diff --git a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_2_wb_converter.vhd b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_2_wb_converter.vhd
index f0110bddf2e682675ae7c64482bdcb3c653a7f05..a4e434ac108e3da7a7e78d4778e3c4211a8369ba 100644
--- a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_2_wb_converter.vhd
+++ b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_2_wb_converter.vhd
@@ -435,15 +435,12 @@ begin
                                                         report "EB: MALFORMED PACKET" severity note;
                                                         --eb hdr seems valid, prepare answering packet. Prefill RX buffer
-                                                        if(unsigned(s_rx_fifo_gauge) > 3) then
-                                                             s_state_RX   <= CYC_HDR_REC;
-                                                            s_state_TX   <= EB_HDR_INIT; 
-                                                        else  
-                                                          --report "EB: Waiting for buffer ..." severity note;
-                                                        end if;
+                                                        s_state_TX   <= EB_HDR_INIT; 
                                                         if(s_EB_RX_HDR.PROBE = '1') then -- no probe, prepare cycle reception
-                                                                s_state_RX   <= EB_HDR_PROBE_ID ;
-                                                                s_state_TX   <= EB_HDR_INIT;    
+                                                            s_state_RX   <= EB_HDR_PROBE_ID ;
+																		  else
+																				s_state_RX   <= CYC_HDR_REC;
                                                         end if;   
                                                     end if;
@@ -492,7 +489,7 @@ begin
                                                     end if;
-                    when CYC_HDR_READ_GET_ADR   =>  if(s_rx_fifo_am_empty = '0') then
+                    when CYC_HDR_READ_GET_ADR   =>  if(s_rx_fifo_empty = '0') then
                                                         s_state_RX               <= WB_READ_RDY;
                                                     end if;
@@ -527,11 +524,7 @@ begin
                     when ERROR                  =>  s_state_TX  <= IDLE;
                                                     s_state_RX   <= IDLE;
-                                                    if((s_EB_RX_HDR.VER             /= c_EB_VER)                -- wrong version
-                                                        OR (s_EB_RX_HDR.ADDR_SIZE     /= c_MY_EB_ADDR_SIZE)                    -- wrong size
-                                                        OR (s_EB_RX_HDR.PORT_SIZE     /= c_MY_EB_PORT_SIZE))    then
-                                                        s_state_TX   <= ERROR;
-                                                    end if;
                     when others                 =>  s_state_RX   <= IDLE;
                 end case;
diff --git a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_RX_CTRL.vhd b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_RX_CTRL.vhd
index 9e96216b2d0b92fe0e3c1337a1a0230696e7d8f5..5f512da77289e8406932e2bd3cc480a86f05aff0 100644
--- a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_RX_CTRL.vhd
+++ b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_RX_CTRL.vhd
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ signal RX_HDR_slv : std_logic_vector(c_IPV4_HLEN*8-1 downto 0) 		;
 --shift register input and control signals
   signal byte_count : natural range 0 to 1600;
   signal counter_comp : natural range 0 to 1600;
+  signal s_timeout_cnt : unsigned(14 downto 0);
+alias  a_timeout     : unsigned(0 downto 0) is s_timeout_cnt(s_timeout_cnt'left downto s_timeout_cnt'left);  
