Commit ec7602d7 authored by Mathias Kreider's avatar Mathias Kreider

EBM: fixed bogus TX data injection when send is called on empty EB data

parent 90d405a9
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ signal s_slave_stall,
r_slave_ack : std_logic;
signal send_now,
r_tx_send_now : std_logic; -- queued version
......@@ -223,13 +224,14 @@ begin
s_tx_push <= (tx_cyc and tx_stb and not master_i.stall);
op_fifo_pop <= (s_tx_push or send_now) and r_pop_cmd and not op_fifo_empty;
op_fifo_push <= ((slave_i.cyc and slave_i.stb and not s_slave_stall) or s_tx_send_now) and not op_fifo_full;
op_fifo_push <= ((slave_i.cyc and slave_i.stb and not s_slave_stall) or ( s_tx_send_now and s_not_idle)) and not op_fifo_full;
op_fifo_d(31 downto 0) <= slave_i.dat when slave_i.we = '1'
else slave_i.adr;
op_fifo_d(32) <= s_tx_send_now;
--prolong tx_send_now if the buffer is full until it can be written
s_tx_send_now <= r_tx_send_now or tx_send_now_i;
s_not_idle <= '0' when r_state = S_IDLE else '1';
-- send must be in order, so it comes from the op buffer
send_now <= op_fifo_q(32) when op_fifo_empty = '0' else '0';
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