Commit f8eac71a authored by Michael Reese's avatar Michael Reese

eb_sim_core: saftlib runs with the simcore

parent c03f7a79
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ begin
constant stop_until_connected : integer := 1;
variable stb_cnt : integer := 0;
variable end_cycle : boolean := false;
variable end_cycle_request : boolean := false;
master_o.cyc <= '0';
master_o.stb <= '0';
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ begin
if master_o_end_cyc /= 0 then
end_cycle := true;
end_cycle_request := true;
end if;
master_o.cyc <= master_o_cyc;
master_o.stb <= master_o_stb;
......@@ -88,9 +89,13 @@ begin
if master_o_cyc = '1' and master_o_stb = '1' and master_i_stall = '1' and master_i_ack = '1' then stb_cnt := stb_cnt - 1; end if;
if master_o_cyc = '1' and master_o_stb = '0' and master_i_ack = '1' then stb_cnt := stb_cnt - 1; end if;
counter <= stb_cnt;
if stb_cnt > 0 and end_cycle_request then
end_cycle_request := false;
end_cycle := true;
end if;
if master_i_end_cyc /= 0 then
end_cycle := true;
end_cycle_request := true;
end if;
if master_i.err = '1' and master_o_cyc = '1' then
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