   signal eop : natural range 0 to 1600;	
@@ -296,8 +297,21 @@ begin
 	end if;
 end process;
+timeout : process(clk_i)
+	if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+		--Counter: Timeout
+		-- reset timeout if idle          
+		if((nRST_i = '0') or (state = IDLE)) then
+			 --s_timeout_cnt <= (others => '1');
+			 s_timeout_cnt <= to_unsigned(5000, s_timeout_cnt'length);
+		else
+			 s_timeout_cnt <= s_timeout_cnt -1;  
+		end if;
+	end if;
+end process;
@@ -427,21 +441,24 @@ begin
 					when chk	=>	parser_wait <= '1';
-								if((IPV4_RX.DST = my_ip_i or IPV4_RX.DST = c_BROADCAST_IP) and IPV4_RX.PRO = c_PRO_UDP)then								
-									if(UDP_RX.DST_PORT = my_port_i) then								
-										report("RX: hdr parsed successfully, handing over payload ...") severity note;
-										parse <= done;
-									else
-										report("RX: wrong port") severity warning;
-										parse <= errors;
-									end if;  				
-								else
-									report("RX: not addressed to my IP") severity warning;
+								if(IPV4_RX.PRO = c_PRO_UDP) then
+									--if((IPV4_RX.DST = my_ip_i) or (IPV4_RX.DST = c_BROADCAST_IP)) then								
+										if(UDP_RX.DST_PORT = my_port_i) then								
+											report("RX: hdr parsed successfully, handing over payload ...") severity note;
+											parse <= done;
+										else
+											report("RX: wrong port") severity warning;
+											parse <= errors;
+										end if;  				
+									--else
+									--	report("RX: not addressed to my IP") severity warning;
 									--	parse <= errors;
-									--parse <= errors;
-										parse <= done;
-								end if;
+									--end if;
+								else
+									report("RX: Non UDP packet") severity warning;
+									parse <= errors;
+								end if;		
 					when done	=>	--parser_wait <= '1';
 								valid_o <= '1';
 								if(parser_reset = '1') then		
@@ -466,71 +483,85 @@ begin
 			state <= IDLE;
-			snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '0';
-			parser_reset <= '0';
-			case state is
+			--no timeout? Good, run FSM
+			if(a_timeout = "0") then	
+				snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '0';
+				parser_reset <= '0';
+				case state is
+						when IDLE 	=> 	
+									if(snk_i.cyc = '1' AND snk_i.adr = c_WRF_DATA) then
+										--snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '0';
+										state <= HEADER;								
+									end if;	
+						when HEADER 	=> 	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
+											report("Header was aborted") severity warning; 										
+											state <= ERRORS;
+										else
+										 if(parse = DONE) then
+											eop <= (counter_comp  + to_integer(unsigned(IPV4_RX.IHL)*4) + to_integer(unsigned(UDP_RX.MLEN)) -2);
+											state <= PAYLOAD;
+										 --snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '1';
+									  else
+										 if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
+											  report("RX: packet hdr aborted") severity warning; 											
+											  state <= ERRORS;										
+										 end if;
+										 if(parse = errors) then
+											  report("Not a valid Eth frame") severity warning; 											
+											  state <= ERRORS;										
+										 end if;		
+									  end if;
+									end if;								 	 
+						when PAYLOAD	=>	if(byte_count <  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) then
-					when IDLE 	=> 	
-								if(snk_i.cyc = '1' AND snk_i.adr = c_WRF_DATA) then
-									--snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '0';
-									state <= HEADER;								
-								end if;	
-					when HEADER 	=> 	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
-									   report("Header was aborted") severity warning; 										state <= ERRORS;
-									else
-									 if(parse = DONE) then
-									   eop <= (counter_comp  + to_integer(unsigned(IPV4_RX.IHL)*4) + to_integer(unsigned(UDP_RX.MLEN)) -2);
