無視されます。デフォルト・ドライブ番号は常に0になります。</p>
<p>相対パスを有効<tt>(_FS_RPATH == 1)</tt>にしたときは、先行するセパレータの有無によって検索開始ディレクトリが変わり、セパレータがある場合はルート・ディレクトリから、無い場合は<a href="chdir.html">f_chdir関数</a>で設定されるカレント・ディレクトリからになります。またパス名にドット・ディレクトリが使用できます。デフォルト・ドライブ番号は<a href="chdrive.html">f_chdrive関数</a>で設定された値となります。</p>
<table class="lst2">
<tr><td>パス名</td><td>_FS_RPATH == 0</td><td>_FS_RPATH == 1</td></tr>
<tr class="lst3"><td>file.txt</td><td>ドライブ0のルート・ディレクトリ下のファイル</td><td>カレント・ドライブのカレント・ディレクトリ下のファイル</td></tr>
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<h2>Unicode API</h2>
<p>ファイル関数の入出力のうちファイル名やパス名を指定する引数の型は、<tt>TCHAR</tt>で定義されていますが、これは<tt>char</tt>のエリアスになっています。そして、<tt>_CODE_PAGE</tt>で指定される ANSI/OEMコード(SBCSまたはDBCS)の文字列として扱われます。ファイル名入出力をUnicodeとする構成(LFN構成で、かつ<tt>_LFN_UNICODE</tt>を 1)にしたときは、<tt>TCHAR</tt>はワイド文字(<tt>unsigned short</tt>)に切り替わり、パス名にUnicodeを使用するようになります。これにより LFNフル対応となり、ANSI/OEMコードにない文字(たとえば ✝☪✡☸☭など)も使用できます。この設定は文字列入出力関数のデータ型とエンコーディングにも影響を与えます。リテラル文字列を定義するとき、次に示すように<tt>_T(s)</tt>および<tt>_TEXT(s)</tt>マクロを使ってANSI/OEMとUnicodeを自動切り替えすることができます。</p>
f_open(fp, "filename.txt", FA_READ); <span>/* ANSI/OEM専用コード */</span>
f_open(fp, L"filename.txt", FA_READ); <span>/* Unicode専用コード */</span>
f_open(fp, _T("filename.txt"), FA_READ); <span>/* 両用コード */</span>
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<p>デフォルトの構成では、それぞれの論理ドライブは同じ番号の物理ドライブに1:1で結びつけられていて、物理ドライブの先頭の区画にあるボリュームがマウントされます。<tt>_MULTI_PARTITION</tt>に 1を指定すると、個々の論理ドライブに対して個別に物理ドライブ番号・区画を指定できるようになります。この構成では、論理ドライブと区画の対応を解決するためのテーブルを次に示すように定義する必要があります。</p>
const PARTITION Drives[] = {
{0, 0}, <span>/* Logical drive 0 ==> Physical drive 0, 1st partition */</span>
{0, 1}, <span>/* Logical drive 1 ==> Physical drive 0, 2nd partition */</span>
{0, 2}, <span>/* Logical drive 2 ==> Physical drive 0, 3rd partition */</span>
{1, 0} <span>/* Logical drive 3 ==> Physical drive 1 */</span>
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<title>FatFs - f_gets</title>
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TCHAR* f_gets (
TCHAR* <em>Str</em>, <span>/* バッファ */</span>
int <em>Size</em>, <span>/* バッファのサイズ */</span>
FIL* <em>FileObject</em> <span>/* ファイル・オブジェクト */</span>
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<p>この関数は<a href="read.html">f_read()</a>のラッパー関数です。読み出し動作は、最初の<tt>'\n'</tt>を読み込むか、ファイル終端に達するか、<tt>Size - 1</tt>文字を読み出すまで続きます。読み込まれた文字列の終端には<tt>'\0'</tt>が付加されます。既にファイル終端で1文字も読み込まれなかったとき、または何らかのエラーが発生したときは関数は失敗しヌル・ポインタを返します。ファイル終端かエラーかは<tt>f_eof()</tt>,<tt>f_error()</tt>マクロで調べられます。</p>
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<p><tt>_USE_STRFUNC</tt>が 1または 2のとき使用可能です。2のときは、ファイルに含まれる<tt>'\r'</tt>が取り除かれてバッファに読み込まれます。</p>
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<p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="read.html">f_read</a>, <a href="putc.html">f_putc</a>, <a href="puts.html">f_puts</a>, <a href="printf.html">f_printf</a>, <a href="close.html">f_close</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
<p class="foot"><a href="../00index_j.html">戻る</a></p>
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