Commit 3c417fb2 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

simple compass with tilt/roll compensation

parent b7c11346
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <pp-printf.h>
#include <LSM303C/lsm303c.h>
#include <usbdesc.h>
#include <sincos.h>
#define ACC_DEMO 0
#define MAG_DEMO 1
......@@ -65,6 +66,77 @@ void Delay(uint32_t dlyTicks)
while ((msTicks - curTicks) < dlyTicks);
#define COMPASS_R 50
#define COMPASS_X0 64
#define COMPASS_Y0 64
#define MAG_BUFSZ 10
int compass_app(void)
lsm303_smpl acc, mag;
lsm303_smpl mag_buf[MAG_BUFSZ];
int sum_x, sum_y, sum_z;
int pitch, roll, xh, yh;
unsigned int x2, y2, z2;
int x_comp, y_comp;
float xy_mean;
unsigned x_lcd, y_lcd;
char buf[50];
int i, j;
while(1) {
lsm303_get_sample(DEV_ACC, &acc);
lsm303_get_sample(DEV_MAG, &mag);
/* calculate pitch and roll from accelerometer */
x2 = acc.x * acc.x;
y2 = acc.y * acc.y;
z2 = acc.z * acc.z;
pitch = -small_atan(acc.x, small_sqrt(acc.y*acc.y + acc.z*acc.z));
roll = small_atan(acc.y, small_sqrt(acc.x*acc.x + acc.z*acc.z));
/* work with compass readout, first revert it because magnetic south is north */
mag.x *= -1;
mag.y *= -1;
mag.z *= -1;
mag_buf[i++] = mag;
/* calc mean readouts */
sum_x=0; sum_y=0; sum_z=0;
for(j=0; j<MAG_BUFSZ; ++j) {
sum_x += mag_buf[j].x;
sum_y += mag_buf[j].y;
sum_z += mag_buf[j].z;
mag.x = sum_x/MAG_BUFSZ;
mag.y = sum_y/MAG_BUFSZ;
mag.z = sum_z/MAG_BUFSZ;
/*now calculate heading based on MAG readout and pinch/roll*/
xh = mag.x*small_cos(pitch) + mag.z*small_sin(pitch);
yh = mag.x*small_sin(roll)*small_sin(pitch) + mag.y*small_cos(roll) - mag.z*small_sin(roll)*small_cos(pitch);
/* calculate x,y for compass in cartesian */
xy_mean = small_sqrt(xh*xh + yh*yh);
x_comp = COMPASS_R*yh / xy_mean;
y_comp = COMPASS_R*xh / xy_mean;
/* transform to LCD coordinates */
x_lcd = x_comp + COMPASS_X0;
y_lcd = -y_comp + COMPASS_Y0;
line(COMPASS_X0, COMPASS_Y0, x_lcd, y_lcd, 1);
* @brief Main function
......@@ -76,6 +148,7 @@ int main(void)
//uint8_t ret = 0;
//int16_t acc_x[2], acc_y[2], acc_z[2];
lsm303_smpl smpl, smpl2, mag_max, mag_min;
lsm303_smpl smpl_max;
/* Setup SysTick Timer for 1 msec interrupts */
if (SysTick_Config(CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_CORE) / 1000)) while (1);
......@@ -94,6 +167,10 @@ int main(void)
smpl_max.x = 0;
smpl_max.y = 0;
smpl_max.z = 0;
/* Infinite blink loop */
while (1) {
......@@ -112,16 +189,16 @@ int main(void)
// line(60, 60, x, y, 1);
spi_read(DEV_ACC, LSM303_WHO_AM_I_REG, (uint8_t*) &t);
pp_sprintf(buf, "who: 0x%x", (int8_t)t);
text(&font_helv17b, 5, 10, buf);
//spi_read(DEV_ACC, LSM303_WHO_AM_I_REG, (uint8_t*) &t);
//pp_sprintf(buf, "who: 0x%x", (int8_t)t);
//text(&font_helv17b, 5, 10, buf);
lsm303_get_sample(DEV_ACC, &smpl);
pp_sprintf(buf, "x:%d", smpl.x);
text(&font_helv17b, 5, 50, buf);
pp_sprintf(buf, "y:%d", smpl.y);
text(&font_helv17b, 5, 70, buf);
pp_sprintf(buf, "z:%d", smpl.z);
text(&font_helv17b, 5, 90, buf);
//pp_sprintf(buf, "x:%d", smpl.x);
//text(&font_helv17b, 5, 50, buf);
//pp_sprintf(buf, "y:%d", smpl.y);
//text(&font_helv17b, 5, 70, buf);
//pp_sprintf(buf, "z:%d", smpl.z);
//text(&font_helv17b, 5, 90, buf);
//sprintf(buf, "min: %d ; %d ; %d", mag_min.x, mag_min.y, mag_min.z);
......@@ -139,12 +216,13 @@ int main(void)
//text(&font_helv17, 5, 90, buf);
/* print compass samples to UART for hard/soft-iron calibration */
lsm303_get_sample(DEV_MAG, &smpl);
//lsm303_get_sample(DEV_MAG, &smpl);
sprintf(buf, "x:%d y:%d z:%d\n\r", smpl.x, smpl.y, smpl.z);
USBD_Write(USBDESC_EP_DATA_OUT, (void*)buf, strlen(buf), NULL);
......@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ int lsm303_init()
lsm303_enableaxis(DEV_ACC, 0x7);
lsm303_fifo_mode(DEV_ACC, LSM303_FMODE_BYPASS, 1);
lsm303_fifo_mode(DEV_ACC, LSM303_FMODE_BYPASS, 0);
lsm303_odr(DEV_ACC, LSM303_ACC_ODR_10_Hz);
lsm303_fullscale(DEV_ACC, LSM303_8G);
lsm303_odr(DEV_ACC, LSM303_ACC_ODR_50_Hz);
lsm303_odr(DEV_MAG, LSM303_MAG_ODR_20_Hz);
lsm303_opmode(DEV_MAG, LSM303_MAG_OPM_MED, LSM303_MAG_CONV_CONT);
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
#define DEV_ACC 0
#define DEV_MAG 1
#define LSM303_IRON_X 176
#define LSM303_IRON_Y 368
#define LSM303_IRON_Z 484
#define LSM303_IRON_X 403
#define LSM303_IRON_Y 431
#define LSM303_IRON_Z 588
/* Accelerometer & Magnetometer registers */
//#define LSM303_ACC_TEMP_L 0x0B
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