-									   state <= PAYLOAD;
-									 --snk_hdr_fsm_STALL <= '1';
-								  else
-									 if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
-										  report("RX: packet hdr aborted") severity warning; 											state <= ERRORS;										
-									 end if;
-									 if(parse = errors) then
-										  report("Not a valid Eth frame") severity warning; 											state <= ERRORS;										
-									 end if;		
-								  end if;
-								end if;								 	 
-					when PAYLOAD	=>	if(byte_count <  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) then
-									if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
-									report("RX:  runt frame (< 64)") severity warning; 										state <= ERRORS;
-									elsif(byte_count =  eop AND snk_i.STB = '1' AND snk_payload_conv.stall = '0') then
-										state <= PADDING;
-									end if;
-								else
-										if(byte_count =  eop AND snk_i.STB = '1' AND snk_payload_conv.stall = '0')  then
-										    state <= DONE; 
-										--elsif(byte_count >  eop AND ) then
-									--		report("RX: frame too long") severity warning; 												state <= ERRORS;
-									--	else
-									--		report("RX: frame cut short") severity warning; 											state <= ERRORS;
+										if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
+										report("RX:  runt frame (< 64)") severity warning; 										state <= ERRORS;
+										elsif(byte_count =  eop AND snk_i.STB = '1' AND snk_payload_conv.stall = '0') then
+											state <= PADDING;
 										end if;
-									--end if;
+									else
+											if(byte_count =  eop AND snk_i.STB = '1' AND snk_payload_conv.stall = '0')  then
+												 state <= DONE; 
+											--elsif(byte_count >  eop AND ) then
+										--		report("RX: frame too long") severity warning; 												state <= ERRORS;
+										--	else
+										--		report("RX: frame cut short") severity warning; 											state <= ERRORS;
+											end if;
+										--end if;
-								end if;	  					
-					when PADDING	=>	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then									
-										if(byte_count =  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END +2) then 												state <= DONE; 
-										elsif(byte_count > c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END +2) then
-											report("RX: frame too long") severity warning; 												state <= ERRORS;
-										else
-											report("RX: frame cut short") severity warning; 											state <= ERRORS;
-										end if;
-									end if;
-					when DONE	=>	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then 
-					               parser_reset <= '1';  state <= IDLE;
-					             end if;  
-					when ERRORS     =>	parser_reset <= '1'; state <= IDLE;
- 					when others     =>	parser_reset <= '1'; state <= IDLE;
-			end case;
+									end if;	  					
+						when PADDING	=>	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then									
+													if(byte_count =  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END +2) then 												
+														state <= DONE; 
+													elsif(byte_count > c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END +2) then
+														report("RX: frame too long") severity warning; 												
+														state <= ERRORS;
+													else
+														report("RX: frame cut short") severity warning; 											
+														state <= ERRORS;
+													end if;
+												end if;
+						when DONE		=>	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then 
+													parser_reset <= '1';  state <= IDLE;
+												end if;  
+						when ERRORS     =>	if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then 
+														parser_reset <= '1';  state <= IDLE;
+													end if;
+						when others     =>	parser_reset <= '1'; state <= IDLE;
+				end case;
+			else
+				--timeout. something went seriously wrong, reset
