diff --git a/etherbone.lua b/etherbone.lua
index f91ed877da5b925d9edbe7030a7888ed5150d9a7..d7f780e54f58cc5d67febfd396d4fb421abd44b2 100644
--- a/etherbone.lua
+++ b/etherbone.lua
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ eb.hdr_magic		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.magic",		"Magic         ", base.HEX, n
 eb.hdr_ver		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.ver",	 	"Version       ", base.DEC, nil, 0xF000)
 eb.hdr_proberep		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.proberes", 		"Probe Reply   ", base.DEC, VALS_BOOL, 0x0200)
 eb.hdr_probereq		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.probereq", 		"Probe Flag    ", base.DEC, VALS_BOOL, 0x0100)
+eb.hdr_noreads		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.noreads", 		"No Reads      ", base.DEC, VALS_BOOL, 0x0100)
 eb.hdr_adrs		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.adrw", 		"Address Width ", base.DEC, VALS_SIZE , 0x00F0)
 eb.hdr_ports		= ProtoField.uint16("eb.hdr.portw", 		"Port    Width ", base.DEC, VALS_SIZE , 0x000F)
@@ -121,8 +122,9 @@ function proto_eb.dissector(buf, pinfo, tree)
 			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_magic, 	buf(0,2))                      -- magic
 			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_ver, 		buf(2,2))                      -- version
-			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_proberep, 	buf(2,2))                      -- probe
-			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_probereq, 	buf(2,2))                      -- probe
+			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_proberep, 	buf(2,2))                      -- probe response
+			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_probereq, 	buf(2,2))                      -- probe request
+			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_noreads, 	buf(2,2))                      -- no reads
 			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_adrs, 	buf(2,2))                      -- supported addr size
 			t_hdr:add( eb.hdr_ports, 	buf(2,2))                      -- supported port size
diff --git a/spec/spec.tex b/spec/spec.tex
index 99f8e806d125c9c7f59a97d94edecebaef1f5879..9b8c3d15bda0b22a51dbbe7739f97701d7fb4475 100644
--- a/spec/spec.tex
+++ b/spec/spec.tex
@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ Section~\ref{sec:eb-master}.
 \subsection{Config Space}
+!!! always bigendian
 In addition to remote bus access, 
 Etherbone also provides a configuration space.
 This config space is used to specify transmission parameters,
@@ -321,6 +323,9 @@ where they can be handled by the EB core/code and invisible to the WB bus.
 \subsection{Bus Widths}
+!!! discuss width in header => port width
+    as opposed to operation width using select lines
 In Wishbone, 
 a bus may have a port width that is 8/16/32/64 bits wide.
 Thus, a master in one WB bus might write 32-bits at a time,
@@ -745,7 +750,8 @@ conforming Etherbone hardware or software implementation.
   \bitheader{0,4,7,8,16} \\
   \bitbox{16}{\nameref{field:Magic} (0x4E6F)}  \\
   \bitbox{4}{\nameref{field:Version}} &
-  \colorbitbox{\reserved}{2}{} &
+  \colorbitbox{\reserved}{1}{} &
+  \bitbox{1}{\rotatebox{90}{\small \nameref{field:NR}}} &
   \bitbox{1}{\rotatebox{90}{\small \nameref{field:PR}}} &
   \bitbox{1}{\rotatebox{90}{\small \nameref{field:PF}}} &
   \bitbox{4}{\nameref{field:AddrSz}} &
@@ -855,6 +861,12 @@ device should appear in the \nameref{field:AddrSz} and \nameref{field:PortSz} fi
 The \nameref{field:Version} field should contain the largest of the
 requested version and the supported version.
+\paragraph{NR} \label{field:NR}
+!!! fixme !!!
+The No-Reads flag (NR) is used to indicate ...
 \paragraph{AddrSz} \label{field:AddrSz}
 In principle,