Commit cb8c807e authored by Mathias Kreider's avatar Mathias Kreider

ebm: quick hack to fix Dietrich's no response problem

parent 818aeed2
......@@ -272,7 +272,14 @@ begin
-- Output Mux
r_eb_hdr <= c_eb_init;
r_eb_hdr.magic <= c_eb_init.magic;
r_eb_hdr.ver <= c_eb_init.ver;
r_eb_hdr.res1 <= c_eb_init.res1;
r_eb_hdr.no_response <= cfg_rec_hdr_i.res1;
r_eb_hdr.probe_res <= c_eb_init.probe_res;
r_eb_hdr.probe <= c_eb_init.probe;
r_eb_hdr.addr_size <= c_eb_init.addr_size;
r_eb_hdr.data_size <= c_eb_init.data_size;
OMux : with r_state select
master_o.dat <= op_fifo_q(31 downto 0) when s_WRITE | s_READ,
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