+				parser_reset <= '1'; state <= IDLE;
+			end if;
 		end if;
 	end if;
 end process;
diff --git a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_TX_CTRL.vhd b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_TX_CTRL.vhd
index a190b01ea364ebb8a79ab09e2d3ccc7b1a6412e8..e336748b950fad7db5ed0a8e8271a229941c409e 100644
--- a/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_TX_CTRL.vhd
+++ b/hdl/EB_SPEC_Test/EB_TX_CTRL.vhd
@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ signal TX_HDR_slv : std_logic_vector(c_IPV4_HLEN*8 -1 downto 0);
 --shift register output and control signals
 signal byte_count : natural range 0 to 1600;
 signal counter_comp : natural range 0 to 1600;
+signal s_timeout_cnt : unsigned(14 downto 0);
+alias  a_timeout     : unsigned(0 downto 0) is s_timeout_cnt(s_timeout_cnt'left downto s_timeout_cnt'left);  
@@ -333,6 +335,20 @@ uut: WB_bus_adapter_streaming_sg generic map (   g_adr_width_A => 32,
+																 timeout : process(clk_i)
+	if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+		--Counter: Timeout
+		-- reset timeout if idle          
+		if((nRST_i = '0') or (state = IDLE)) then
+			 --s_timeout_cnt <= (others => '1');
+			 s_timeout_cnt <= to_unsigned(5000, s_timeout_cnt'length);
+		else
+			 s_timeout_cnt <= s_timeout_cnt -1;  
+		end if;
+	end if;
+end process;
 main_fsm : process(clk_i)
@@ -376,111 +392,113 @@ begin
-			ld_hdr 				<= '0';
-			sh_hdr_en 	  		<= '0';
-			ld_p_chk_vals			<= '0';
-			sh_chk_en				<= '0';
-			calc_chk_en				<= '0';
-			case state is
-				when IDLE 			=>  	state_mux			<= NONE;
-									if(valid_i = '1') then
-										ETH_TX.DST  	<= reply_MAC_i;
-										IPV4_TX.DST	<= reply_IP_i;
-										IPV4_TX.TOL	<= TOL_i;
-										UDP_TX.MLEN	<= payload_len_i;	
-										UDP_TX.DST_PORT	<= reply_PORT_i;
-										ld_p_chk_vals	<= '1';
-										state 	<= CALC_CHKSUM;		
-									end if;
+			if(a_timeout = "0") then	
+				ld_hdr 				<= '0';
+				sh_hdr_en 	  		<= '0';
-				when CALC_CHKSUM	=>		if(chksum_empty = '0') then
-										sh_chk_en <= '1';
-										calc_chk_en 	<= '1';
-									else
-										if(chksum_done = '1') then
-											IPV4_TX.SUM	<= IP_chk_sum;
-											ld_hdr 	<= '1';
-											state 	<= WAIT_SEND_REQ;
-										end if;
-									end if;	
+				ld_p_chk_vals			<= '0';
+				sh_chk_en				<= '0';
+				calc_chk_en				<= '0';
-				when WAIT_SEND_REQ	=>		if(wb_slave_i.CYC = '1') then
-									  state 		<= PREP_ETH;
-										state_mux	<= HEADER;
+				case state is
+					when IDLE 			=>  	state_mux			<= NONE;
+										if(valid_i = '1') then
+											ETH_TX.DST  	<= reply_MAC_i;
+											IPV4_TX.DST	<= reply_IP_i;
+											IPV4_TX.TOL	<= TOL_i;
+											UDP_TX.MLEN	<= payload_len_i;	
+											UDP_TX.DST_PORT	<= reply_PORT_i;
+											ld_p_chk_vals	<= '1';
+											state 	<= CALC_CHKSUM;		
+										end if;
+					when CALC_CHKSUM	=>		if(chksum_empty = '0') then
+											sh_chk_en <= '1';
+											calc_chk_en 	<= '1';
+										else
+											if(chksum_done = '1') then
+												IPV4_TX.SUM	<= IP_chk_sum;
+												ld_hdr 	<= '1';
+												state 	<= WAIT_SEND_REQ;
+											end if;
+										end if;	
+					when WAIT_SEND_REQ	=>		if(wb_slave_i.CYC = '1') then
+										  state 		<= PREP_ETH;
+											state_mux	<= HEADER;
+										end if;
+					when PREP_ETH		=>	
+							  TX_HDR_slv(TX_HDR_slv'left downto TX_HDR_slv'length-c_ETH_HLEN*8) <= to_std_logic_vector(ETH_TX);
+										 s_ETH_end <= c_ETH_HLEN -2;
+										 ld_hdr <= '1';
+									state 		<= ETH;			
+					when ETH		=>	
+									s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
+									if(byte_count = s_ETH_end and src_i.stall = '0') then
+										TX_HDR_slv <= to_std_logic_vector(IPV4_TX);
+										ld_hdr <= '1';									
+										state 		<= IPV4;
+										s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
 									end if;
-				when PREP_ETH		=>	
-				        TX_HDR_slv(TX_HDR_slv'left downto TX_HDR_slv'length-c_ETH_HLEN*8) <= to_std_logic_vector(ETH_TX);
-								    s_ETH_end <= c_ETH_HLEN -2;
-								    ld_hdr <= '1';
-								state 		<= ETH;			
-				when ETH		=>	
-								s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
-								if(byte_count = s_ETH_end and src_i.stall = '0') then
-									TX_HDR_slv <= to_std_logic_vector(IPV4_TX);
-									ld_hdr <= '1';									
-									state 		<= IPV4;
-									s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
-								end if;
-				when IPV4		=> 	s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
-								if((byte_count = (s_ETH_end + c_IPV4_HLEN)) and src_i.stall = '0') then
-									TX_HDR_slv(TX_HDR_slv'left downto TX_HDR_slv'length-c_UDP_HLEN*8) <= to_std_logic_vector(UDP_TX);
-									ld_hdr <= '1';									
-									state 		<= UDP;
-									s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
-								end if;
-				when UDP		=> 	s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
-								if(byte_count = (s_ETH_end + c_IPV4_HLEN + c_UDP_HLEN) and src_i.stall = '0') then
-									state 		<= HDR_SEND;
-									s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
-								end if;	
-				when HDR_SEND		=> 	state_mux    	<= PAYLOAD;
-								state 		<= PAYLOAD_SEND;		
-				when PAYLOAD_SEND	=>  	if( s_src_payload_o.cyc = '0') then
-									if(byte_count  <  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) then
-										state 		<= PADDING;
-										state_mux 	<= PADDING;	
-									else
-										state 		<= WAIT_IFGAP;
-										state_mux 	<= NONE;
+					when IPV4		=> 	s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
+									if((byte_count = (s_ETH_end + c_IPV4_HLEN)) and src_i.stall = '0') then
+										TX_HDR_slv(TX_HDR_slv'left downto TX_HDR_slv'length-c_UDP_HLEN*8) <= to_std_logic_vector(UDP_TX);
+										ld_hdr <= '1';									
+										state 		<= UDP;
+										s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
+									end if;
+					when UDP		=> 	s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '1';
+									if(byte_count = (s_ETH_end + c_IPV4_HLEN + c_UDP_HLEN) and src_i.stall = '0') then
+										state 		<= HDR_SEND;
+										s_src_hdr_o.stb <= '0';
+									end if;	
+					when HDR_SEND		=> 	state_mux    	<= PAYLOAD;
+									state 		<= PAYLOAD_SEND;		
+					when PAYLOAD_SEND	=>  	if( s_src_payload_o.cyc = '0') then
+										if(byte_count  <  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) then
+											state 		<= PADDING;
+											state_mux 	<= PADDING;	
+										else
+											state 		<= WAIT_IFGAP;
+											state_mux 	<= NONE;
+										end if;
+									end if;	
+					when PADDING	=>  		 s_src_padding_o.stb <= '1';
+												 if((byte_count  =  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) and src_i.stall = '0') then
+									 s_src_padding_o.stb <= '0'; 					
+										 state 	  <= WAIT_IFGAP;
+										state_mux <= NONE;	
 									end if;
-								end if;	
+					when WAIT_IFGAP		=>	--ensure interframe gap
+									--if(counter_ouput < 10) then
+									--	counter_ouput 	<= counter_ouput +1;
+									--else
+										state 		<= IDLE;
+									--end if;
+					when others =>			state <= IDLE;			
-				when PADDING	=>  		 s_src_padding_o.stb <= '1';
-				                      if((byte_count  =  c_ETH_FRAME_MIN_END) and src_i.stall = '0') then
-        				       s_src_padding_o.stb <= '0'; 					
-  									 state 	  <= WAIT_IFGAP;
-									state_mux <= NONE;	
-								end if;
-				when WAIT_IFGAP		=>	--ensure interframe gap
-								--if(counter_ouput < 10) then
-								--	counter_ouput 	<= counter_ouput +1;
-								--else
-									state 		<= IDLE;
-								--end if;
-				when others =>			state <= IDLE;			
-			end case;
+				end case;
+			else
+				state <= IDLE;		
+			end if;
 		end if;